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[rebel-builders] Rebel -MDRA Inspection 295R

Posted: Sun Feb 19, 2012 4:17 pm
by Bob Patterson
Hi John !

He would have to have the manual for 'that' Rebel !! The control
bellcranks for the ailerons have changed 3 times, that I have heard of ....
sounds like yours may be later ones with reduced travel. The main
one is the front bellcrank on the fuse side - lengths have changed...
some builders make new ones with the old measurements, to get
more travel & responsiveness. The 9 degrees does sound a bit
small - and it's unusual to have equal up/down travel - might want to get
a Smart Level & check them yourself ...

No idea where he got that manual, but - it's a HOMEBUILT !!
Every aircraft is different - so you could write your own manual !!
Sheeesh !!! I thought that was the reason they wanted 100 hours
flying time - so they knew it was OK !!! THERE <IS> NO SUCH
THING AS A 'GENERIC MANUAL' - they have changed over the
years, and several Rebels match part of an older one and part of
a newer one - there's no reason someone wouldn't want to use
newer parts....

And that stupid door thing is also one of MY pet peeves !!
Putting a bend on the top of the front hinge pin & labelling
is the easiest way to keep them happy - then do as Jim suggests,
& tuck the bend inside, for security !

The 25/25 on the elevators is a 'nominal' setting - most builders
go for at least 27 degrees up, and 30 is OK, and whatever is left
over for down. There's LOTS of down anyway, but you need the
UP for good flares, especially on floats ! Again, as a homebuilt,
the manual is a "GUIDE" ! (NOT a Bible !!!) The fact that
it has flown all this time says something !!!

You are right on the fabric flapperons - just press the pencil
soldering iron into the lowest rear corner gently. It will melt the
fabric away, and leave a small ring to stop tears. It is a good
idea to get clear plastic 'seaplane drain grommets' and glue them
over the holes (ACS ??). They stop spray from going in, and actually
help suck out moisture. The elevators should drain themselves,
if open at the inside ends, as stock. I drilled 1/8" holes down
the belly on the low side of each bulkhead - some stick the
seaplane grommets on those too ... PolyTack sticks well on

Their mandate only covers <suitable materials & workmanship
practices> - I have hear of "flying saucers" being passed, even though
they knew there was no way they could actually FLY !!! It's NOT
their call !!! Grrrrr..... power-tripppers ...

FWIW, you might want the group to know the name of this
inspector - anyone can request a different inspector, on the
basis of "personality conflicts", or any reason whatsoever -
after all, you are paying !!! There are some guys nearby who
everyone avoids ..... saves a lot of heartache !


On Thursday 20 December 2007 23:57, John Peterson wrote:
Thanks Wayne,Jim, Steve
What the inspector said was that if that is how the door is built, he
wanted something from Murphy saying that it is acceptable and I agree that
the "rip door of" or "pull pin" will probably do the trick.

With regard to the controls, he was looking at the generic manual -
whatever that is and said that the aileron travel should be 15 degrees up
and 20 degrees down. According to his measurements, ours was 9 degrees up
and 9 degrees down. With the elevator, he thinks it is to be 25 degrees up
and 25 degrees down and ours is 13 down and 33 up. If ours is correct he is
okay with that but needs some paperwork to confirm that to be correct.

Also on the drain holes, should they be put in the flapersons??
Apparently it can be done with a pencil soldering iron and not affect the

"Wayne G. O'Shea" <> wrote:
Ditto to what Jim said. I had mine all labelled up For "rescue" pull
pin.... instead of Emergency... and was asked to change it because someone
may not undertand what rescue meant! $*(#$@(&&$$##
I'd go with Steve's suggestion... for emergency extraction rip door off !

If you follow the manual there isn't (or at least wasn't) any mention of
drain holes... but it is in Chapter 549. Good idea on the uphill side of
each bulkhead. Also should be some on the rear lower skin of the wings/stab
and anywhere else that you can't claim it will drain itself.

What control travel are you referring to?

#4 sure glad we imported Bob's Elite with TC instead of MDRA ! ;O)

----- Original Message -----
From: "Jim Cole"
Sent: Thursday, December 20, 2007 5:30 PM
Subject: Re: [rebel-builders] MDRA Inspection 295R
Hi John - again with number 2, we put a little bend in the top of the
door hinge pin and then put a small sign that says "In Case of Emergency
pull pin". Some guys then put the tab inside (between the door post and
the door)
after the inspection so that someone at the local airport doesn't decide
pull the pin in order to borrow your GPS or anything else of value!

Jim 333R

On 12/20/2007 1:41 PM, "John Peterson" wrote:
Hello everyone
Well we had an inspection from MDRA and interestingly enough there were
few questions that we could not answer.

1. What are the flight control travel positions for the a/c on
Apparently ours are different than the Murphy manual - not sure what
either of
those travel positions are - Any help here is appreciated.

2. Is an exterior control required on the doors, with instructions on
We have the split door with the top folding down. There is no external
opening device and I believe that I have seen others like that. The
expressed was how would a person get into the a/c from the outside if a
was inside and not able to open the door/window.

3.Where and how many drain holes are required for the fuselage, wings
flight controls??
We picked up that the a/c does not have drain holes in the rear
could be important being on floats/amphibs. Not sure about the wing and
control drains but does anyone know how we could accomplish this.

It was requested if we could provide some kind of supporting
for these issues, ideally directly from murphy.

Appreciate assistance on this.
John Peterson 295R

John Peterson

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