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My fuel system plan

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Scott & Leere' Aldrich

My fuel system plan

Post by Scott & Leere' Aldrich » Fri Feb 17, 2012 9:37 pm

Warren, have you thought about adding a forward fuel outlet in the big
tanks? I am getting the 120 gallon tanks also. It seems to me with the
tank being twice as long as the original that fuel could get pretty spread
out along the front of the tank in a prolonged descent with minimum fuel,
possible uncovering that single mid outlet? I have brought this up before.
I know of one SR that has fore and aft fuel pick ups and is working well. It
has been suggested that if I go with fore and aft that a fuel pump would be
required as the forward pick up will get uncovered in the climb (or aft in
descent). But I don't recall any Piper Super Cubs, Pacers, etc. that all
have fore and aft fuel pickups ever having any problems. Of course then
there is the question of where to run the forward fuel line. Back, same as
the aft or fwd around the front post (through the front post is frowned on
by MAM I believe).


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Don Boardman

My fuel system plan

Post by Don Boardman » Fri Feb 17, 2012 9:37 pm

Hi Bob,

To clarify.
The C-177RG does not have a header tank nor am I considering one for the SR.
The aprox. 4x4x2 INCH "can" used as a low point belly sump in the Cardinal
is UNDER THE FLOOR aft of the pilot seat location. The pull knob to drain is
in a recess under the pilots seat.

Enjoy the Holidays,
Sorry Don, but this sounds like a "Really Bad Idea"(tm) - I lost a
very good friend in a post-crash fire because of a header tank
similar to what you describe ! It burst, spraying fuel all over
his legs ....

Keep the fuel out of the cockpit - as much as possible !


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Warren Montgomery

My fuel system plan

Post by Warren Montgomery » Fri Feb 17, 2012 9:37 pm


I had asked MAM the same question when I first built the tanks and they were against
it due to the possibility of sucking air.
Could the // lines not just be joined with a 'T".
What do the experts out there think?
I'd really like to get the tanks right the second time around!!

SR 029 (almost back in kit form)

Date: Thu, 20 Dec 2001 07:46:09 -0700
Subject: RE: My fuel system plan

Warren, have you thought about adding a forward fuel outlet in the big
tanks? I am getting the 120 gallon tanks also. It seems to me with the
tank being twice as long as the original that fuel could get pretty spread
out along the front of the tank in a prolonged descent with minimum fuel,
possible uncovering that single mid outlet? I have brought this up before.
I know of one SR that has fore and aft fuel pick ups and is working well. It
has been suggested that if I go with fore and aft that a fuel pump would be
required as the forward pick up will get uncovered in the climb (or aft in
descent). But I don't recall any Piper Super Cubs, Pacers, etc. that all
have fore and aft fuel pickups ever having any problems. Of course then
there is the question of where to run the forward fuel line. Back, same as
the aft or fwd around the front post (through the front post is frowned on
by MAM I believe).

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