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J.D.410 woes

Converted from Wildcat! database. (read only)
Drew and Jan

J.D.410 woes

Post by Drew and Jan » Fri Feb 17, 2012 9:38 pm

Sorry for the slow reply Wayne work's getting in the way of life again. The
relief valve for the tranny is under the big acorn nut just above the
filter. there is a roll pin in there that can break and lock the valve on
its seat but at this time of year it's most likely you have ice on one side
or the other in that valve. Warm up the tranny somehow change the oil and
clean out the relief valve and you should be ok. Maybe todays weather has
already fixed it for now :)
Good Luck Drew

At 02:45 PM 1/17/2002 -0500, you wrote:
Just a quick note to say that I have posted 2 pictures to the "Rebel -
Systems" file, of the heated pitot installation on my Rebel.

It is not located in this location for any scientific reasons!! It just so
happens that the streamline tube mounts nicely into the concaved pressing of
the leading edge ribs center "web". The portion of streamline tube that is
inside the wing was sliced down the center and one side removed to
facilitate easier tubing access and for bolting in place. The bottom hole is
"fixed" and the top mounting hole in the streamline tube was slotted to
allow for some adjustment. The only problem with how I did the installation
is that if you want to adjust the pitot angle at this point, the inspection
cover would have to be remade,or at least the nice tight hole opened up to
allow it to be swung forward or rearward!

Now..... after 2 + months of sitting around.....I really need to get some
work done in the shop, so talk to you all later!

P.S. Anybody got any experience with a JD410 Backhoe, circa 1972?? Mine is
blowing the tranny filter housing off immediately after start up (read
blowing a 1/2" bolt apart in tension). At $39 a bolt and $40 a 20 litre pail
for fluid, I am now looking for suggestions as to what might be stuck or
frozen to allow this much pressure build up and I'm afraid the next time it
might be the housing threads instead of the sacrificial bolt!

Wayne G. O'Shea

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Wayne G. O'Shea

J.D.410 woes

Post by Wayne G. O'Shea » Fri Feb 17, 2012 9:38 pm

Thanks Drew! That was the first valve I pulled out and cleaned up. Then blew
the filter housing off again! Yesterday, being nice and warm, I was able to
tarp off the bottom of the machine and warm everything up using my 5KW
heater from the shop. I reinstalled the filter assembly using an 89 cent
piece of threaded rod and 2 nuts (at the suggestion of the older JD mechanic
at Ontrac) instead of using another $38 bolt (in case it blew again!). While
warming it up I pulled the pressure valve nut/preload washers/spring on the
lower front of the forward/reverse valve and found the plunger stuck at the
back of the bore. More warmth, a strong magnet, and I was able to free it
up. Drained the oil/water and goo out of her and refilled with JD fluid. Ran
for an hour or so okay and then I drained it again and threw in another pail
of JD fluid. Still looks a little like milk when I check the fluid, but I'll
see how she does for the rest of the winter and save my last 5 gallon pail
to be safe!

Thanks to all the others that contacted me about my backhoe, off line, also!
Everything was helpful.

Now back to that S(asquatch) R(ebel) 3500!

Wayne G. O'Shea

----- Original Message -----
From: "Drew and Jan" <>
To: <>
Sent: Wednesday, January 23, 2002 5:51 PM
Subject: Re: J.D.410 woes

Sorry for the slow reply Wayne work's getting in the way of life again.
relief valve for the tranny is under the big acorn nut just above the
filter. there is a roll pin in there that can break and lock the valve on
its seat but at this time of year it's most likely you have ice on one
or the other in that valve. Warm up the tranny somehow change the oil and
clean out the relief valve and you should be ok. Maybe todays weather has
already fixed it for now :)
Good Luck Drew

At 02:45 PM 1/17/2002 -0500, you wrote:
Just a quick note to say that I have posted 2 pictures to the "Rebel -
Systems" file, of the heated pitot installation on my Rebel.

It is not located in this location for any scientific reasons!! It just
happens that the streamline tube mounts nicely into the concaved pressing
the leading edge ribs center "web". The portion of streamline tube that
inside the wing was sliced down the center and one side removed to
facilitate easier tubing access and for bolting in place. The bottom hole
"fixed" and the top mounting hole in the streamline tube was slotted to
allow for some adjustment. The only problem with how I did the
is that if you want to adjust the pitot angle at this point, the
cover would have to be remade,or at least the nice tight hole opened up
allow it to be swung forward or rearward!

Now..... after 2 + months of sitting around.....I really need to get some
work done in the shop, so talk to you all later!

P.S. Anybody got any experience with a JD410 Backhoe, circa 1972?? Mine
blowing the tranny filter housing off immediately after start up (read
blowing a 1/2" bolt apart in tension). At $39 a bolt and $40 a 20 litre
for fluid, I am now looking for suggestions as to what might be stuck or
frozen to allow this much pressure build up and I'm afraid the next time
might be the housing threads instead of the sacrificial bolt!

Wayne G. O'Shea

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