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File Attachments

Converted from Wildcat! database. (read only)
Mike Davis

File Attachments

Post by Mike Davis » Fri Feb 17, 2012 9:21 pm

I have had to disable the option to attach files to messages for the lists. The primary reason for this is that they are not being handled correctly in the message digests. For the 170+ members who receive a copy of each message, the attachments come through just fine... but for the 60+ members who choose to receive digests containing 10 messages at a time, all they get is pages and pages of garbage.

A secondary reason for turning this feature off is complaints I have received from some members who don't like having large downloads.

In the future please upload all files to the web site and comment in your message that the file greatpic.jpg has been uploaded for anyone interested.

Last... all this great modern software, and the system only supports DOS naming conventions. To put that simply... 8.3. All files must have a name with only 8 characters berfore the period and only 3 after. If your file has a longer name the system will automatically truncate it to the 8.3 format. Just wanted to point this out so nobody directed the list to look for the file named "Beautiful float installation.jpg" when the server will have renamed it to "beauti~1.jpg".

Thanks, Mike

Mike Davis

File attachments

Post by Mike Davis » Fri Feb 17, 2012 10:34 pm

Please post any files that you wish to share with the list to the file libraries... do not send them as message attachments. Those 1 meg files take a long time to push out the pipe when you multiply them by about 200! The worst thing though is when members who still connect with a dial up modem have to try and download them. The list message conference is configured to strip any attachments, so the file is lost when the message is archived anyway... it's best to upload it to an appropriate file area, then just put the location in your message.

Thanks, Mike
