virus.youHello Everyone;
I got this virus e-mailed to me and chances are you have it too sincecomputer.)are all in my address book. It
lies dormant for 14 days and then kills your hard drive.
Here's how to stop it. If you've got it, send this to everyone in your
address book.
Remove it by following these steps:
1. Go to "start"- then to "find or search" (depending on your2. in the "search for files or folders type "sulfnbk", this is the
the3. In the "look in" make sure you're searching Drive C.
4. Hit "search" button or find.
5. If this file shows up (it's an ugly blackish icon that will have sulfnbk.exe) DO NOT OPEN IT!!
6. Right click on the file- go down to delete and left click.
7. It will ask you if you want to send it to the recycle bin, say
_________________________________________________________________the8. Go to your desktop (where all your icons are) and double click onthat'sRecycle Bin.
9. Right click on "sulfnbk.exe and delete again- or empty the bin.
If you find it, send this e-mail to all in your address book, becausehow it's transferred!
Send and receive Hotmail on your mobile device:
List archives located at:
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