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Rebels at Arlington

Posted: Fri Feb 17, 2012 5:56 pm
by Roger & Alice Hoffman

Thanks for the offer. It sounds like there will be a Rebel or two for me to
see at Arlington.

I had an email from Grant McDaniel at MAM Tech Support saying "there will
probably be a couple of them there (Arlington). One that will be there for
sure will be the amphibious float version owned by Montana Float Co. Also
our Elite and Super Rebel."

Thanks again

R Hoffman #687R
Eugene, OR USA

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Rebels at Arlington

Posted: Fri Feb 17, 2012 5:56 pm
by Charles Bailey
Rebel #176 should be there also, not flying but there.

Chuck Bailey
Rebel #176 225PC

----- Original Message -----
From: "Roger & Alice Hoffman" <>
To: "Murphy Rebel Builders List" <>
Sent: Saturday, June 24, 2000 3:35 PM
Subject: Rebels at Arlington


Thanks for the offer. It sounds like there will be a Rebel or two for me
see at Arlington.

I had an email from Grant McDaniel at MAM Tech Support saying "there will
probably be a couple of them there (Arlington). One that will be there for
sure will be the amphibious float version owned by Montana Float Co. Also
our Elite and Super Rebel."

Thanks again

R Hoffman #687R
Eugene, OR USA

The Murphy Rebel Builders List is for the discussion
between builders and owners of Murphy Rebel aircraft.
Archives located at:

The Murphy Rebel Builders List is for the discussion
between builders and owners of Murphy Rebel aircraft.
Archives located at:

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Rebels at Arlington

Posted: Fri Feb 17, 2012 9:03 pm
by Sam & Sandi Archer
Howdy Bruce, It is sure too bad that you missed seeing Steve Sloan's great,
light weight, beautiful, well done Rebel. It was parked beside Chuck
Bailey's pretty Rebel I think Thursday or Friday. Sandi just told me, she
thinks it was there on Wednesday. Friday afternoon and all day Saturday
there was a great Rebel from B.C. parked at the Murphy display. One of the
greatest things for us to see was Scott Masingil's neat "Elite". He was
parked near Chuck Baily about 20 of us gathered around and had a great
visit with Scott and really looked his aeroplane over. Sorry for butting in
on your message to Chuck Scorupa, but I just couldn't resist. Sam & Sandi
----- Original Message -----
From: <>
To: <>
Sent: Tuesday, July 17, 2001 6:57 PM
Subject: Re: What No Dinner

The list archives are located at:
username: rebel password: builder

Where were these Rebels? I was at Arlington all day Friday, Saturday and
Sunday morning and the only Rebel I saw was Chuck Baileys. If they came,
must have done touch and goes.

Bruce G 357R

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Rebels at Arlington

Posted: Fri Feb 17, 2012 9:03 pm
by Legeorgen
Hi Chuck,

Well, that pretty much said it all. I think I did see Scott's Elite, that was
parked for a few hours Friday, down at the other end of the row from chuck's
Rebel. And yes it is invaluable to see completed planes when you're in the
process of building one. I hope to get my eye and camera full of them at
AirVenture, now. Thanks for the supportive words.

Bruce G 357R

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Rebels at Arlington

Posted: Fri Feb 17, 2012 9:03 pm
by Charles Skorupa
Hi Bruce,
Sam & Sandy pretty well summed it up (thanks). The only local flying Rebels
that were not there were Dan Stewart' s Rebel (he was in PA, I hear) and
Kent Van der Velde's Rebel (don't know where he has been the last few
years). What we really need is more Rebels flying in from farther away so
they stay overnight. Many locals, Rebels or not, fly in for the day and then
fly home the same night. It is sort of the luck of the draw if you are
there when they are. Arlington gives fly in traffic and their pasengers a
prety good price break and many take advantage of it. I entered in Chuck
Bailey' Rebel, but probably would have flown my Cherokee even though I am
within easy driving distance. Another challenge is finding the Rebels that
are there since they are seldom parked together. You should have seen
Scott's Elite while you were there, but it was parked in different area than
Chuck Bailey's Rebel. The best tactic is to check in with the Murphy booth
often and see what has shown up, or inform them you are there and where you
are if you have a Rebel. It sure would be helpful if they posted this info
on a Whiteboard during the fly-in. In mid September the factory is going to
fly at least one of their planes to the Oregon Air Fair in Albany OR.
Several of the local Rebel owners are talking about flying there as well.
Also, if you are local in the Seattle area and would like to see the 3
Rebels and 1 Elite flying here, or the 1/2 dozen or so planes under
construction, drop me an email and we'll see what can be arranged.

A personal plea to those of you who have flying Rebels. Remember back to
those days when all you had to look at was pages from a construction manual
and bits and pieces of aluminum? Remember how your spirits were buoyed and
your decision to build a Rebel was reinforced whenever you saw a real,
flying version of your parts pile? Remember the neat ideas you got from the
very helpful and friendly Rebel builders? Remember how good it felt to find
out you weren't the only one having a probem with some construction detail,
but found the reassurring comment from a flying Rebel owner that he had the
same problem and worked through it just like you did.? Remember the
disappointment you felt when a local fly-in was packed with RV's, but no
Rebels were around? Remember each of your planes is both an idea factory
and a motivational tool for the next guy's Rebel. Please take the effort to
fly your plane to events such as Arlington and stay on the days the crowds
are there because that is when your plane gets the most exposure. You will
make a lot of people happy, including yourself. I apologize for being too

- Chuck Skorupa -
----- Original Message -----
From: "Sam & Sandi Archer" <>
To: <>
Sent: Tuesday, July 17, 2001 7:37 PM
Subject: Re:Rebels at Arlington

The list archives are located at:
username: rebel password: builder
Howdy Bruce, It is sure too bad that you missed seeing Steve Sloan's
light weight, beautiful, well done Rebel. It was parked beside Chuck
Bailey's pretty Rebel I think Thursday or Friday. Sandi just told me, she
thinks it was there on Wednesday. Friday afternoon and all day Saturday
there was a great Rebel from B.C. parked at the Murphy display. One of the
greatest things for us to see was Scott Masingil's neat "Elite". He was
parked near Chuck Baily about 20 of us gathered around and had a great
visit with Scott and really looked his aeroplane over. Sorry for butting
on your message to Chuck Scorupa, but I just couldn't resist. Sam & Sandi
----- Original Message -----
From: <>
To: <>
Sent: Tuesday, July 17, 2001 6:57 PM
Subject: Re: What No Dinner

The list archives are located at:
username: rebel password: builder

Where were these Rebels? I was at Arlington all day Friday, Saturday and
Sunday morning and the only Rebel I saw was Chuck Baileys. If they came,
must have done touch and goes.

Bruce G 357R

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