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Maverick Wing Struts

Posted: Fri Dec 07, 2012 10:49 am
by C337
Hallo Everyone.
My name is Oddbjørn Norheim. I am a Norwegian A&P instructor. I have buildt a Maverick that is ready to testfly these days. But I am also rebuilding a Maverick that had an unlucky landing. Now I am in desperat need of two wing struts. The originals were a bit damaged. Do anyone know where I can buy two struts with this spesification ?
ALCOA SEAMLESS-6061-T6 WW-T-700/6 - 3.000 "OD X 049" WALL - LOT 54401.
I believe the same struts are used on the Rebel. Thankyou for all help.

Re: Maverick Wing Struts

Posted: Fri Dec 07, 2012 11:39 am
by bobp
Hi Oddbjørn !

I think that is a flattened tube - not the standard Rebel wing strut .....

In any case, all parts can be ordered directly from Murphy Aircraft Mfg. Ltd.,
directly, by email only, to:

They are on skeleton staff, so it might take a week to get an answer ...
if you don't hear in a week, it might be stuck in spam filter, so please re-send the email.

Re: Maverick Wing Struts

Posted: Fri Dec 07, 2012 6:28 pm
by irishfield
Yep.. that's the squished tube for the Rebel AULA's.. I had one under the bench but traded it for some full blown steamline strut last year. Hopefully the factory has a length in stock for you!

Re: Maverick Wing Struts

Posted: Sat Dec 08, 2012 10:16 am
by Dale
Hello Oddbjørn,

Wayne is correct, the strut is a squished 3" tube used on the ultralights; the Rebel's use extruded material for struts.

I would suggest checking in with Darryl at MAM and see if they have the ultralight strut material there. If not, I do believe that Darryl may have approved the use of some extruded strut material for the Maverick with the simular design dimensions (the extruded strut would be heavier).

Contact MAM at

Re: Maverick Wing Struts

Posted: Sat Dec 08, 2012 10:36 am
by C337
Thankyou for answers.
I have tried many times to get contact with Murphyair, but never got an answer. I thought they were closed. I will try again.
If other builders have more information , I would like to know. Because I do this rebuilding for a friend of mine, and I wish to be able to finish the project.
Best regards Oddbjørn

Re: Maverick Wing Struts

Posted: Mon Dec 10, 2012 3:27 am
by Rebel 449
I generally get a response from Murphy Air in about 2 days.
Try this address for Darryl Murphy []
Works for me.