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Aviation Humor!

Converted from Wildcat! database. (read only)
Wayne G. O'Shea

Aviation Humor!

Post by Wayne G. O'Shea » Fri Feb 17, 2012 9:02 pm

Thought I would pass on a little humour. I think the "Keep thy aispeed
up----" applies specifically to the Rebel!


Aviation Humor From A Bygone Year >

Good advice for any pilot...sorta basic common
sense from years gone by.

Keep the aeroplane in such an attitude that the
air pressure is directly
in the pilot's face.
-Horatio C. Barber, 1916

When a flight is proceeding incredibly well,
something was forgotten.
Robert Livingston,

Flying The Aeronca The only time an aircraft has
too much fuel on board
is when it is on fire.
- Sir Charles Kingsford Smith, sometime before his
death in the 1920's

Flexible is much too rigid, in aviation you have
to be fluid.
- Verne Jobst

If you can't afford to do something right, then be
darn sure you can
afford to do it wrong.
- Charlie Nelson

Just remember, if you crash because of weather,
your funeral will be
held on a sunny day.
- Layton A. Bennett

I hope you either take up parachute jumping or
stay out of single
motored,airplanes at night.
- Charles A. Lindbergh, to Wiley! Post, 1931

Never fly the 'A' model of anything.
- Ed Thompson

Never fly anything that doesn't have the paint
worn off the rudder
- Harry Bill

Keep thy airspeed up, less the earth come from
below and smit thee.
- William Kershner

When a prang seems inevitable, endeavour to strike
the softest, cheapest
object in the vicinity, as slowly and gently as
advice given to RAF pilots during W.W.II.

Instrument flying is when your mind gets a grip on
the fact that there
is vision beyond sight.
- U.S. Navy 'Approach' magazine circa W.W.II.

Always keep an 'out' in your hip pocket.
- Bevo Howard

The Cub is the safest airplane in the world; it
can just barely kill
- attributed to Max Stanley, Northrop test pilot

A pilot who doesn't have any fear probably isn't
flying his plane to its
- Jon McBride, astronaut

If you're faced with a forced landing, fly the
thing as far into the
crash as possible.
- Bob Hoover

It occurred to me that if I did not handle the
crash correctly, there
would be no survivors.
- Richard Leakey, after engine failure in a single
Nairobi, Africa,1993

If an airplane is still in one piece, don't cheat
on it. Ride the dog
- Ernest K. Gann, advice from the 'old pelican'

Though I Fly Through the Valley of Death I Shall
Fear No Evil For I am
80,000 feet and Climbing.
- sign over the entrance to the SR-71 operating
location on Kadena AB,

You've never been lost until you've been lost at
Mach 3.
- Paul F. Crickmore,

The emergencies you train for almost never happen.
It's the one you
can't train for that kills you.
- Ernest K. Gann, advice from the 'old pelican'

If you want to grow old as a pilot, you've got to
know when to push it,
and when to back off.
- Chuck Yeager

Never fly in the same cockpit with someone braver
than you.
- Richard Herman Jr, 'Firebreak'

There is no reason to fly through a thunderstorm
in peacetime.
- Sign over squadron ops desk at Davis-Monthan
AFB, AZ, 1970.

An airplane might disappoint any pilot but it'll
never surprise a good
- Len Morgan

To most people, the sky is the limit. To those
who love aviation, the
sky is home.

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Aviation Humor!

Post by SWSLOANLK » Fri Feb 17, 2012 9:02 pm


Thanks for the bits of Aviation Humor. On a side note, I knew Ernest Gann
personaly, and flew him on a number of occasions between his home on San Juan
Island and Seattle Washington in my 182 Skylane.He was a person of many
interests, and quite a pilot.

Could you give me the distance from the underside of the rebel wing to the
ground on your float equip Rebel with the wheels down. I am getting close to
mounting my 1800 ,s and need this distance to see if the wing will go over a
small office/shop in my hangar.

Steve Sloan 536R

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