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SR2500 accident

Posted: Fri Feb 17, 2012 5:57 pm
by Mike Davis
I always hate seeing something like this, especially when someone is hurt
or killed. I thought since a lot of builders know each other I'd pass this on.


On August 11, 2000, at 1907 hours Pacific daylight time, a Barclay/Vincent
Murphy SR 2500, N24VW, struck a standpipe while attempting to land on an
access road near Bakersfield, California. The amateur-built airplane, owned
and operated by the pilot under the provisions of 14 CFR Part 91, was
destroyed in a postimpact fire. The pilot and two passengers sustained
serious injuries and a third passenger was fatally injured. Visual
meteorological conditions prevailed for the personal local flight that had
departed from a dirt airstrip adjacent to the access road at an unknown
time. A witness to the accident reported that the airplane was attempting
to land at his dirt airstrip. He did not hear the engine running, but could
see that the propeller was turning. He indicated that the airplane seemed
too high to land at the dirt strip, and it continued down the dirt access
road, and struck an irrigation standpipe.

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