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Rebel Ramble "Dance" July 5th

Posted: Mon Feb 20, 2012 5:46 am
by Bob Patterson
Hi Jill !

Thanks for the note, and all the efforts you folks are
going through to host us !! I've subscribed you to both of the Ramble
email lists to keep you posted - if it's tooooo much, you can
unsubscribe - info at end of each email. Maybe you've had a
peek at Jack's newsletter ...

Hope you don't mind - I've posted this to the email list,
so the Ramblers will have a head-start on questions for Sunday !

I'll sprinkle a few comments below, but will have to toss
this to the Ramblers on Sunday - hope the weather's good, as some
are flying in a fair distance !

Everyone is really looking forward to Winnipeg - especially
all of the 'veteran' Ramblers ! We're generally a pretty laid-back
group, but some of your suggestions DO sound interesting - guess a
lot will depend on the weather, and how tired everyone is ...

Will get back to you after the meeting - might be Monday
evening before we recover though ! ;-)

......bobp & Anna

At 12:09 PM 5/30/03 -0500, you wrote:
Hi Bob (Rebel Leader), Jack (Wpg Rebel) & Mike (Rebel Passenger)
During my conversation with Mike this morning about insurance the topic of
the Rebel Ramble arose and the social event RAA is planning for Rebel
Ramble's arrival at Lyncrest around July 5th (wx etc). We are really
looking forward to organizing a social event July 5th that meets your
interests and would love to have some feedback on the following ideas - let
us know what would be your 1st & 2nd & 3rd choices!

Lyncrest Airport Rebel Ramble Intinerary
July 5th - Arrival and Social Event
July 6th - Breakfast at Lyncrest before departure
There's a chance we might arrive on Friday instead of Saturday !
Will phone as soon as we know where we are ... Sorry, I know this
makes planning difficult. Having a VERY hard time right now, as
we don't know IF we can cross into the U.S. at our usual spots -
if not, we might have to come by Wawa, Marathon, Thunder Bay,
Kenora ... certainly DIFFERENT !! :-( (This means missing
two great party spots ...) :-(
1. A Rebel Ramble Dance at Lyncrest - Q. Do Rebel Ramblers fly with their
dance partners? Free
Some of us do ! And some are always looking for partners ! ;-)
Probably not too much 'up' for dancing - but you never know !
2. Talk & drink around the campfire at the campsite at Lyncrest Airport -
Q. Do Rebel Ramblers drink alcohol if they plan to fly the next morning? Free
Alcohol ! Heaven forbid !! ;-) :-)

Maybe just a 'rum 'n coke' to calm the shattered nerves .... ;-)
Many of our most enjoyable times have been sitting around
a campfire 'hangar flying' until the fire, or we, fade !!
3. Hot shower & be billeted in a home-away-from-home with a bed. Free
Generally, we're reluctant to impose that much on strangers....
Hoping there might be a shower somewhere on the airport,
with all those new buildings ... Nice to just crawl to the tent.
I'm sure the Super 8 will be tempting for some - We hope to
'motel it' in TVF the day before, though, so we'll arrive clean
& rested ! ;-)
4. Go Cat fishing in the Red River (10 minutes from Lyncrest) - best 'cat'
fishing in north america. July 5 5:00 - 9:00 Cost about $200/boat - 3
people + guide in a boat - tackle, bait etc included. Fishing lic. cost
about $9 each. Todd Longley - International reknown as the best Cat Fish
guide would be our host + his assistants. 50% downpayment required in
5. Attend the Fish FEstival at the Forks in downtown Winnipeg on the Red &
Assiniboine rivers all day July 5th 10:00 - 4:00 Cost is free check it out
on the web.
Don't know how many fishermen we'll have - 2 or 3 professors,
and maybe a nuclear scientist, in the group, though !
5. Go on the Paddlewheel River Boat Cruise diner and music & talk Cost
about $40 each
Sounds interesting to Anna - How are the mosquitoes ??!! ;-)
6. Go to the outdoor theatre - Romeo & Juliet is on, cost about $20 each
7. Go to a cultural event - ie Aboriginal People's sweat lodge ceremony or
Ukranian Cultural Centre or Irish Cultural Centre - Cost approximately $10
- 15 each
Hard to say - likely not, though ...
8. Visit Princess Auto or other Wpg based aviation outlet such as
Goulet/Aviall/Canadian Propellor/Aero Recip for a shop tour or to shop. Free
9. Polish your skills on the English Wheel. Free
10. Visit a couple of the local builder's projects. Free
11. Get a ride in the oldest homebuilt in Canada - Shawn's Pietenpol!
ALL OF THE ABOVE ! All sound interesting to us - we toured
the aviation museum on Ramble '96, with Gerry Johnson, from
St. Francis Xavier. He's joining us at Lyncrest for the rest
of the trip, as he did last time.
We might NEED Princess Auto for parts !! ;-)
11. Other - please let us know if there's something else you'd rather do if
you had the chance - such as visit the museum, art gallery, aviation
museum, casino, etc etc - if you aren't familiar with Wpg's attractions -
check out the web site.
Generally, be tend to be pretty casual about things, purposely
NOT planning too much - it relieves pressure !
I know this can drive people crazy, but we tend to decide on
activities <after> we arrive - in case we don't ! Every day
varies with heat, wet, exhaustion, or hangover, and everybody's
energy level is different.
This year will be different again, as we have about a dozen
NEW Ramblers, and we don't know HOW MANY 'old' ones !! This
means - it's hard to know WHAT they'll want to do !

This IS a crazy business - we never know how many we have
until we take off - in 2000, we had 68 (!!) people registered -
and only about a dozen actually flew the whole trip !
But it's fun, and we love it !! Looking forward to having
you along for part of this one - Rambling is habit-forming !! :-)
To be completed later ....
Thank you for sending the following info:
a> The Rebel Ramble group choices are:1st________ 2nd ________ 3rd _______
b> The number of Rebel Ramblers attending is: _______________
c> Special needs or interests are: ________________________

We can hardly wait to hear from you after your meeting on Sunday - your
stop in "Friendly Manitoba" will be the absolute Best!! ... you guys just
might decide to retire here!!


Dr. Jill Oakes
Department of Native Studies
University of Manitoba
Winnipeg, Canada
R3T 5V5
fax 204-474-7657
phone 204-474-7352

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