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New SR Cowling

Posted: Fri Jan 27, 2017 4:26 am
by Jerry Folkerts
I completed the initial work on my cowling for the Super Rebel yesterday. This is the newer style cowling for the Yukon and is not as tight as the old SR Cowling. In fact, I could almost stand up inside :P Now a lot of fiberglass work around the nose area. The mold was pretty rough inside the nose scoops. I also have to add a bit to a few edges to close a few gaps around the firewall. I used the Skybolt fastener system, I purchased the one for the RV-10 when it was on sale over Christmas. It's expensive and will greatly ease taking the cowling on/off. I still need to work on baffling and incorporate an oil door. My spinner sits pretty tight to the CS Prop Hub so the cowl comes out a bit farther than normal. According to my measurements, I should have 1/4 to 3/8 of an inch clearance. Picture below.