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Static Port Location

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Static Port Location

Post by steenson » Fri Feb 17, 2012 10:28 pm

According to Murphy's FAQ:

Q. Where should I install my air speed indicator static source

A. A perfect spot to get the ambient pressure for the ASI has proved to be the
forward cabin side skin (just ahead of the door) on both sides of the aircraft.

Has this indeed proven to be the case? The forward side skins slope slightly
inward, so won't they pick up some RAM air effect?


Jeffrey Steenson

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Mike Kimball

Static Port Location

Post by Mike Kimball » Fri Feb 17, 2012 10:28 pm

Rob and I in Fairbanks agree with your assessment of the sloping forward
skins, so we put ours in the forward door posts. Murphy's demonstrator has
them in the sloping skins forward of the door posts. I have no idea about
the accuracy of their instruments though. Perhaps the slope is small enough
to not make a noticeable difference.


-----Original Message-----
From: [] On Behalf Of
Sent: Monday, October 07, 2002 12:35 PM
Subject: Static Port Location

According to Murphy's FAQ:

Q. Where should I install my air speed indicator static source

A. A perfect spot to get the ambient pressure for the ASI has proved to be
forward cabin side skin (just ahead of the door) on both sides of the

Has this indeed proven to be the case? The forward side skins slope
inward, so won't they pick up some RAM air effect?


Jeffrey Steenson

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Static Port Location

Post by Legeorgen » Fri Feb 17, 2012 10:28 pm

MAM's static air in the pitot tube never worked right for me. After much experimentation with it, I final just disconnected it and gave up!

Bruce 357R

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Bob Patterson

Static Port Location

Post by Bob Patterson » Fri Feb 17, 2012 10:28 pm

It certainly DOESN'T work on my Rebel !!! Even with little
aluminum deflector rings, I indicate 20-30 mph while idling on
the ground !!! :-(

I have had good luck with other Rebels by simply using
cabin air - forget the external static ! There is a bit of a
jump when you open the windows, but it settles right down again,
and is quite useable.

If you REALLY want a good static, you might have to go to
a probe mounted on the front of the vertical fin, like high-performance
gliders use ! ;-) (These are an L shaped tube, with slots.)


At 12:35 PM 10/7/02 -0800, you wrote:
According to Murphy's FAQ:

Q. Where should I install my air speed indicator static source

A. A perfect spot to get the ambient pressure for the ASI has proved to be the
forward cabin side skin (just ahead of the door) on both sides of the aircraft.

Has this indeed proven to be the case? The forward side skins slope slightly
inward, so won't they pick up some RAM air effect?


Jeffrey Steenson

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Bob Patterson

Static Port Location

Post by Bob Patterson » Fri Feb 17, 2012 10:28 pm

One reason it won't work is: you have to drill an inlet hole
in the side/bottom of the outer tube - they ship completely sealed !!!


At 10:41 PM 10/7/02 EDT, you wrote:
MAM's static air in the pitot tube never worked right for me. After much
experimentation with it, I final just disconnected it and gave up!

Bruce 357R
FACE="Arial" LANG="0">MAM's static air in the pitot tube never worked right
for me. After much experimentation with it, I final just disconnected it and
gave up!<BR>
Bruce 357R</FONT></HTML>

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Static Port Location

Post by Legeorgen » Fri Feb 17, 2012 10:28 pm

Hi Bob,

Thanks for the conformation on the non effective static for the MAM supplied pitot tube. When I talked to MAM they acted like I was the first guy to have that problem. I fiddled around with rings in different locations and never got any thing to work. I finally disconnected the static and went with cabin air.

Don't miss read me, I think MAM is a great company and a great airplane. I Had the same response from Skystar about some issues and I think they make a great kit as well. I just don't understand why the manufacturers always act like you're the first guy to have a problem. Everyone I've talked to has never been able to get a correct static reading from MAM's system. Why do they still sell it?

Just a note for those of you that may not have heard. Skystar, the manufacturer of the Kitfox, has filed for chapter 11. I have been intimate with this company for many years and was really disappointed at this news. They are one of the better kit plane manufacturers in this business and have always been a stand up company that backed and supported their product. If a company like this cannot make it, what does it say about the industry?

Bruce 357R

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Static Port Location

Post by Legeorgen » Fri Feb 17, 2012 10:28 pm


What do you mean "drill a hole in the side/bottonm of the tube"? The tube already has four static holes drilled in it. The installation instructions and MAM never mentioned drilling a new hole.

Bruce 357R

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Robert and Olga Johnson

Static Port Location

Post by Robert and Olga Johnson » Fri Feb 17, 2012 10:28 pm

Just a quick note on static ports.- I went for the ones on either side just ahead of the door posts in hopes they would equalize the pressures in a side slip. They work great. In checking with a GPS my airspeed indicator does read between 8 to 10 MPH too fast in the 120MPH area with a progressive decrease in error as you slow down. I am sure my error is from a slight suction created by the dome heads of the hollow rivets I used as the ports.-They are really hard to find on the outside of the aircraft. My plan is to flatten off the heads and check again. My annual is coming up on the weekend-I will do it then-Just been having to much fun flying.-Rebel "652" (90.4 Hrs and 46 passengers to date)

Al & Deb Paxhia

Static Port Location

Post by Al & Deb Paxhia » Fri Feb 17, 2012 10:28 pm

I was told the static port in the pitot never has worked but they haven't had a chance to fix it!
----- Original Message -----
From: (
To: (
Sent: Tuesday, October 08, 2002 5:32 PM
Subject: Re: Static Port Location


What do you mean "drill a hole in the side/bottonm of the tube"? The tube already has four static holes drilled in it. The installation instructions and MAM never mentioned drilling a new hole.

Bruce 357R


Static Port Location

Post by LisaFly99 » Fri Feb 17, 2012 10:28 pm

In a message dated 10/8/02 7:28:51 PM Central Daylight Time, writes:

Thanks for the conformation on the non effective static for the MAM supplied pitot tube. When I talked to MAM they acted like I was the first guy to have that problem. I fiddled around with rings in different locations and never got any thing to work. I finally disconnected the static and went with cabin air.
I went with a (Topflight Design Group), Inc pitot-static head. It's a blade style pitot head with the static ports built in, easy instilation, clean looks, very reasonably priced. Don't know if they have a web page. Address is
Topflight Design Group, Inc
Box 86
Hampton, CT

Phil&Lisa Smith

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Drew Dalgleish

Static Port Location

Post by Drew Dalgleish » Fri Feb 17, 2012 10:28 pm

The static port in the Murphy pitot tube works fine for me.
At 05:55 PM 10/8/2002 -0700, you wrote:
I was told the static port in the pitot never has worked but they
haven't had a chance to fix it! ----- Original Message ----- From: To: Sent: Tuesday, October
08, 2002 5:32 PM Subject: Re: Static Port Location

What do you mean "drill a hole in the side/bottonm of the tube"? The
tube already has four static holes drilled in it. The installation
instructions and MAM never mentioned drilling a new hole.

Bruce 357R

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Static Port Location

Post by steenson » Fri Feb 17, 2012 10:28 pm

Dear Bob,

I can see where the cabin-vented static source will work just fine under moost
circumstances. But what do you say to the inspector when he sees the encoder
so rigged? or the controller for that matter when you open the window to chase
out the fly!


-> It certainly DOESN'T work on my Rebel !!! Even with little
-> aluminum deflector rings, I indicate 20-30 mph while idling on
-> the ground !!! :-(
-> I have had good luck with other Rebels by simply using
-> cabin air - forget the external static ! There is a bit of a
-> jump when you open the windows, but it settles right down again,
-> and is quite useable.
-> If you REALLY want a good static, you might have to go to
-> a probe mounted on the front of the vertical fin, like high-performance
-> gliders use ! ;-) (These are an L shaped tube, with slots.)
-> .....bobp
-> ---------------------------------orig.--------------------------------
-> At 12:35 PM 10/7/02 -0800, you wrote:
-> >According to Murphy's FAQ:
-> >
-> >Q. Where should I install my air speed indicator static source
-> >
-> >A. A perfect spot to get the ambient pressure for the ASI has proved to be
-> >forward cabin side skin (just ahead of the door) on both sides of the
-> >
-> >Has this indeed proven to be the case? The forward side skins slope
-> >inward, so won't they pick up some RAM air effect?
-> >
-> >Thanks,
-> >
-> >Jeffrey Steenson
-> >
-> >
-> >
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Bob Patterson

Static Port Location

Post by Bob Patterson » Fri Feb 17, 2012 10:28 pm

Hi Bruce !

This is a change, then. All of the tubes I've seen here
didn't have ANY holes in the outer (static) tube - that's why
they didn't work !!

Can you blow air freely through the static line, out those
holes ??

In any case, that tube fastens to the leading edge of the
wing - everything I've read says the best place for a pitot is
about 4" below the wing, about 1/3 of the way back the chord.

This makes the top stru fairing a pretty good place to mount
a bracket to hold a 5/16" I.D. tube about 6" or 8" long. The plastic
tube off the back can run under the fairing and down the strut,
so it's easy to run up to the indicator. The large diameter pitot tube
helps to compensate for the large range of angles that the Rebel
flies at.


Sorry to hear about SkyStar - they were a pretty decent outfit.
Perhaps yet another "white knight" will appear to save them !

At 08:32 PM 10/8/02 EDT, you wrote:

What do you mean "drill a hole in the side/bottonm of the tube"? The tube
already has four static holes drilled in it. The installation instructions
and MAM never mentioned drilling a new hole.

Bruce 357R
FACE="Arial" LANG="0">Bob, <BR>
What do you mean "drill a hole in the side/bottonm of the tube"? The tube
already has four static holes drilled in it. The installation instructions
and MAM never mentioned drilling a new hole.<BR>
Bruce 357R </FONT></HTML>

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Bob Patterson

Static Port Location

Post by Bob Patterson » Fri Feb 17, 2012 10:28 pm

Hi Jeffrey !

Not a problem for <me> !!! ;-) ;-^) :-)

I don't fly IFR, and I've always said that " a transponder
will be the LAST thing I ever buy !!! I refuse to spend my money
so THEY can tell where I am - and fine me if I screw up !!!! "

I'd MUCH rather spend my money on a good GPS, so <I>
can tell where I am !! ;-)

I've flown over quite a bit of North America, and it
<IS> still possible to go from coast to coast WITHOUT a transponder ....
or even a radio, although that's a bit more difficult now ! :-)

In fact, we're planning to do just that next summer, on
Rebel Ramble '03 - dip a toe in both oceans ! Everyone's invited
to fly along - we're going West in early July, for Arlington, then
East in late August, for Stanley, NS.


Sorry - just couldn't resist ! I know you folks who need
transponders have a real problem with static location - hope there
will be someone here who can help.

At 07:43 PM 10/8/02 -0800, you wrote:
Dear Bob,

I can see where the cabin-vented static source will work just fine under moost
circumstances. But what do you say to the inspector when he sees the encoder
so rigged? or the controller for that matter when you open the window to chase
out the fly!


-> It certainly DOESN'T work on my Rebel !!! Even with little
-> aluminum deflector rings, I indicate 20-30 mph while idling on
-> the ground !!! :-(
-> I have had good luck with other Rebels by simply using
-> cabin air - forget the external static ! There is a bit of a
-> jump when you open the windows, but it settles right down again,
-> and is quite useable.
-> If you REALLY want a good static, you might have to go to
-> a probe mounted on the front of the vertical fin, like high-performance
-> gliders use ! ;-) (These are an L shaped tube, with slots.)
-> .....bobp
-> ---------------------------------orig.--------------------------------
-> At 12:35 PM 10/7/02 -0800, you wrote:
-> >According to Murphy's FAQ:
-> >
-> >Q. Where should I install my air speed indicator static source
-> >
-> >A. A perfect spot to get the ambient pressure for the ASI has proved to be
-> >forward cabin side skin (just ahead of the door) on both sides of the
-> >
-> >Has this indeed proven to be the case? The forward side skins slope
-> >inward, so won't they pick up some RAM air effect?
-> >
-> >Thanks,
-> >
-> >Jeffrey Steenson
-> >
-> >
-> >
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-> >
-> >

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Terry Dazey

Static Port Location

Post by Terry Dazey » Fri Feb 17, 2012 10:28 pm

What do you mean "drill a hole in the side/bottonm of the tube"? The tube
already has four static holes drilled in it. The installation instructions
and MAM never mentioned drilling a new hole.

I took a peek at mine (it hasn't been permanently installed yet). The one I
have is the MAM optional pitot/static type that screws or rivets directly to
the leading edge of the wing (I think MAM said between 5 and 6 bays outboard).
Mine has one small #40 hole diriied in the bottom of the main tube.

I obviously haven't had a chance to try it yet as my project is not complete.

I just thought I would let you know what I received from MAM. Appoligise for
not providing you with more information than that.

Terry Dazey
Rebel 662

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