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Elite Torque Tube Bases

Posted: Fri Feb 17, 2012 5:56 pm
by Eric Fogelin
One other item on the torque tube bases.

Do not follow the steps in the manual that
show where to drill the 9 #40 holes in the
bases. First make sure that you will get
the necessary clearances from the various
base and spar bends as has been discussed
in the recent mail.

Also, do not drill the the center #40 hole
on the base that will become the inboard
(wing root) torque tube base. If you do,
it will likely interfere with the rear
attach bracket. It is very easy to have
the hole just knick the edge of the rear
attach bracket.

This is all covered in Wray Thompson's great
online construction manual. I read this
important note, remembered it while walking
from the computer to the workshop, and then
promptly forgot, and knicked the rear attach
bracket. It worked out okay, but it was a bit
of a hassle.

With careful measuring, you can either avoid
drilling through the rear attach bracket or
you can go ahead and drill through, just make
sure that you have proper edge clearance on
the rear bracket.

Eric Fogelin
Elite #645
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