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Notes from the Rebel Builders Group today at Brampton

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Michael Dowhan

Notes from the Rebel Builders Group today at Brampton

Post by Michael Dowhan » Fri Feb 17, 2012 10:24 pm

<!doctype html public "-//w3c//dtd html 4.0 transitional//en"> We had a good meeting if a little sparsely attended. One of the discussions we got into was how to keep interested and going on the project when other things seem to get in the way. Here is what I took down.
Rebel Builders Tips
  • do something every day
  • get help , Working -- Together Everybody Accomplishes More -- TEAM
  • get an inventory list going so you can find stuff when it is needed. Wray Thompson has an inventory list to help e-mail him
  • Take one piece at a time
  • Do it at home - means you get more done
  • commit to at least 1 hr a day and see the results
  • avoid interruptions
  • use post it notes for reminder at the end of one day for the next.
  • when finished on a part add next details on part to save time (use pen post its etc)
  • take a camera everywhere and shoot details of other builders work
  • take every opportunity to collect odd nuts bolts and washers (mentioned half washers and odd size bolts) you never know when you willl need them.
That all I have.
Happy building and I can really say that 1 hr at a time does achieve something better than moaning. I went in the garage tonight and was drilling holes in no time, hope they were in the right place.
Mike Dowhan Rebel 392.
Milton Ontario

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Bob Patterson

Notes from the Rebel Builders Group today at Brampton

Post by Bob Patterson » Fri Feb 17, 2012 10:24 pm

Thanks for posting this so quickly Mike !!

I'm really pleased that the meeting topic worked for you !!!
Congratulations on getting back at it !! Hopefully there are
several more happy Rebel builders back at work after a great summer ! :-)

Hope some of these tips will encourage others !

We will have a Fabric Covering Session on Sunday, October 6th,
at 1 pm, at the RAA Hangar. Everyone is encouraged to bring a flapperon
(or 2), some fabric, an iron, a meat thermometer, and your Polyfiber
supplies, and we'll have some fun trying our hands at covering ! :-)

We'll try to have at least one chapter expert on hand, and
all of you who have already "Done That", PLEASE come on out and help
show the rest of us the way !!!

The next regular Rebel Builders meeting is on Sunday,
November 10th, at 1 pm. . There is a VERY good chance that our
guest speaker will be Mr. Darryl Murphy !!!! We have arranged to
move into the hangar if there's a big crowd - please bring folding
lawn chairs if you can !!

We welcomed two brand-new Rebel builders to the meeting -
Rich Stewart and Dub Crawford had a demo flight on Saturday, and
ordered their Rebel at the meeting ! Welcome to the group -
we know you'll LOVE your Rebel !!!! :-)

(The two of them piled into their car & drove up from
Maryland - only 12 hours !!! Talk about enthusiastic ! )

Hope to see you ALL in November !! And at the Fabric
Covering Session in October !!! Everybody welcome !!!

.....bobp & Anna

At 09:41 PM 9/15/02 -0400, you wrote:
We had a good meeting if a little sparsely attended. One of the
discussions we got into was how to keep interested and going on the
project when other things seem to get in the way. Here is what I took

Rebel Builders Tips

* do something every day
* get help , Working -- Together Everybody Accomplishes More --
* get an inventory list going so you can find stuff when it is
needed. Wray Thompson has an inventory list to help e-mail him
* Take one piece at a time
* Do it at home - means you get more done
* commit to at least 1 hr a day and see the results
* avoid interruptions
* use post it notes for reminder at the end of one day for the next.
* when finished on a part add next details on part to save time (use
pen post its etc)
* take a camera everywhere and shoot details of other builders work
* take every opportunity to collect odd nuts bolts and washers
(mentioned half washers and odd size bolts) you never know when you
willl need them.

That all I have.
Happy building and I can really say that 1 hr at a time does achieve
something better than moaning. I went in the garage tonight and was
drilling holes in no time, hope they were in the right place.
Mike Dowhan Rebel 392.
Milton Ontario

<!doctype html public "-//w3c//dtd html 4.0 transitional//en">
We had a good meeting if a little sparsely attended. One of the discussions
we got into&nbsp; was how to keep&nbsp; interested and going on the project
when other things seem to get in the way. Here is what I took down.
<p>Rebel Builders Tips
do something&nbsp; every&nbsp; day</li>

get help ,&nbsp; Working&nbsp; -- Together Everybody Accomplishes
--&nbsp; TEAM</li>

get an inventory list going so you can find stuff when it is needed.&nbsp;
Wray Thompson has&nbsp; an inventory list to help e-mail him</li>

Take one piece at a time</li>

Do it at home -&nbsp; means you get more done</li>

commit to at least 1 hr a day and see the results</li>

avoid interruptions</li>

use post it notes for reminder at the end of one day for the next.</li>

when finished on a part add next&nbsp; details on part to save time (use
pen post its etc)</li>

take a camera everywhere and shoot details of other builders work</li>

take every opportunity to collect odd nuts bolts and washers (mentioned
half washers and odd size bolts) you never know when you willl need them.</li>
That all I have.
<br>Happy building and I can really say that 1 hr at a time does achieve
something better than moaning. I went in the garage tonight and was drilling
holes in no time, hope they were in the right place.
<br>Mike Dowhan Rebel 392.
<br>Milton Ontario

List archives located at:
username "rebel" password "builder"
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Notes from the Rebel Builders Group today at Brampton

Post by wrayt » Fri Feb 17, 2012 10:24 pm

The program Mike mentions, if anyone who would like a copy let me know.'s old and pretty basic ..runs in a DOS box but it's worked great
for me. When I initially unloaded the big wooden box I had to stuff
parts all over the house due to limited space. As I did that I wrote the
location down and later entered all the parts into the program along
with their location. Thank G.. as I've been at this for so many years
I'd never find half the stuff now. I can send the program and the parts
list ..the only thing you'll have to change is the location and add any
new parts etc.
If anyone's interested send an email direct to me.

Michael Dowhan wrote:
We had a good meeting if a little sparsely attended. One of the
discussions we got into was how to keep interested and going on the
project when other things seem to get in the way. Here is what I took

Rebel Builders Tips

* do something every day
* get help , Working -- Together Everybody Accomplishes More
* get an inventory list going so you can find stuff when it is
needed. Wray Thompson has an inventory list to help e-mail him
* Take one piece at a time
* Do it at home - means you get more done
* commit to at least 1 hr a day and see the results
* avoid interruptions
* use post it notes for reminder at the end of one day for the
* when finished on a part add next details on part to save time
(use pen post its etc)
* take a camera everywhere and shoot details of other builders work
* take every opportunity to collect odd nuts bolts and washers
(mentioned half washers and odd size bolts) you never know when
you willl need them.

That all I have.
Happy building and I can really say that 1 hr at a time does achieve
something better than moaning. I went in the garage tonight and was
drilling holes in no time, hope they were in the right place.
Mike Dowhan Rebel 392.
Milton Ontario

Wray Thompson ...Rebel 306 ...home page
My ICQ number is 29764664

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