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[rebel-builders] cabin floor Fus/door rivets

Posted: Sun Feb 19, 2012 4:11 pm
by Jesse Jenks
I was just planning to make the door flange small enough to rest inside the perimeter of the rivets, and use weatherstripping to prevent wearing. I made my baggage door that way and it turned out pretty good. You just ned to make the door skin/flange carefully so it fits well. Also, if you didn't want to do that, I suspect that some 1/8" grey closed cell weatherstripping under the door flange would conform around the rivet heads and make a good seal. May have to adjust your door latch to allow for the extra thickness.
Date: Mon, 10 Dec 2007 08:48:25 -0500
Subject: Re: [rebel-builders] cabin floor Fus-39 and Fus-40 to bulkheads

Hi Ben Dimpling around the doors sounds like a great idea. It should make
for a tighter fitting door. I'm going to need to replace some rivets on my
plane before much longer as the door is wearing the heads down.Probably
only the first rivet is needed but just hold up the doorskin to the
fuselage to see how far it covers.

At 08:09 PM 12/9/2007 -0900, you wrote:
Thanks Ken. I'm going to read ahead again to see if I can find what MAM
says about riveting the outside bottom skins to the cage area. (I meant
"cage area" -- the square bulkheads and up to the carry-through) when
asking about riveting the outside bottom skins Fus-39 and Fus-40. I'm
not even there yet with the inside floor of this area.

How far above, below and behind the doors do you suggest dimpling -- just
the first couple rivets in any of those directions?
Hi Ben
I had the older manual at the time but I do recall having the entire
bottom and side skins rivetted and the fuselage on the wheels before
doing any of the inside extra floor channels so I think you are OK to
rivet the exterior skins if you want up to but not at the cage. I wish I
had dimpled all the rivets above below and behind the doors though as
the door flanges rub on those rivets in flight.

I see a note after Figure 12.31.4 in the newer manual about not
rivetting Fus-40 if using spring gear. Definately don't rivet the
interior floor until you have planned any plumbing and wiring conduits
that you might want and positioned the seat rails and seat belts and
reinforced the float attachment brackets. Might even want to wait til
the control columns are positioned. 1'" rivet pitch sounds about right
but I don't really remember.

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