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Posted: Mon Oct 03, 2016 6:22 am
by playonwater
I'm new to the Murphy world with a 912 powered Rebel UL with 3 blade 70" warp taper tip on floats.

Basically it is a very smooth engine but frequently when maneuvering I feel what is more shudder than vibration which comes and goes. Is this just a peculularity of this airframe or unusual?

Thanks for any input

Re: Shudder/vibration

Posted: Mon Oct 03, 2016 7:11 am
by Linlei
I have never experienced any air frame shudder in the Rebel except when I deliberately stall it.
Even then it is relatively benign.
In short I would consider any air frame shudders or vibrations as abnormal and take a long hard look
at where they may be coming from.
Hope this helps.
Mike B.

Re: Shudder/vibration

Posted: Mon Oct 03, 2016 12:50 pm
by Rebel541
playonwater wrote:I'm new to the Murphy world with a 912 powered Rebel UL with 3 blade 70" warp taper tip on floats.

Basically it is a very smooth engine but frequently when maneuvering I feel what is more shudder than vibration which comes and goes. Is this just a peculularity of this airframe or unusual?

Thanks for any input

G'day Pete !

"Shuddering" ..... HHhhmmmmm ... we've never really HAD "shuddering" ........

That needs investigating ...... just to find out WHAT it is !

Problem is ..... it's most likely going to be difficult to nail down if it's NOT something really blatant ........... ( like finding something LOOSE / out of alignment etc )

Either way - you really have to find out hwat the hell it is .....
( and then let us ALL know !!! )


Re: Shudder/vibration

Posted: Mon Oct 03, 2016 1:06 pm
by Garry
Is it a shudder or a thrumming? A windscreen that pulled forward and left a gap at the top would produce the latter. Been there, done that.

A shudder would suggest control surfaces. I would be skeptical about blaming it on the engine - too easy to do. If you have a pre-bias caused by knowing something is wrong with X, it is the next step to assume that X is the cause of anything that isn't right in flight, and make wrong decisions about what to do. Clean up all X's prior to flying.

Re: Shudder/vibration

Posted: Mon Oct 03, 2016 1:16 pm
by Sheldon
Hey Peter

I do have a 912 ul as well. Not on floats. I have not experienced this near as I can tell. Now that said, mine is very light and there is a bit of a tin can feel when I power up, and get rolling. I know some of the guys have added light L sections, I believe in a X pattern bonded with 2 sided tape to remove the tin can effect. I have no interior, only a bulkhead between the sleeper and the main cabin. As far as prop, I am running the IVO medium, 3 blade.
I would like to try the prince / Big bore combo in the furture, but performance is so Bloody good as is, its hard to find a reason to dig into the wallet for now. Keep us posted as to what you find.

Re: Shudder/vibration

Posted: Mon Oct 03, 2016 2:52 pm
by AJD76
G'day Peter,
I've got a 912 UL Rebel with a three blade carbon prop and driven through the reduction gearbox. In the early days of operation, we were chasing a shudder - vibration, that would occur on reducing engine revs. When in the circuit, reducing revs from cruise of around 5000 - 5200 rpm, down to 3500 - 4000, the shuddering would occur. It would come about by the light weight of the prop, and the mismatch in airspeed, airflow over the prop, and engine revs, causing a lashing of the gears in the box. We fixed this, by adding / replacing the overload clutch in the gearbox. (My Dad did the work, and I can't remember if our gearbox didn't come with it and we added it or he replaced the clutch)

This is the bit I'm referring to.

Also have a look at the Sprag Clutch for wear or breakage. Our motor was built in 1999 or thereabouts and needed some upgrading.

Good luck and let us know how you get on.

Victoria - Australia

Re: Shudder/vibration

Posted: Tue Oct 04, 2016 2:37 pm
by irishfield
Are the float flying wires tied at the center cross?? All sorts of neat noises can come from there if you don't make a little wooden block and safety wire or tie wrap it in place.