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Ramble Article

Posted: Mon Feb 20, 2012 5:45 am
by Bob Patterson
Hi Ramblers !!

We've received a note from Mary Jones, Editor of the EAA
Experimenter magazine, asking for help to put together an article
on Rebel Ramble 2000 foe either Experimenter or Sport Aviation.
I think this would be GREAT P/R for Sport Flying, and shouldn't
be too hard for us to do ...

I know we'll ALL be taking lots of photos, and we usually get
an extra set of prints made, so all we have to do is pass these
along to Mary at Oshkosh. There are some excellent photo shops in
Chilliwack, so we can get our film printed there ...
(I figure on a roll or 2 for the first part of the trip, and a
couple more going through the Rockies ... it's VERY hard to capture
the grandeur of the mountains - you always <think> you got more/better
shots than you did !)

It would be great if everyone could keep a little notebook
of their thoughts and feelings about the trip - doesn't have to be
detailed or grammatical, or even a story.... just thoughts, as they
occur. Anna has been doing this for years on our trips - sometimes
her notes resemble Haiku poetry. They always bring a smile, as they
remind me of details of the trips that I'd forgotten....

We could photocopy the notes at OSH, so we'd all get to keep
our own - they <WILL> be nice to look over in a year or 2, when you
dig out the photos, or come to edit the videos and add a sound track
to them .... :-)

I might also try to collect everything into one last newsletter
about the Ramble, afterward, if you give me copies, too ...

Maybe Mary could leave us an EAA Sign -card (1 ft. x 2 ft. ..approx.)
with the Murphy guys, and we could use it in group press photos in the
U.S.A. .... (might as well help EAA publicity, RAA is Canada only)


Here's Mary's letter .....

Hey Bob,

Have been following your group's e-mail and enjoying the repartee -- and
hints about good herbs, etc.! I think I'd better order some Ginkoba!!!!

As it turns out, I am being sent to the Arlington fly-in in Washington, so
won't be around to "crash" the ramble anywhere along the route. (When are
you going to be in Roslyn, WA again?) I'd still love to make the trip some

But, we are definitely interested in doing an article about the Ramble later
this year in either SPORT or EXPERIMENTER. (Right now, Scott thinks he'd
like it in SPORT.) So, I'm wondering if you have someone(s) who can take
photos along the way and share them with us. Then, maybe we can get
together at AirVenture Oshkosh to talk about everything that went on and
start putting a story together.

Even better would be if someone in the group wanted to take on the task of
writing about the adventure. It wouldn't have to be (and we wouldn't want
it to be): First we flew from here, then we went to there, etc. It wouldn't
have to be a day-to-day chronology. We'd just like some photos and
highlights of the trip - some of the great sights you saw; some of the
camaraderie of camping, etc.

I saved this comment from one of the e-mails you sent early this spring, and
this is what I think the article should convey. In fact, you could even
start the article out with this statement and then prove how it happens:

"The idea of Rambling is to introduce people to the joys of Cross-Country
Flying (literally !!) in a safe, comfortable manner, in a series of small
trips that make up one large, exciting experience !
You'll end up a better
pilot, with lots of photos, memories, and a whole bunch of new friends,
all across the country !! "

Anyway, what do you think? Is that a possibility?
Look forward to hearing from you. Feel free to send this out to everyone on
the Ramble list if you want.

Mary Jones
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