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Can I build a plane?

Posted: Sun Feb 26, 2017 5:29 am
by dalsum
Hello to all the builders out there. I have been reading posts for some time and have become somewhat skeptable as to my abilities in building an airplane. I have wanted to build one of these airplanes since I first experienced the Murphy Rebel at EAA Oshkosh in the 1980s. Family, time, and finances got in the way at that time. Now that I raised the kids, have more focus, and time, I am revisiting the possibility on building one of these planes. I am not an expert but have good basic skills, a good workshop, and a wife who supports the idea. After reading many posts, and looking at builders sites, I am a little scared off by the technical terms etc. that seem to be required in building. I am not an A and P, can I gain the knowledge as I go? Is my fear warranted? I would appreciate input from any and all of you willing to share how the building process progressed for you. Thanks in advance for your input.

Re: Can I build a plane?

Posted: Sun Feb 26, 2017 5:36 am
by Swift
Purchase the FAA publication AC43 or look at it online. This is ref material on everything you need to know.

Re: Can I build a plane?

Posted: Sun Feb 26, 2017 6:03 am
by WWhunter
I think building any kit, car restoration, other big project involves a lot of personal commitment. I've restored cars, motorcycles, and started a Murphy kit. Even though I have stalled on the project, it is not due to any issues of my abilities other than medical reason. If you have any mechanical abilities at all I think a guy can complete the kit as long as one takes their time and reads through what needs to be done. Granted, there were times when I was building a part, that had me sitting at the bench for an extended time doing some head scratching, studying the manual/drawing for exactly what needed to be done before completing that step. Then all of a sudden you'll figure it out and wonder why you were stumped.

I currently own and fly both an experimental and a certified plane. I will say, I prefer the experimental much more since I can modify or work on it myself without having to pay someone $80+ an hour to do something simple.

Re: Can I build a plane?

Posted: Sun Feb 26, 2017 6:13 am
by Walter Klatt
Do it!! You mentioned that you have a workshop, good basic skills and a supporting wife (that's a bonus). You will also have the help of this great builder/owner community, and that is probably the most important thing. Besides getting a great plane to fly, the learning experience is very enjoyable, too, and very useful going forward, with other things, too.

Biggest mistake I made looking back, was waiting too long to pull the trigger and get started.

Re: Can I build a plane?

Posted: Tue Feb 28, 2017 4:52 am
by chrisaviator
If you want to build an aircraft, then the Rebel is a perfect place to start. Lots of support and personally I don't think that the build is too difficult, just time consuming. This is the first all metal aircraft build for me and I must say that I am really enjoying it. When I get stuck, the guys on here are always supportive and generally give me at least one idea on how to solve my problem. It takes a while to build this aircraft, so the sooner you start, the sooner you will finish! Good luck and hope that this helps.
Chris – UK Rebel.

Re: Can I build a plane?

Posted: Wed May 10, 2017 12:23 pm
by dspender
You can do anything you want. Ray Kroc of McDonalds sums it up by saying all it takes is persistence. You don't have to be smart, rich or popular, just persistent. I finished an RV10 and that's what I found. Eat the elephant one bite at a time. No one can tell you whether you can do this or not. However, in my case I am confident anyone can, as long as they are persistent. A little every day and several hours some days and it can be done. I am not a mechanic, never did metal work before, some woodwork, but I am persistent.