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Great way to spend a Sunday! :o))

Converted from Wildcat! database. (read only)
Wayne G. O'Shea

Great way to spend a Sunday! :o))

Post by Wayne G. O'Shea » Fri Feb 17, 2012 11:12 pm

Promise there won't be a "great way to spend a Monday" as I have a customer
coming to make sure I am working on his airplane tomorrow!

Spent a couple hours playing in the water with FOKM this morning. Amazing
what an extra 21" of float did for it. Now it actually taxis with the nose
wheels >OUT< of the water in a nose high attitude, vs the 1500 floats that
taxied flat (and if any wave action on the lake they went over the nose and
down the deck!!).

Take off run into a 10K breeze - SIX (6) seconds with just me on board and
30 gallons of fuel. That equals an all up weight of about 1575lbs on this

Highest of the 4 Cylinder temps never over 365*F in any configuration (and
it's 25* today) and oil temp did well to make it to 195*F in full bore

Cruise at 2400 rpm with the wheels up about 100mph and wheel down about
95mph. Prop is a McCauley clip tip from a Cardinal that was a 76 x 53 that
is now pitched 50. Could be a little finer for some more RPM on take off
(only get about 2490 now) but seems to be good enough and gives some cruise.
A 74DM x 54 or 56 Sensenich would be nicer but this one works so why drop
another $3000 cdn into her?!?

Cowling is the "nose bowls and doors" affair with the lower exit opened up
from the factory depth by only 3/4" at the center two mounting screws only,
using spacers from the original brackets to stretch the original panels, so
not really much % of size increase over stock at all.

Have flown more hours in the last 3 days than the last few months! Got'ta
keep this up and better call GraHam Energy to fill my 500 gallon tank to do
so!! If I keep it up I can pop the 500 hour "on type" mark before the months
out (on 12 different Rebels).

Cheers and keep at it guys/gals, you'll have a ball when you get done!!

Wayne O'Shea

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Great way to spend a Sunday! :o))

Post by Legeorgen » Fri Feb 17, 2012 11:12 pm

Thanks for all the numbers on FOKM Wayne. They really help for comparison and
will come in handy when I get 96HG on the amphibs. Sounds like your very
happy with the conversion. Sounds great and I hope you can find lots of time to
get in the air this summer.

Bruce 357R

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