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potential builders first look at a Rebel

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Wayne G. O'Shea

potential builders first look at a Rebel

Post by Wayne G. O'Shea » Fri Feb 17, 2012 5:57 pm

Your following message has been delivered to the 164 members of
the list at 17:42:15 on 12 Sep 2000.

Paul, I live right here in Midland/Penetanguishene, Ontario were the
Northstar is manufactured. Bruce Tinney owns the "prototype" Northstar (with
wood wings) shown in all the brochures and he lives on a private strip 1
mile from mine. Also, Alan King is a local friend of mine that has a
beautiful Northstar completed and flying. He has about $85,000 to $90,000
Cdn in parts in his, compared to a Similar Rebel set up would be about
$65,000 Cdn. Difference being the kit cost and fabric supplies. Also Morgan
Williams (Custom Flight) does not supply as many parts with a "complete" kit
compared to Murphy. No wheels, tires, etc with the Northstar. Also according
to my friend Alan, even though the fuselage is welded up all ready for you,
etc. he took about 2 1/2 times as long to build his Northstar, compared to
my FIRST Rebel (and Alan is very mechanically inclined). If you go ahead
with the Northstar insure that you can put your deposit in Trust to a lawyer
and pick up the COMPLETE kit yourself (history states that you will wait for
parts for ever, if you don't get them at the start), prior to paying the

As for performance comparisons, I can hang on my propellor (with my 150 H.P.
Rebel) right beside the Northstar and hover along with them. I climb at
probably 400 to 500 feet per minute faster and Cruise at least 10 MPH
faster. The Rebel also has MUCH more cargo capacity (especially volume).
Both are great aircraft, but the Rebel DOES outperform the Northstar or the
new "2000" $140,000 U.S (with any of the good options about $175,000 U.S.) -
180 H.P. Super Cub from Cub Crafters for that matter!

I did a Trumpeter Swan count last Thursday, flying around with the airspeed
between 40MPH and ZERO, for 4 hours, at elevations from about 100 agl to 600
agl (don't repeat those to the authorities). Great ball centered, rudder and
throttle practice!!! It was also 29 C (37 C with Humidex) to boot at the
time! I would have loved the Northstars TANDEM seat arrangement for it, as
it would have saved alot of circling when I would see something on my side
and have to circle around so the woman from the Swan Program could see it on
her side! That is one PLUS for the Northstar, but then again there is that
fabric to look after and for someone that put counter balanced aluminum
flaperons on his Rebel, fabric obviously doesn't appeal to me! MAYBE it does
to you though!

Blue skies,
Wayne G. O'Shea

----- Original Message -----
From: "Paul Irvine" <>
To: <>
Cc: "Murphy Rebel Digest" <>
Sent: Tuesday, September 12, 2000 4:46 PM
Subject: potential builders first look at a Rebel


. The only
other kit I'm considering now is the Northstar Supercub clone (even though
it would cost twice as much as the Rebel to build) From all I've heard and
read I think that it is possible to build a basic 150hp Rebel that can
approach, match or even exceed the performance of a Supercub in certain

The only thing I don't particularly like about the Rebel is the visibility
and I think I really need to get a flight in one before I can make an
assessment of it. It's certainly not anywhere near as good as a Supercub
that respect. The cockpit does have a cozy feeling to it though.

Anyway, I've rambled on long enough for now. When I get some arrangement
up with Bill I'll contact you and maybe we can all hook up. It won't be
at least a month though.


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Bob Patterson

potential builders first look at a Rebel

Post by Bob Patterson » Fri Feb 17, 2012 5:57 pm

I know this is even farther, but might be easier ....

ANYONE who's serious about buying a Rebel is more than welcome
to come up here to Brampton, Ontario - Canada, and come for a flight
in my O-320 Rebel. It's not as bad as it sounds - you can often get
cheap flights into Toronto, ON, and we're only about 35 miles
north-west of the airport there....

As for visibility - if you add the skylights to the Rebel,
I'd say it was as good or better than the Super Cub (except, of
course, for the width forcing you to lean to see DOWN on the right
side ;-) ) Over-the-nose is BETTER ! In all other aspects,
the Rebels here run rings around the Super Cub :-) and have fun
doing it !! (right, Brian ??)

(I have about 300 hours in Super Cubs, mostly towing gliders,
and about 1,000 on Rebels, travelling all over North America ...) :-)

The NorthStar is quite an airplane - I believe there are about
a half-dozen of them flying. I've heard that they made over 300 (!)
improvements to the original Cub ! Two considerations - it's tube
and fabric, so likely should be hangared, and ... the company has
already gone bankrupt once !

I'm SURE you've made the right choice with the Rebel - and
after you get a flight, I know you'll want one too !!! :-)


At 01:46 PM 9/12/00 -0700, you wrote:
To: Paul Irvine (
Hello, Paul! I'm a Rebel builder in Fresno, CA, fuselage, wings and tail
pieces done, working on the interior flooring, not far from getting it on
wheels. Just found out there's a completed Rebel hangared at Chandler
Airport >near downtown Fresno...haven't seen it yet myself. Come visit, and
I'll be
glad to tell you of my experiences!
John Hart
John - thanks for the invite. I believe the completed Rebel at Chandler
would be Bill Newkirks. I met Bill and saw his Rebel at the Golden West
fly-in up in Sacramento last weekend. We discussed the possibility of my
flying down to Fresno some weekend in the not to distant future so that he
could give me a ride in his ship. Perhaps I could meet with you at that time
as well.

As I understand it, the factory has only two product demos which are the
Super Rebel on conventional gear and the Elite on amphib floats - both of
which were at the fly-in. So even if I do pay a visit to Chilliwack there
won't be a basic flaperon equipped Rebel there for me to try out. When
speaking with Rob Dyck he admitted that this was a problem and it is
exacerbated for us down here in the States because of the few numbers of
Rebels around that we can see. I guess I'm lucky to have a couple of you
guys in Fresno - even though it's still a pretty good distance from here.

The Murphy SR2500 and Elite at the fly-in last weekend were pretty
impressive though and had a consistent crowd gathered around them. Bill
Newkirks Rebel also was getting a lot of attention out on the ramp, lost in
a sea of RV's. When I saw the Elite and sat in it for the first time I
thought 'this is the plane I want to build, exactly like this right down to
the floats and all of the fancy luxury items' Of course it would be pretty
silly to have a floatplane here in California. But after careful
consideration and thought as to what I want to do with my Rebel I'm almost
convinced that a basic O-320 powered Rebel is the ticket for me. The only
other kit I'm considering now is the Northstar Supercub clone (even though
it would cost twice as much as the Rebel to build) From all I've heard and
read I think that it is possible to build a basic 150hp Rebel that can
approach, match or even exceed the performance of a Supercub in certain

The only thing I don't particularly like about the Rebel is the visibility
and I think I really need to get a flight in one before I can make an honest
assessment of it. It's certainly not anywhere near as good as a Supercub in
that respect. The cockpit does have a cozy feeling to it though.

Anyway, I've rambled on long enough for now. When I get some arrangement set
up with Bill I'll contact you and maybe we can all hook up. It won't be for
at least a month though.


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between builders and owners of Murphy Rebel aircraft.
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The Murphy Rebel Builders List is for the discussion
between builders and owners of Murphy Rebel aircraft.
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potential builders first look at a Rebel

Post by LisaFly99 » Fri Feb 17, 2012 5:57 pm

In a message dated 9/12/00 3:47:12 PM Central Daylight Time,

The only thing I don't particularly like about the Rebel is the visibility
and I think I really need to get a flight in one before I can make an honest
assessment of it. It's certainly not anywhere near as good as a Supercub in
that respect. The cockpit does have a cozy feeling to it though.
The visibility over the nose is excellent on the ground and in the air. As
for side to side visibility you can always do full Lexan doors top and bottom.
Phil&Lisa Smith #460 N414D
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