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murphy-rebel Digest for 2 Dec 2000

Converted from Wildcat! database. (read only)
phil stubley

murphy-rebel Digest for 2 Dec 2000

Post by phil stubley » Fri Feb 17, 2012 8:34 pm

list-serv: David Ricker <>
To: " (Murphy Rebel Builders List)" <>
Subject: Mechanmical Fuel Gauges

Hi Folks
mechanical type (their P/N
05-16700, $32.40, 1993 Cat price). It uses movement of a cork float on a long rod which
pivots at the gauge to move the level needle.

Has anyone any experience or thoughts on this style? It seems to have the pluses of
having no plastic tube running through the cockpit (MAM sight guage, which according to
Bob P. doesn't have a long life) and no requirement for the wiring/electricity of the
others (capacitive or resistive sensor types).

The biggest questions I have about them would be whether they would provide accurate
readings, would the cork float (4" travel, on a 12" rod) be a problem with time, would
they physically fit the wing root location (I have no Rebels near to check) and the fact
that they would be mounted in the wing root so you have to look away from where you are
going to check the gauge.

The mounting face of the gauge is about 2.5" square and a weldable flange is availible.

So, any thoughts?


Dave Ricker
Francine Desharnais
Elite 583 Trigear
Hi gang,
Phil Stubley here with Rebel 302, taildragger.
I have the ASpruce mech gauges in the wing roots, and am quite happy
after two and a half years wet.
They have all the pluses you note Dave, which is why I went that way.
Problems, a few small ones.
1) The mounting location is such that the variation from tail down to up
gives a significant variation at about 1/3 full. It is quite accurate
though. That is no problem for trigear, and the problem will disappear
for me when I get the amphib floats finished, (this winter FOR SURE).
The problem is that you have to mount it in the flat part of the rib,
which is not necessarily the best location, but close enough. You
should theoritically mount the float arm so that its travel always
follows the correct location of the fuel surface. Not practical.
2) Getting the right length and angle on the float wire is tricky but
works nearly perfectly finally. Empty on the gauge is really quite
empty. The only problem is one side is a little too tight, and the
float will stick to the bottom if the tank is nearly empty, and it takes
a rap on the wing to dislodge it before you get a good reading after
filling it.
3) Visibility is better than I thought it would be. I built a cone to
span from the fus wing root to the wing rib, and painted it white.
Gives good light to see.
4) Scanning is no problem. You don't normally check for fuel when you
are concentrating on forward visibility. I find that an upper level
'around' scan does the fuel valves, gauges, flap indicator, and
intercomm all at once.
5) I did a calibration and it is precise to less than 5 litres. But you
can't read it any closer than that in the air.

And yes to Rick, it IS worth it.

Wayne, I did see this reqwuiring my input, but just got back tonight.

I do owe the gang a writeup on fuel tank leak testing, which will be
coming later.

Phil Stubley, R302,
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