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"Soviet" Prop Weights

Converted from Wildcat! database. (read only)
Wayne G. O'Shea

"Soviet" Prop Weights

Post by Wayne G. O'Shea » Fri Feb 17, 2012 9:22 pm

Well I'm "up", but the "about" part really tires me out quickly!! Over did
it a bit by driving out and picking up FOKM's owner at Midland airport
yesterday, so he could fly her out of here on wheels back to Ottawa. My mind
says get in the shop, but If I'm smart I think I will stay close to the
couch today!

I guess the V520 will make a great float prop at 106 1/4"!? Might have to
find out more about it, such as to whether I could whack 5 " off each end
and readjust the pitch angles to make up for the lost blade surface! The
other concern is that according to the prop log, it looks like, it weighs 49
kilo's = ~108lbs! Unfortunetly, with the current state of my body I can't
lift it onto a scale to comfirm this!!

Anyone have a weight for that 94.5" wood V530 propellor on the M14P as
installed by Murphy?

Wayne G. O'Shea

----- Original Message -----
From: "Bob Patterson" <>
To: <>
Sent: Friday, November 16, 2001 11:23 PM
Subject: Re: Prop diameters

Hi Wayne !

Glad you're up and about !! Hope it wemt well, and you ARE
taking it easy !!!! ;-)

I was told that prop was 96", but it seems that was an inaccurate
translation, and 94.5 is closer to reality. With the shorter SR2500
gear legs, it definitely made me nervous, but there was no problem
with clearance with the longer legs. A side benefit is that it lands
much nicer with the longer legs - I guess the higher angle gives a
better stall for smooth 3 pointers. I never had enough nerve to try
wheel landings - in fact, for a long time, I took off with the tail
low, just to be sure ! (and that was with the larger tires ..)

I spoke to several M-14 pilots at Sun 'n Fun, and the consensus
was as mentioned in one of the recent posts - the 2 blade prop that
is on the SR3500 is not the best prop for that engine, BUT it IS the
cheapest (at about $6,000 !). Everyone who had tried them agreed that
the larger diameter 3 blade MT was a FAR better prop - BUT it was
over twice the price !!!! That situation may have changed, but the
price and the extra length were both major deterrents for several
SR builders ....

Not sure how you'd make out with that 106"-er ..... you
might indeed need some really big tires !! ;-)


At 10:13 AM 11/16/01 -0500, you wrote:
Thanks Scott, Mike, John, etc for the prop information. One slip up on my
part! The prop I have is a V520/7 not a V530. Mine is all aluminum, the
is wood. Measured it again this morning and it is definitely over 106"
though. Each blade length from tip to the hub collar is 46 inches long
the hub is just over 14 inches outside collar to outside collar, for a
of 106" +.

Wayne G. O'Shea

----- Original Message -----
From: "Scott & Leere' Aldrich" <>
To: <>
Sent: Friday, November 16, 2001 12:03 AM
Subject: Prop diameters

Those numbers are supposed to be with the new gear legs and the two
prop. My understanding is that the V530 is 2.4 meters or about 94.5
I am looking at the MT 3 blade prop that is 98 inches.


-----Original Message-----

Scott, are those numbers with the M14P's 2-blade wooden prop and the
SR3500 gear legs??? Do you know the length of the M14's prop?

I ask, as I'm now the owner of a partially completed SR, and if I take
completion will be most likely installing the M462RF (315HP) that I
with it, along with the V530 metal 2 blade prop that is 106" long (2"
than 9 feet!). I am curious about sufficient clearance when wheel

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Scott & Leere' Aldrich

"Soviet" Prop Weights

Post by Scott & Leere' Aldrich » Fri Feb 17, 2012 9:22 pm

90# for V-530 without a spinner, which makes it about 20# heavier than the
three blade MT (steel hub on the 530, aluminum on the MT and WW)

-----Original Message-----
From: []On Behalf Of
Wayne G. O'Shea
Sent: Saturday, November 17, 2001 7:51 AM
Subject: "Soviet" Prop Weights

Well I'm "up", but the "about" part really tires me out quickly!! Over did
it a bit by driving out and picking up FOKM's owner at Midland airport
yesterday, so he could fly her out of here on wheels back to Ottawa. My mind
says get in the shop, but If I'm smart I think I will stay close to the
couch today!

I guess the V520 will make a great float prop at 106 1/4"!? Might have to
find out more about it, such as to whether I could whack 5 " off each end
and readjust the pitch angles to make up for the lost blade surface! The
other concern is that according to the prop log, it looks like, it weighs 49
kilo's = ~108lbs! Unfortunetly, with the current state of my body I can't
lift it onto a scale to comfirm this!!

Anyone have a weight for that 94.5" wood V530 propellor on the M14P as
installed by Murphy?

Wayne G. O'Shea

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Wayne G. O'Shea

"Soviet" Prop Weights

Post by Wayne G. O'Shea » Fri Feb 17, 2012 9:22 pm

Thanks Scott, didn't figure it would be only 18 pounds lighter considering
the wood blades vs aluminum of mine. SO kind of like the difference between
a W.Drive and a Sensenich on a plain Rebel and shouldn't be a big deal if my
prop weight per the logs is correct!

Once I weigh it, and get a real weight, I may think different. When I lugged
the two blades wrapped together out of the couriers van and then the hub
(still inside one of George Coy's rolling suitcases) on the second trip, I
have a feeling that the total weight may be more than 108lbs! If a friend
drops by I will get them to lift the parts onto the scale to confirm, as I
will blow my hernia "repair" work if I try!

At this point in time I don't even know for sure if I will be taking this SR
to completion (was in the middle of getting a Rebel going for my wife
AGAIN), or selling "as is" in the future, let alone if the M462 that I have
will end up on the nose. Apparently different prop spline between the two
engines (but not confirmed) so props not interchangable etc, and the M462
runs slower and is geared different than the M14 anyway, so the M14's prop
might not (probably won't) work on the M462. I've always said <IF> I did
build an SR it would end up with an IO-540 x 300 HP on the nose, but when
you have a Radial to stare at in the corner of the shop it gets you


----- Original Message -----
From: "Scott & Leere' Aldrich" <>
To: <>
Sent: Saturday, November 17, 2001 11:11 AM
Subject: RE: "Soviet" Prop Weights

90# for V-530 without a spinner, which makes it about 20# heavier than the
three blade MT (steel hub on the 530, aluminum on the MT and WW)

-----Original Message-----
From: []On Behalf Of
Wayne G. O'Shea
Sent: Saturday, November 17, 2001 7:51 AM
Subject: "Soviet" Prop Weights

Well I'm "up", but the "about" part really tires me out quickly!! Over did
it a bit by driving out and picking up FOKM's owner at Midland airport
yesterday, so he could fly her out of here on wheels back to Ottawa. My
says get in the shop, but If I'm smart I think I will stay close to the
couch today!

I guess the V520 will make a great float prop at 106 1/4"!? Might have to
find out more about it, such as to whether I could whack 5 " off each end
and readjust the pitch angles to make up for the lost blade surface! The
other concern is that according to the prop log, it looks like, it weighs
kilo's = ~108lbs! Unfortunetly, with the current state of my body I can't
lift it onto a scale to comfirm this!!

Anyone have a weight for that 94.5" wood V530 propellor on the M14P as
installed by Murphy?

Wayne G. O'Shea

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