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[rebel-builders] TSA Security Badging

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Tim Hickey

[rebel-builders] TSA Security Badging

Post by Tim Hickey » Sun Feb 19, 2012 5:21 pm

I have written:
Congresswoman Loretta Sanchez

1114 Longworth HOB

Washington, DC 20515

Gale D. Rossides


Transportation Security Administration

601 South 12th Street

Arlington, VA 20598

Congresswoman Zoe Lofgren

102 Cannon House Office Building

Washington, DC 20515

Congresswoman Sheila Jackson Lee

2160 Rayburn Building

Washington, DC 20515

Congresswoman Jane Harman

2400 Rayburn House Office Building

Washington, DC 20515

Congressman Peter DeFazio

2134 Rayburn House Office Building

Washington, DC 20515

The basic message was as follows:

Dear Ms Rossides:

Recently I became aware of a new regulation being brought into existence by
the TSA. This regulation, Security Directive SD 1542-04-08-F, is a
regulation that will do little, if anything, to improve airport security.
As I understand it, the regulation will require any airport with commercial
service to extend security procedures to the entire airport. I have no doubt
that the people who develop these regulations are well intentioned, but they
do not have a common sense understanding of general aviation.

For example: I am a pilot. I fly an experimental airplane that I built
myself more than 20 years ago. My wife's sister lives in Dubuque, Iowa. For
us that is about a one hour flight to go and visit them. Dubuque has
commercial air service, about 3 flights a day, as I recall, and because of
these new regulations, we will be required to have an escort to and from our
plane as we come and go. More than that, I expect that my wife's sister and
her husband will not be permitted to walk out to the plane.

If you could visit Dubuque and see the airport, you would have to agree with
me that such a rule as the new SD , while it may be well intentioned, is
needlessly burdensome, and ineffective.

So I am asking your help in putting some common sense back into the TSA. We
are being asked to give up our freedoms to gain security. The trouble is,
what we are giving up, will give our country very, very little in the way of
improved security.

Thank You

Ms Rossides is the Administrator of the TSA.

The other people listed above are members of the Committee for Homeland

They are all listed on the web.

I have also written the AOPA, and the EAA.

They (TSA) have appointed a Mr. Barnes to handle concerns from GA. His
email address is

and, as you might expect, I have written him too. I did get a reply from
him, and it is pasted below.

Dear Mr. Hickey,

Thank you for your comments. We greatly appreciate receiving the views and
opinions of honest and well meaning members of the general aviation
community. I will make every effort to ensure that your concerns are voiced
appropriately, and receive the attention and consideration they deserve.

I look forward to continued correspondence with you. Please contact me again
if I can be of any assistance.

Sincerely Yours,

Juan M. Barnes

General Aviation Stakeholder Liaison

General Aviation Division

Transportation Sector Network Management

His comment about giving my concerns the attention that they deserve scares

So I suggest that each of you spent an hour or so pounding out letters to:



Your Congressman

Your Senator (oh, yes, I wrote them too.)


The "General Aviation Stakeholder Liaison"

and if you wish, members of the Congressional Committee for Homeland

Actually, I would start with the committee.

Do not archive.

Tim (the man with the word processor) Hickey

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Ron Shannon

[rebel-builders] TSA Security Badging

Post by Ron Shannon » Sun Feb 19, 2012 5:21 pm

Excellent contributions, Tim. Thanks.


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