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ELTs and PLBs

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Mike Davis

ELTs and PLBs

Post by Mike Davis » Sun Feb 19, 2012 6:03 pm

Just want to point out that the sub $300 McMurdo FastFind PLB "does not"
include a built in GPS... the model with the GPS built in is the FastFind
Plus, and runs more in the $700 range.

Now, onto my soap box. As a mission pilot in Civil Air Patrol, I'm always
amazed at how little many pilots understand about their ELTs. The SAR
satellites stopped listening to 121.5 in Feb of 2009... they only listen for
406 MHz now. But, many of the aircraft used for search and rescue do not
have the ability to track 406... we're still using good ole 121.5 direction
finding gear, or the simple build fade method on our comm radio. Heck,
unless we have a Becker tracking unit in the aircraft, we can't even tune a
radio to 406 to listen!

So, if you have a 406 ELT... first thing is to register it! Please, please,
please register it. Second... if it doesn't have a built in GPS, please
connect it to your GPS if you use one. Even a hand held can be connected to
a 406 ELT in most cases.

With the old 121.5 ELTs we could pick up the signal on a typical comm radio
from about 30 miles out. The new 406 ELTs also broadcast on 121.5
simultaneously, but at a greatly reduced power... typically we need to be
within 3 miles before we can hear the 121.5 signal on a 406 ELT.

If you're in rugged terrain, even the "improved" 406 ELT will still
multipath... meaning the SAR satellite fix won't be as accurate, and we
might not get a fix within 3 miles of your position... meaning we'll have to
fly a grid until we happen upon you or your signal. So please hook up that
GPS so we get good position information right away.

The other reason to hook up the GPS is if you don't provide GPS coordinates
in your 406 datagram, then the SAR satellite uses the same triangulation
methods used with 121.5... which means 90-120 minutes typical before they
can give us a descent fix.

The last ELT search I was on in the Alaska range we had 4 ELT hits by the
time we got in the air... so figure about 2 hours after the accident before
we were enroute.. the hits were spread out over an area about 60 miles North
to South, and 170 miles East to West... so that's 10,200 square miles. It
turns out the reason the hits were spread out so much was because the ELT
was not transmitting the proper warble tone... we didn't even recognize it
when we first heard it. It took us about 3 hours to find the wreck, and
then another 20 minutes to get back out close enough to civilization to
contact the Rescue Coordination Center... large areas of Alaska are still
radio blind! So best guess was 5.5 to 6 hours after the accident before RCC
new where the accident was to send a helicopter in! Fortunately in this
accident, nobody was hurt... just a lot of bent metal.

Bottom line, an unregistered, non-GPS connected 406 ELT isn't better than an
old 121.5 ELT... it worse!

When I fly in Alaska I have a Spot unit in track mode on the glare shield,
and a 406 PLB with built in GPS in my pocket... no matter what the aircraft
ELT is.

Down off the soap box.


----- Original Message -----
From: "Ken" <>
To: <>
Sent: Monday, February 22, 2010 9:30 AM
Subject: Re: [rebel-builders] Anxious passengers

Before she experiences a bumpy flight or it becomes routine.
She will appreciated it more on long flights but they are best avoided
for awhile. Cost discussions can get sticky so they must always be
avoided but a successful builder already knows that.
A smooth evening dusk flight home after dinner is particularly soothing.

"I wanted you to try this special headset. Supposed to be the most
comfortable one in the world." Avoid mentioning that she is worth it, or
deserves the best, as that is an opening for the dreaded cost discussion.

Tactics change if you already bought two of them ;(
In that case you may have to take her to the vendor and enlist his
professional sales assistance. Avoid a female sales person though.

Or there is always hardball. Give her the most uncomfortable painful
headset you can find until she mentions it first. If that doesn't bring
quick results, get a friend to mention their new amazing headset.

Did I tell you about the 406mhz PLB that my wife got for Christmas?
So she never has to worry. Or worst case can collect any life insurance
quickly.... OK risky - but one has to show due consideration ;)

Actually the $300. McMurdo Fast find PLB with gps is worth a look for
anyone in the market. Puts out a very quick position and travels in my
shirt pocket so it is with me when I exit the wreckage. There is some
extensive third party test results on the web. Did I mention it can also
be used for hiking Ron? - must be considerate eh?


Ron Shannon wrote:
Your point is (and was) well taken, Ralph. Lots of calm time getting in
adjusted... seat, belt, headset, etc. Advance warning of the runnup shake
rattle & roll, advising when engine RPM was about to decrease, etc. She
most apprehensive about high bank angles. I tried to analogize bank angle
a sailboat heeling over going to windward. That wouldn't work with most,
she's an excellent, experienced ocean sailor so that helped a bit, and
got into the chart, compass and navigation. Still, I never banked over 10
deg. No matter, it's good practice to "fly gentle" now and then.

As for your last point, how long should I wait before mentioning her
Zulu ANR headset was purchased at the NW Aviation Show just the day


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