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Posted: Sun Feb 19, 2012 11:38 am
by eric.r
Yes, we can be a little over regulated ... maybe we need another revolution!
Personally, I'll just land wherever I want to (within reason) using common
sense. If I want to fish that out of the way lake, who will know anyway?
Being a retired policeman, I know that there is a law against EVERYTHING if
you look hard enough ... wash your car and the water drains into the street:
violation. Walk your dog and he pees on the stop-sign: violation. Never ask
permission unless you are sure of a positive response. Rights must be
exercised if you want to keep them ... walk softly and carry a
big ...concealed firearm! Don't fly near the White House or anywhere else
hand launched stinger missles are issued to local law enforcement!
If out next election produces Clinton/Obama or Obama/Clinton, I'm moving to
Costa Rica before they come and take me away for writing this e-mail.

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