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Eastern Ramble, Stanley Stopover & Shearwater Update

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Bob Patterson

Eastern Ramble, Stanley Stopover & Shearwater Update

Post by Bob Patterson » Fri Feb 17, 2012 11:28 pm

Hi Dave !

As much as Ramble plans ever are ... ;-) we plan to
Ramble in to Stanley sometime Friday, coming from Summerside, PEI,
with a stop at Debert for fuel, if all works out. We'll likely stay
until Sunday afternoon, or Monday morning - hoping to run up to
Port Hawkesbury and Margaree for the night on Monday, with maybe
a side-trip to Baddeck if there's time & transportation.

Thanks for the update on YHZ - glad somebody's doing something
about these stupid landing fees ! We may have that problem at
Fredericton, NB - haven't heard the status there ...

I'm afraid there's ZERO chance we'll go to Halifax airport -
so far, NOBODY has, or wants, a transponder, and we try to avoid big
airports ! I guess Shearwater is the military base - thought I saw
something about a Snowbirds show there - hope it's not a conflict....

We never know how many Ramblers there will be at any given
time or place - people often join up along the way for a few days.
So far, we only have heard definite confirmations from 5 Ramblers -
although there are over 45 on the list !! I expect we'll hear from more
in the next couple of days, now that the hydro is back on ! :-)
At the moment, that includes only ONE Rebel, so you may not have
much to look at ! We <are> looking forward to a good time there,
and several along the way - a couple of get-togethers already
planned for Iroquois and Drummondville !! :-)

You can check out our Remain Over Night stops and route
by looking at the PDF's in the Archives, under 72. Flight Seeing.
Look for anything starting with RR3 or RR03, and having a 2 in the
name, for "Ramble '03 - Part 2" . Maybe some folks will join us
down there for a day or 2....

Hope to meet up with all the East Coast Rebels, and PARTY !!

See you soon !


At 01:22 AM 8/17/03 -0300, you wrote:
Hi Bob

What is the plan for the Ramble stop-over at Stanley? Is the group planning to
hang around for the whole weekend or would there be a best day to come up and
visit & see all the Rebels (how many do we expect?)

For your rambling pleasure I have some last minute info. For those inclined to
stop over at Halifax International (YHZ) the landing fee has been taken care of
via the hard work of one of our local COPA members Arthur Van Maurik (and
of course). He negotiated a lump sum for all light A/C visits for the year in
lieu of fee per landing and put up the $ with the idea that it would be
reimbursed by donations from the flying public. Bottom line is no bill
you land.

The other thing of note is that Shearwater has eased off on the 24 hours notice
for visitor permission to land, you can call the same day (and I suppose on the
way) and drop in. The long runway should also be open again (prevailing wind,
after being closed about a year) as of now since an agreement with the
bureauacracy has been worked out.

Bottom line here is if anyone wants to come to the "big city" in these parts it
will be pretty easy to do it as there is public transportation from Shearwater
into the city core. Only snag for you I think Bob is the tramsponder thing but
I'm sure you could hitch a ride with someone suitably equipped.

Looking forward to meeting you at Stanley and seeing all the Rebelers.

Smooth trip!

Dave R

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Bob Patterson wrote:
Hi Steve !

Glad everyone enjoyed the evening - wish there were more
Murphy builders there, too .... we'll have to start organizing
a bit sooner next time !!! :-)

Glad to hear your Moose is on the way !!! Things will
eventually get back to normal over there, and production should
be much faster once the new plant gets up to speed .

It would be great if you could get up for a meeting -
next one is scheduled for Sunday, Sept. 14th, after a long
summer off Rambling to both coasts ! (It's tough, but somebody's ..) ;-) :-)

The power's been on now for almost 12 hours, after being
off and on twice for a few hours at a time - hope that's all !
We're all set to head out next Sunday - hope there are lots of
Rebel builders/lovers out there who will be joining us !!

Have fun building your Moose !! It WILL be worth it !!! ;-)

.....bobp & Anna

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David Ricker

Eastern Ramble, Stanley Stopover & Shearwater Update

Post by David Ricker » Fri Feb 17, 2012 11:28 pm

Hi Bob

So, are you the only Rebel coming east? Can't we convince some of those from
central Canada & the States to come East for a visit? How about you Wayne?

Yeah, Shearwater is the military base but the annual airshow (including Snowbirds
etc.) is the weekend after labor day so there shouldn't be any problems with that.
I believe transponders would still be an issue there however.

On the party time, I haven't found info for this year but in the past there is a
corn boil Friday night and on Saturady & Sunday nights campfire & socializing are
scheduled. Do you have specific plans for the Ramble party? I wouldn't want to
miss that. By the way, there are a couple of reasons for the campfire, the normal
ones apply but it also serves to discourage the marsh mosquitoes from near the
airfield. Those things are about the size of an RV 4 and just about as fast & agile
so don't forget the fly repellant! Of course given the time of year they might have
trouble biting you through your parka!! .....just kidding but don't forget it can
get chilly in the evenings.

Will look for you at Stanley

Dave R.
Francine D.
Elite 583 (The tall person's Rebel, but not rich like those SR/Moose guys........

Bob Patterson wrote:
Hi Dave !

As much as Ramble plans ever are ... ;-) we plan to
Ramble in to Stanley sometime Friday, coming from Summerside, PEI,
with a stop at Debert for fuel, if all works out. We'll likely stay
until Sunday afternoon, or Monday morning - hoping to run up to
Port Hawkesbury and Margaree for the night on Monday, with maybe
a side-trip to Baddeck if there's time & transportation.

Thanks for the update on YHZ - glad somebody's doing something
about these stupid landing fees ! We may have that problem at
Fredericton, NB - haven't heard the status there ...

I'm afraid there's ZERO chance we'll go to Halifax airport -
so far, NOBODY has, or wants, a transponder, and we try to avoid big
airports ! I guess Shearwater is the military base - thought I saw
something about a Snowbirds show there - hope it's not a conflict....

We never know how many Ramblers there will be at any given
time or place - people often join up along the way for a few days.
So far, we only have heard definite confirmations from 5 Ramblers -
although there are over 45 on the list !! I expect we'll hear from more
in the next couple of days, now that the hydro is back on ! :-)
At the moment, that includes only ONE Rebel, so you may not have
much to look at ! We <are> looking forward to a good time there,
and several along the way - a couple of get-togethers already
planned for Iroquois and Drummondville !! :-)

You can check out our Remain Over Night stops and route
by looking at the PDF's in the Archives, under 72. Flight Seeing.
Look for anything starting with RR3 or RR03, and having a 2 in the
name, for "Ramble '03 - Part 2" . Maybe some folks will join us
down there for a day or 2....

Hope to meet up with all the East Coast Rebels, and PARTY !!

See you soon !


At 01:22 AM 8/17/03 -0300, you wrote:
Hi Bob

What is the plan for the Ramble stop-over at Stanley? Is the group planning to
hang around for the whole weekend or would there be a best day to come up and
visit & see all the Rebels (how many do we expect?)

For your rambling pleasure I have some last minute info. For those inclined to
stop over at Halifax International (YHZ) the landing fee has been taken care of
via the hard work of one of our local COPA members Arthur Van Maurik (and
of course). He negotiated a lump sum for all light A/C visits for the year in
lieu of fee per landing and put up the $ with the idea that it would be
reimbursed by donations from the flying public. Bottom line is no bill
you land.

The other thing of note is that Shearwater has eased off on the 24 hours notice
for visitor permission to land, you can call the same day (and I suppose on the
way) and drop in. The long runway should also be open again (prevailing wind,
after being closed about a year) as of now since an agreement with the
bureauacracy has been worked out.

Bottom line here is if anyone wants to come to the "big city" in these parts it
will be pretty easy to do it as there is public transportation from Shearwater
into the city core. Only snag for you I think Bob is the tramsponder thing but
I'm sure you could hitch a ride with someone suitably equipped.

Looking forward to meeting you at Stanley and seeing all the Rebelers.

Smooth trip!

Dave R

Archives located at

Bob Patterson wrote:
Hi Steve !

Glad everyone enjoyed the evening - wish there were more
Murphy builders there, too .... we'll have to start organizing
a bit sooner next time !!! :-)

Glad to hear your Moose is on the way !!! Things will
eventually get back to normal over there, and production should
be much faster once the new plant gets up to speed .

It would be great if you could get up for a meeting -
next one is scheduled for Sunday, Sept. 14th, after a long
summer off Rambling to both coasts ! (It's tough, but somebody's ..) ;-) :-)

The power's been on now for almost 12 hours, after being
off and on twice for a few hours at a time - hope that's all !
We're all set to head out next Sunday - hope there are lots of
Rebel builders/lovers out there who will be joining us !!

Have fun building your Moose !! It WILL be worth it !!! ;-)

.....bobp & Anna

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Bob Patterson

Eastern Ramble, Stanley Stopover & Shearwater Update

Post by Bob Patterson » Fri Feb 17, 2012 11:28 pm

Hi Dave !

Looks like I'm the only one - but we did have THREE Rebels
on the Ramble at one point this time !! Seems like Rebel pilots
ARE Rebels - and they seem to prefer <fishing> or something to
flying and camping across the country !! ;-) :-)

We keep trying to persuade some more Rebels to come along
- and they might show up for the trip home, at least ....

Thanks for the warnings ! We have THE best mosquito repellant,
D-15, so I'll have to remember to bring THAT (and a couple of anti-
aircraft guns, for the <big> ones ;-) ) !! I <was> thinking about
packing an extra sweater for the evenings - maybe an extra sleeping
bag might come in handy too, by the sounds of it ... It was 32 degrees
here today - humidex over 40, so it's hard to remember that it might
be a BIT cooler nearer the ocean !!

We'll likely be there for the Friday Corn Boil, and Saturday
party - not sure about Sunday ... may try to sneak out to Margaree
early, depending on the weather.... or not ! No special Ramble
party planned - everywhere we land is an instant party ! ;-) :-)

See you soon !

.....bobp & Anna
(Rebel - the BIG man's airplane !)..and you don't have to be rich !! ;-)
You must be REALLY tall - I flew a 6'6" tall instructor in
my old Rebel, and he couldn't reach the pedals without moving the
seat forward !! ;-) :-) And the original 912 Rebel flew
with a 220 lb. and a 330 lb. guy - the tires were squished, but it
flew well !! :-)

At 10:51 PM 8/18/03 -0300, you wrote:
Hi Bob

So, are you the only Rebel coming east? Can't we convince some of those from
central Canada & the States to come East for a visit? How about you Wayne?

Yeah, Shearwater is the military base but the annual airshow (including
etc.) is the weekend after labor day so there shouldn't be any problems
with that.
I believe transponders would still be an issue there however.

On the party time, I haven't found info for this year but in the past there
is a
corn boil Friday night and on Saturady & Sunday nights campfire &
socializing are
scheduled. Do you have specific plans for the Ramble party? I wouldn't
want to
miss that. By the way, there are a couple of reasons for the campfire, the
ones apply but it also serves to discourage the marsh mosquitoes from near the
airfield. Those things are about the size of an RV 4 and just about as
fast & agile
so don't forget the fly repellant! Of course given the time of year they
might have
trouble biting you through your parka!! .....just kidding but don't forget
it can
get chilly in the evenings.

Will look for you at Stanley

Dave R.
Francine D.
Elite 583 (The tall person's Rebel, but not rich like those SR/Moose

Bob Patterson wrote:
Hi Dave !

As much as Ramble plans ever are ... ;-) we plan to
Ramble in to Stanley sometime Friday, coming from Summerside, PEI,
with a stop at Debert for fuel, if all works out. We'll likely stay
until Sunday afternoon, or Monday morning - hoping to run up to
Port Hawkesbury and Margaree for the night on Monday, with maybe
a side-trip to Baddeck if there's time & transportation.

Thanks for the update on YHZ - glad somebody's doing something
about these stupid landing fees ! We may have that problem at
Fredericton, NB - haven't heard the status there ...

I'm afraid there's ZERO chance we'll go to Halifax airport -
so far, NOBODY has, or wants, a transponder, and we try to avoid big
airports ! I guess Shearwater is the military base - thought I saw
something about a Snowbirds show there - hope it's not a conflict....

We never know how many Ramblers there will be at any given
time or place - people often join up along the way for a few days.
So far, we only have heard definite confirmations from 5 Ramblers -
although there are over 45 on the list !! I expect we'll hear from more
in the next couple of days, now that the hydro is back on ! :-)
At the moment, that includes only ONE Rebel, so you may not have
much to look at ! We <are> looking forward to a good time there,
and several along the way - a couple of get-togethers already
planned for Iroquois and Drummondville !! :-)

You can check out our Remain Over Night stops and route
by looking at the PDF's in the Archives, under 72. Flight Seeing.
Look for anything starting with RR3 or RR03, and having a 2 in the
name, for "Ramble '03 - Part 2" . Maybe some folks will join us
down there for a day or 2....

Hope to meet up with all the East Coast Rebels, and PARTY !!

See you soon !


At 01:22 AM 8/17/03 -0300, you wrote:
Hi Bob

What is the plan for the Ramble stop-over at Stanley? Is the group
planning to
hang around for the whole weekend or would there be a best day to come
up and
visit & see all the Rebels (how many do we expect?)

For your rambling pleasure I have some last minute info. For those
inclined to
stop over at Halifax International (YHZ) the landing fee has been taken
care of
via the hard work of one of our local COPA members Arthur Van Maurik (and
of course). He negotiated a lump sum for all light A/C visits for the
year in
lieu of fee per landing and put up the $ with the idea that it would be
reimbursed by donations from the flying public. Bottom line is no bill
you land.

The other thing of note is that Shearwater has eased off on the 24 hours
for visitor permission to land, you can call the same day (and I suppose
on the
way) and drop in. The long runway should also be open again (prevailing
after being closed about a year) as of now since an agreement with the
bureauacracy has been worked out.

Bottom line here is if anyone wants to come to the "big city" in these
parts it
will be pretty easy to do it as there is public transportation from
into the city core. Only snag for you I think Bob is the tramsponder
thing but
I'm sure you could hitch a ride with someone suitably equipped.

Looking forward to meeting you at Stanley and seeing all the Rebelers.

Smooth trip!

Dave R

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Bob Patterson wrote:
;-) :-)

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Wayne G. O'Shea

Eastern Ramble, Stanley Stopover & Shearwater Update

Post by Wayne G. O'Shea » Fri Feb 17, 2012 11:28 pm

Sorry Dave! Wayne's moving his Daughter into a Ryerson Dorm on Sunday (Aug
24) and then Son back to MAC later next week. Maybe in another 5 or 10 years
I'll be able to do these things...that is if I have any money left after 3
kids go through University! :o(( !


----- Original Message -----
From: "Bob Patterson" <>
To: <>
Sent: Thursday, August 21, 2003 10:19 PM
Subject: Re: Eastern Ramble, Stanley Stopover & Shearwater Update

Hi Dave !

Looks like I'm the only one - but we did have THREE Rebels
on the Ramble at one point this time !! Seems like Rebel pilots
ARE Rebels - and they seem to prefer <fishing> or something to
flying and camping across the country !! ;-) :-)

We keep trying to persuade some more Rebels to come along
- and they might show up for the trip home, at least ....

Thanks for the warnings ! We have THE best mosquito repellant,
D-15, so I'll have to remember to bring THAT (and a couple of anti-
aircraft guns, for the <big> ones ;-) ) !! I <was> thinking about
packing an extra sweater for the evenings - maybe an extra sleeping
bag might come in handy too, by the sounds of it ... It was 32 degrees
here today - humidex over 40, so it's hard to remember that it might
be a BIT cooler nearer the ocean !!

We'll likely be there for the Friday Corn Boil, and Saturday
party - not sure about Sunday ... may try to sneak out to Margaree
early, depending on the weather.... or not ! No special Ramble
party planned - everywhere we land is an instant party ! ;-) :-)

See you soon !

.....bobp & Anna
(Rebel - the BIG man's airplane !)..and you don't have to be rich !!
You must be REALLY tall - I flew a 6'6" tall instructor in
my old Rebel, and he couldn't reach the pedals without moving the
seat forward !! ;-) :-) And the original 912 Rebel flew
with a 220 lb. and a 330 lb. guy - the tires were squished, but it
flew well !! :-)

At 10:51 PM 8/18/03 -0300, you wrote:
Hi Bob

So, are you the only Rebel coming east? Can't we convince some of those
central Canada & the States to come East for a visit? How about you
Yeah, Shearwater is the military base but the annual airshow (including
etc.) is the weekend after labor day so there shouldn't be any problems
with that.
I believe transponders would still be an issue there however.

On the party time, I haven't found info for this year but in the past
is a
corn boil Friday night and on Saturady & Sunday nights campfire &
socializing are
scheduled. Do you have specific plans for the Ramble party? I wouldn't
want to
miss that. By the way, there are a couple of reasons for the campfire,
ones apply but it also serves to discourage the marsh mosquitoes from
near the
airfield. Those things are about the size of an RV 4 and just about as
fast & agile
so don't forget the fly repellant! Of course given the time of year they
might have
trouble biting you through your parka!! .....just kidding but don't
it can
get chilly in the evenings.

Will look for you at Stanley

Dave R.
Francine D.
Elite 583 (The tall person's Rebel, but not rich like those SR/Moose

Bob Patterson wrote:
Hi Dave !

As much as Ramble plans ever are ... ;-) we plan to
Ramble in to Stanley sometime Friday, coming from Summerside, PEI,
with a stop at Debert for fuel, if all works out. We'll likely stay
until Sunday afternoon, or Monday morning - hoping to run up to
Port Hawkesbury and Margaree for the night on Monday, with maybe
a side-trip to Baddeck if there's time & transportation.

Thanks for the update on YHZ - glad somebody's doing something
about these stupid landing fees ! We may have that problem at
Fredericton, NB - haven't heard the status there ...

I'm afraid there's ZERO chance we'll go to Halifax airport -
so far, NOBODY has, or wants, a transponder, and we try to avoid big
airports ! I guess Shearwater is the military base - thought I saw
something about a Snowbirds show there - hope it's not a conflict....

We never know how many Ramblers there will be at any given
time or place - people often join up along the way for a few days.
So far, we only have heard definite confirmations from 5 Ramblers -
although there are over 45 on the list !! I expect we'll hear from
in the next couple of days, now that the hydro is back on ! :-)
At the moment, that includes only ONE Rebel, so you may not have
much to look at ! We <are> looking forward to a good time there,
and several along the way - a couple of get-togethers already
planned for Iroquois and Drummondville !! :-)

You can check out our Remain Over Night stops and route
by looking at the PDF's in the Archives, under 72. Flight Seeing.
Look for anything starting with RR3 or RR03, and having a 2 in the
name, for "Ramble '03 - Part 2" . Maybe some folks will join us
down there for a day or 2....

Hope to meet up with all the East Coast Rebels, and PARTY !!

See you soon !


At 01:22 AM 8/17/03 -0300, you wrote:
planning to
up and
inclined to
care of
year in
on the
parts it
thing but
;-) :-)
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Eastern Ramble, Stanley Stopover & Shearwater Update

Post by Legeorgen » Fri Feb 17, 2012 11:28 pm


Ditto on the 3 kids and University stuff! I have been feeling that crunch for
a few years already, and it's not going to stop anytime soon.

Bruce 357R

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