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SR Control Wheel//Flat Panel

Posted: Fri Feb 17, 2012 5:57 pm
by Warren T. Montgomery
BobP, Wayne or anyone who wants to jump in!

I'm considering installing conventional control wheels and would like
some comments on the panel. As I've mentioned before I've done my time
in fast jets and helos with joy sticks so I'm not after the merits of
one or the other.

I need to build a custom panel raised two inches for the M14 and as my
original was destroyed during shipping would it be too close to the
pilot if built flat? This would give me greater room for installation of
the "T" bar for the control wheels and allow for better flexibility and
balance for installation of instruments. The sub floor area does not
appear to be a great challenge only aft of the panel. Or would all fit
with the normal indented panel?

Warren T. Montgomery
Dubai, United Arab Emirates

BobP wrote
Have over 30 hours now in the Super, and I'm really impressed !
It's just like a big inflated Rebel
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SR Control Wheel//Flat Panel

Posted: Fri Feb 17, 2012 5:57 pm
by Bob Patterson
My understanding is that the instrument panel in the Super, like
that in the Rebel, is STRUCTURAL. Its shape & attachment is very
important ....

Perhaps you might want to hold off on the front end of the
fuse for a while, as the factory has already started engineering &
stress analysis on mounting the M14 - it may be possible with the
standard panel. (You should be able to get a replacement if it was
damaged in shipping ...)

The current panel just clears the stick by about 2 inches,
but that wouldn't matter if you used a wheel, and it is a reasonable
distance forward, although coming back a good 8 or 10" might make it a
bit close ... Probably should NOT be just flat, straight across,
but I'm not an engineer.

I know that the good thing about homebuilts is that you can
do your own thing, but I suspect that changing to a wheel will add
a LOT of time to the building process - and personally, I'd rather
be flying ! :-) (Aviation Rule #1 - Everything always takes
longer than you expect !) :-)

The control system in the Super is more complex than some
aircraft, because of the mechanism that allows the ailerons to
droop with the flaps, and perhaps changing the geometry for a wheel
might completely change the control feel and response - much more
(or less) deflection to get a given roll rate .... Just a thought ...

In any case, I know you will bounce any changes past the
Tech. Dept. at Murphy - Brian Godden will get you straight answers
as fast as he can.

Take care !

I'm off to B.C. in the Super this morning !!! :-) :-)
(Tough job, this !!) ;-)

I've grown to love the big beast - it's just like a great
big Rebel !! Very nice to fly !

At 08:15 PM 8/27/00 +0400, you wrote:
BobP, Wayne or anyone who wants to jump in!

I'm considering installing conventional control wheels and would like
some comments on the panel. As I've mentioned before I've done my time
in fast jets and helos with joy sticks so I'm not after the merits of
one or the other.

I need to build a custom panel raised two inches for the M14 and as my
original was destroyed during shipping would it be too close to the
pilot if built flat? This would give me greater room for installation of
the "T" bar for the control wheels and allow for better flexibility and
balance for installation of instruments. The sub floor area does not
appear to be a great challenge only aft of the panel. Or would all fit
with the normal indented panel?

Warren T. Montgomery
Dubai, United Arab Emirates

BobP wrote
Have over 30 hours now in the Super, and I'm really impressed !
It's just like a big inflated Rebel
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between builders and owners of Murphy Rebel aircraft.
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The Murphy Rebel Builders List is for the discussion
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