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RF interference

Posted: Sun Mar 20, 2016 6:17 am
by DocBaker
I am having a problem with RF interference with the Ray Allen trim indicator. The trim servo and indicator work fine, but when I key the mic on the radio, the bright bar on the trim indicator changes to 2 or 3 very dim bars. I am using the Garmin GTR 200 radio that puts out 10 watts of power. I have tried relocating the antenna coax and antenna, but nothing changed. I called Ray Allen about this and was told that it is a common problem and they have tried to fix it over the years with different voltages and engineering changes but nothing worked. What I want to find out is if anyone else has experienced this, and if you were able to solve the problem. If nothing else, it is a good radio transmit indicator!


Re: RF interference

Posted: Sun Mar 20, 2016 6:42 am
by Ken
Suggest checking archives of the aeroelectric forum at
This has come up several times over there over the years so it is not uncommon.
Not a problem with my older 3 led style indicator so I never paid much attention but I think there are some fixes there.