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Thursday Island Trip

Converted from Wildcat! database. (read only)
Rick Harper

Thursday Island Trip

Post by Rick Harper » Fri Feb 17, 2012 10:46 pm

Chapter Heads ... Please pass this on to your members ... thanks !

G'day Everyone !

Some of you may remember, last year in June a bunch of aircraft
participated in an "Outback Odyssey" to Ayers Rock & back (Sydney) , ...
stopping at many interesting destinations along the way ... and had a
GREAT TIME in the process !

Well, a few of us were going to the Langley Park Fly - In, directly
after the National Convention at Wagga (& Narromine for all the
Ultralighters) .... but Langley has fallen foul of the great demon
"Insurance" ............

so ...........

There were talks afoot to have an adventure type "fly away" ongoing on a
yearly basis anyway ... so ...
it has been suggested that as Langley Park has fallen through , we
organise a trip for those who were looking forward to the Perth trip
.... and Thursday Island was the last main contender for the honours !!!

So here's the deal :

Hands Up all those who would like to participate in a group sojourn to
Thursday Island & Back !

( there will be a bunch of us starting in Sydney, .. but there's no
stopping others starting somewhere further afield and having Sydney as a
stopover point along the way ... OR ... others joining in as we
"migrate" through your general vicinity :-)

Here are some of the outlining guidelines / rules of engagement :

Starting & Finishing Dates : 21st of April to 4th of May (2 weeks) ...
( this is in concrete ! )

START / FINISHING POINTS : There will be a bunch of us starting from /
after the SAAA National
Convention at
Wagga, but you can start & leave the trip anywhere you like !

ITINERARY : We will be stopping at many interesting places along the way
.. there and back .... and NOW is
the time to put in your "two cents worth" ....If
you have a particular place you'd like to see or
can recommend from past experience PLEASE STICK
(& send me an e-mail with your desires /
recommendations ) ...

For example ; I would like to see places like
Longreach (ala QANTAS fame), the Jabiru factory,
World War 2 aircraft sites & memorable
places (not sure where they are as yet
though :-) Land on Fraser Island & stay a night or
two, Daintree Forest etc, etc.

ACCOMMODATION : There is NO RULE here,.... at the end of February, we
will have a fair idea of how
many aircraft will be attending,
and the places the group will be stopping over at ,.....
the committee will then set the
itinerary early March and notify all participants of the
PLANNED stopover points along
the way and the dates at each stopping point.
*** The committee will recommend a "preferred" accommodation site /
venue at each
destination .... (in order to keep the "group atmosphere" happening),...
but it is not
mandatory that you or your "crew" stay
there !
ALSO ; the committee will endeavour to try
and find an activity of interest at each
stop over point for all to participate in
........ ( if they so desire )

NOTE : It will be up to the individual aircraft Owner / UP.I.CO. /
Leader, to contact each
destination point & arrange accommodation for
you & your co-aviators ... and to
book any group activities therein.

So don't miss out this time ! ...
( the last trip was a HOOT !!! :-)

Contact Rick Harper at with your expressions
of interest in this trip & I'll add your name to our " Thursday
Island Trip " mailing list ! :-)

Please include : A) Your NAME & contact details
CO) Your aircraft's CRUISE SPEED & SAFE
range - capable at that speed

Yours Excitedly

" Biggus "

( Rick )

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