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duplicate wooden props

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duplicate wooden props

Post by wrayt » Fri Feb 17, 2012 9:37 pm

FYI (this is a cross post from the airsoob group)

Richard McCall wrote:
Got an expensive prop that you'd like to have a extra
of "just in case", but don't want to lay out the heavy
bucks to buy a second one?

I found a source to duplicate wooden props for $125
each! The $125 covers the cost of the stock wood and
materials. One of the local EAA guys here in Dallas
just built an industrial prop duplicator and he needs
to build up his prop patterns.

So he came up with the idea of duplicating any wooden
prop he doesn't have for basically the cost of
materials and turning the prop around in a matter of a
few days. Les says, this way he will be able to build
up the prop patterns he doesn't have and the prop
owner gets a very inexpense duplicate of his prop.

The prop is never used other than to be put on an
industrial sized duplicating machine, cut and sent
back to the owner with the duplicate prop without a
mark. Thats because he uses a 6" plastic circle as a
tracing device on the original prop. The duplicate
is carved next to the original, then sanded and
finished. What you get is a brand new finished
duplicate of your original prop and the original back.
Les makes a second duplicate before finishing with the
original prop ... this one goes in to his stack of
pattern props. Once he has a copy of all of the most
popular wooden props, he can make any prop he anyone
wants for a lot less than you could buy a new prop

Les asked me to put this out and see if anyone is
interested. If there is a lot of response, Les will
be able to build his patterns up rather quickly. That
also means I can obtain test props from his patterns
to test my planetary redrive without having to borrow
someone's prop and taking a chance of it getting
damaged and having to replace an expensive prop.

Having built airplanes and props for a number of
years, Les mentioned that one of the major problems in
building your own aircraft is that you wind up going
through 3-4 props before you find the one that works
well for you and these things can get expense.
However, if you had a way to duplicate the one that
worked well without having to pay full price for
another prop, then you wouldn't worry so much about
rocks and loose stuff on the runway everytime you
wanted to go fly.

If you think this is for you, give Les Palmer a call
at (72) 241-4387 and talk to him. If you have any
concerns about Les, I can tell you he is a straight up
honest guy and there is no need to worry. I've known
him since 1994 and I'd take his word over any written
contract any day of the week and twice on Sunday ...
(as a matter of fact I do do that quit often).

If you can't use this offer, pass it on to someone who
can. Add this message to the thread that ran on props.
Last time I checked, you couldn't even get a wall
ornament Propeller for that price!!!


Richard McCall
Trophy Club, TX
KR2SXL Builder w/Subaru 2.2L

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