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Working with Skins

Posted: Sun Feb 19, 2012 4:05 pm
Hi all,

As I'm working on the rudder, I'm finding keeping the skin flat as I build
and attach the ribs and spars pretty dang difficult. It really wants to
creep away from the edge of the table when clamped under the spar and is a
genuine bear just to get lined up initially with the rear spar.
I'm hoping someone has found some really cool way to do this since it looks
like I'll be doing this same thing several more times.

I had the rudder together and ready to rivet and noticed that I had a warp
up near the top. It didn't lie flat. I traced it to some holes in the
ribs that weren't lined up just right with the skin. When I'd attach the
second skin it would pull on the frame work. So now I'm starting over and
making new ribs.

What about it? Any great techniques for this? Thanks Craig
