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Bobp - Oshkosh

Converted from Wildcat! database. (read only)
Bob Patterson

Bobp - Oshkosh

Post by Bob Patterson » Fri Feb 17, 2012 11:28 pm

Hi Steve !

Glad everyone enjoyed the evening - wish there were more
Murphy builders there, too .... we'll have to start organizing
a bit sooner next time !!! :-)

Glad to hear your Moose is on the way !!! Things will
eventually get back to normal over there, and production should
be much faster once the new plant gets up to speed .

It would be great if you could get up for a meeting -
next one is scheduled for Sunday, Sept. 14th, after a long
summer off Rambling to both coasts ! (It's tough, but somebody's ..) ;-) :-)

The power's been on now for almost 12 hours, after being
off and on twice for a few hours at a time - hope that's all !
We're all set to head out next Sunday - hope there are lots of
Rebel builders/lovers out there who will be joining us !!

Have fun building your Moose !! It WILL be worth it !!! ;-)

.....bobp & Anna

At 05:54 PM 8/14/03 -0500, you wrote:
Hi Bob:

It was nice to meet with you and your better half at the BEER tent at OSH.
It's nice to be able to put faces to the names on the list.
Thanks again for the ROUND and the great information we picked up around the
Wish more of the list would have been able to make it.
One of these days Kit and I will get up to one of your meetings to meet more
of the great people and get some more of that GREAT information on building

Got word that our MOOSE is taking that LOOOOOONG swim across the pond to
MAM's. Should get there the first week of Sept. WE HOPE! ! ! ! Then about
two weeks to get to Chicago. Than the FUN will start. It's been a year
since we put it on order! ! ! !

Looking forward to all the trials and tribulations of building our own
plane. And to everyone with all that knowledge on building, thanks for the
info put on this list. A BIG thanks to Mike for making this all possible.

Best of luck on your trip EAST, hope the power is back on for you arrival.

Steve H and Kit
MOOSE #213 (It's coming)

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