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Warp Drive

Posted: Fri Feb 17, 2012 5:46 pm
by Richard DeCiero
Has anyone seen or heard from anyone at Warp Drive? Daryl
Heinemann? Are they still in business? I received a poorly manufactured
prop hub (great amounts of porosity in the top half) and blade from them
about 2 weeks ago and sent the defective parts back to them with their
consent. I have not been able to contact them since Monday 4/3/00. I
have left several messages each day with no response. After dumping
almost 1K dollars in their account I have been left holding the bag. Now
I have to go through the hassle of stopping payment to mastercard to
insure that I don't get ripped off.
Is this another example of the degradation of quality and service
in the marketplace?
New builders, GOOD LUCK! You'll need it.
Rick D.
Rebel S/N 446

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Warp Drive

Posted: Fri Feb 17, 2012 5:46 pm
by LisaFly99
I've always had good service from WARP DRIVE. Never a problem with returns or
replacements. They are probably at Sun/N/Fun, It's that time of year. Best of
luck to you any way keep us posted.
Phil&Lisa Smith #460 N414D
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Warp Drive

Posted: Fri Feb 17, 2012 5:46 pm
by Fred Darnell
Wow. That's a seriously pointed message for only two days without contact.
Have you ever considered they might be busy setting up for Sun-n-fun? Many
of these companies are small and an event such as Sun-N-Fun being one of the
largest events for them of the year (if not the largest) takes a
considerable amount of effort. Rumors on the internet travel at internet
speed, and irresponsibly posted messages have on more than one occasion
brought down good companies. Take it up with them (and give them a
reasonable chance to reply) before you blast something like this all over
the world.

Fred Darnell

-----Original Message-----
From: Richard DeCiero []
Sent: Wednesday, April 05, 2000 5:11 PM
To: Rebel Builders
Subject: Warp Drive

Has anyone seen or heard from anyone at Warp Drive? Daryl
Heinemann? Are they still in business? I received a poorly manufactured
prop hub (great amounts of porosity in the top half) and blade from them
about 2 weeks ago and sent the defective parts back to them with their
consent. I have not been able to contact them since Monday 4/3/00. I
have left several messages each day with no response. After dumping
almost 1K dollars in their account I have been left holding the bag. Now
I have to go through the hassle of stopping payment to mastercard to
insure that I don't get ripped off.
Is this another example of the degradation of quality and service
in the marketplace?
New builders, GOOD LUCK! You'll need it.
Rick D.
Rebel S/N 446

The Murphy Rebel Builders List is for the discussion
between builders and owners of Murphy Rebel aircraft.
Archives located at:

The Murphy Rebel Builders List is for the discussion
between builders and owners of Murphy Rebel aircraft.
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Warp Drive

Posted: Fri Feb 17, 2012 5:46 pm
by Bob Patterson
Cheer up, Rick !!

They've just headed out to Sun 'n Fun ! Everyone here has been
VERY pleased with the business practices and ethics of Warp Drive.
They sometimes take longer (much longer) than some folks expect, but
they DO come through, and the props work well.


At 05:11 PM 4/5/00 -0400, you wrote:
Has anyone seen or heard from anyone at Warp Drive? Daryl
Heinemann? Are they still in business? I received a poorly manufactured
prop hub (great amounts of porosity in the top half) and blade from them
about 2 weeks ago and sent the defective parts back to them with their
consent. I have not been able to contact them since Monday 4/3/00. I
have left several messages each day with no response. After dumping
almost 1K dollars in their account I have been left holding the bag. Now
I have to go through the hassle of stopping payment to mastercard to
insure that I don't get ripped off.
Is this another example of the degradation of quality and service
in the marketplace?
New builders, GOOD LUCK! You'll need it.
Rick D.
Rebel S/N 446

The Murphy Rebel Builders List is for the discussion
between builders and owners of Murphy Rebel aircraft.
Archives located at:

The Murphy Rebel Builders List is for the discussion
between builders and owners of Murphy Rebel aircraft.
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Warp Drive

Posted: Fri Feb 17, 2012 5:46 pm
by Richard DeCiero
<!DOCTYPE HTML PUBLIC "-//W3C//DTD HTML 4.0 Transitional//EN"> Fred and others,
The thought of their attendance at Sun-N-Fun had crossed my mind but I thought that they would at least leave a message or change their message on their answering service so that existing customers would know where they are, when they would be back and how to get answers. If there was a message on their service I would certainly give them the benefit of the doubt and await their return. Of my calls today there is not even a message at their 1-800 number just a couple of beeps. For someone contemplating doing business with them this might be acceptable to them but I have already paid for my parts and now have no idea how to contact anyone regarding the disposition of the parts or their business. Do business owners check their messages once a day? How about the courtesy of a call? After all of the good things that I have heard about the Warp Drive props I didn't think I would be left looking for answers and I hope no one else will have to in the future. Perhaps Kieth can relay a message to the people at Warp Drive and they can get in contact with me regarding my parts (1 week?, 2 weeks?, 3 weeks?).
Rick D.
Fred Darnell wrote:
Wow. That's a seriously pointed message for only two days without contact.
Have you ever considered they might be busy setting up for Sun-n-fun? Many
of these companies are small and an event such as Sun-N-Fun being one of the
largest events for them of the year (if not the largest) takes a
considerable amount of effort. Rumors on the internet travel at internet
speed, and irresponsibly posted messages have on more than one occasion
brought down good companies. Take it up with them (and give them a
reasonable chance to reply) before you blast something like this all over
the world.
Fred Darnell

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Warp Drive

Posted: Fri Feb 17, 2012 5:46 pm
by rebelair
Hi Rick

I agree with Phil & Lisa. They are probably not a big outfit & most of
their sales people are at Sun 'n Fun. (I wish I was). Sometimes they take
a little while to get back to you but I have nothing but good things to say
about them when they do. Don't get discouraged. You may not hear from them
until next week.

Brian #328R.

BTW, I have a Warp Drive, 3 bladed prop from them with about 100 hours or so
on it & I am very happy with the performance. A metal prop may be a little
better performance wise & may take more abuse, but, that is alot of weight
where you really don't want it especially if you have an 0320 forward of the


-----Original Message-----
From: []
Sent: Wednesday, April 05, 2000 5:18 PM
Subject: Re: Warp Drive

I've always had good service from WARP DRIVE. Never a problem with returns
replacements. They are probably at Sun/N/Fun, It's that time of year. Best
luck to you any way keep us posted.
Phil&Lisa Smith #460 N414D
The Murphy Rebel Builders List is for the discussion
between builders and owners of Murphy Rebel aircraft.
Archives located at:

The Murphy Rebel Builders List is for the discussion
between builders and owners of Murphy Rebel aircraft.
Archives located at:

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Warp Drive

Posted: Fri Feb 17, 2012 10:00 pm
by Brian & Pat Cross
Hi Scott

My friend, Jack Wiebe, had a prop failure with his Warp Drive. I think he
had about 300 odd hours on his prop and it cracked.

I just heard from my buddy Ron Barber a few minutes ago, & yes, I will write
to you shortly who has the square tip Warp drive with cracks at the hub.
Jack's & mine are taper tips. They all work well but are cracking at the

I cannot even think about trying to fly the thing with the potential of a
prop failure. I can screw very well by myself without any external help.
My comfort/confidence level is not there with the Warp Drive on the 0320.
Probably on the lower HP engines it is OK.

I am not happy so far with the Sensenich so far as the Warp Drive way
outperformed the Sensenich but I am sure I will recover some of the lost
performance in the next 2-4 weeks.

In my previous email, I want to clarify that I am 100% happy, no make that
110% happy with the services of John Goris at Purple Hill Air for painting &
other small stuff. I want everyone to know that.

Cheers for now

Brian #328R

List archives located at:
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Warp Drive

Posted: Fri Feb 17, 2012 10:04 pm
by Walter Klatt
Brian, when you say Jack Wiebe had a prop failure, do you mean the cracks
appeared, or did the prop actually break and cause a forced landing?

I run the 150 HP O320, and after 80 hours, no cracks yet, but I check it
closely with every pre-flight. However, my understanding has always been
that this problem does not cause an immediate catastrophic failure, so
haven't worried about it too much. So far (prior to this note), I have not
heard of a total failure of a Warp Drive with this problem. BUT if I am
wrong, I sure would like to know, as that would definitely change my view of
this prop.

Incidentally, there is a guy here locally that has been flying his Warp
Drive for over 300 hours AFTER the cracks appeared. He is well aware of what
he is doing, but strongly believes the prop is safe.

As to performance, my Warp Drive seems to compare pretty closely to the
other Rebels in my area that have the metal props, so I am satisfied that
way. However, I am toying with the idea of buying a Sensenich as a second
prop, and to see if there really is a difference or not.

-----Original Message-----
From: []On Behalf Of
Brian & Pat Cross
Sent: Wednesday, March 27, 2002 8:26 PM
Subject: Warp Drive

Hi Scott

My friend, Jack Wiebe, had a prop failure with his Warp Drive. I think he
had about 300 odd hours on his prop and it cracked.

I just heard from my buddy Ron Barber a few minutes ago, & yes, I will write
to you shortly who has the square tip Warp drive with cracks at the hub.
Jack's & mine are taper tips. They all work well but are cracking at the

I cannot even think about trying to fly the thing with the potential of a
prop failure. I can screw very well by myself without any external help.
My comfort/confidence level is not there with the Warp Drive on the 0320.
Probably on the lower HP engines it is OK.

I am not happy so far with the Sensenich so far as the Warp Drive way
outperformed the Sensenich but I am sure I will recover some of the lost
performance in the next 2-4 weeks.

In my previous email, I want to clarify that I am 100% happy, no make that
110% happy with the services of John Goris at Purple Hill Air for painting &
other small stuff. I want everyone to know that.

Cheers for now

Brian #328R

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Warp Drive

Posted: Fri Feb 17, 2012 10:04 pm
by scott.hibbs
Hi Brian, thanks for the info. I have a LOM 140ph straight 4 cylinder. I am
hoping that the hub cracks will not be a problem but I will be watching it
like a hawk.


-> Hi Scott
-> My friend, Jack Wiebe, had a prop failure with his Warp Drive. I think he
-> had about 300 odd hours on his prop and it cracked.
-> I just heard from my buddy Ron Barber a few minutes ago, & yes, I will write
-> to you shortly who has the square tip Warp drive with cracks at the hub.
-> Jack's & mine are taper tips. They all work well but are cracking at the
-> hub.
-> I cannot even think about trying to fly the thing with the potential of a
-> prop failure. I can screw very well by myself without any external help.
-> My comfort/confidence level is not there with the Warp Drive on the 0320.
-> Probably on the lower HP engines it is OK.
-> I am not happy so far with the Sensenich so far as the Warp Drive way
-> outperformed the Sensenich but I am sure I will recover some of the lost
-> performance in the next 2-4 weeks.
-> In my previous email, I want to clarify that I am 100% happy, no make that
-> 110% happy with the services of John Goris at Purple Hill Air for painting &
-> other small stuff. I want everyone to know that.
-> Cheers for now
-> Brian #328R

List archives located at:
username "rebel" password "builder"
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Warp Drive

Posted: Fri Feb 17, 2012 10:04 pm
by Brian & Pat Cross
HI Walter et al

It is my understanding that Jack did not have a catastrophic failure but
cracking only. He called me from the spot he was stranded but I was not
home. He wanted to borrow my prop blades in order to get himself home.

I understand that you can fly with cracked blades. I myself do not feel
comfortable with this situation. It is a personal choice & I have made
mine. The beauty of the Warp Drive of course is that you can optimize
performance per your needs. Not so with the Sensenich as I have found out
as my performance has suffered in every area except with the possibility of
climb. I am going to miss the upcoming flight to Florida as the prop is
performing so badly I would never keep up to Bob P. & company. I don't want
to redline the engine all the way to FLorida in order to keep up with the
pack. The moral of the story is that the Sensenich is obviously not a sure
thing as I thought & you will have to allow yourself lots of time in order
to get things right - hopefully they do.

I did just check my prop yesterday. It indeed is stamped 74DM7S6-0-58 SN
A59402. Thanks for you suggestions Wayne just read it this morning. I
measured it against Bob's prop & it has about 1 more degree of twist total
measured 7" in from the tips i.e. about 31.3 degrees vs. 30.3 for Bob's
which indicates a higher/coarser pitch but it sure is not performing as

Wayne, do you know of anyone who can accurately measure my tach? If that is
right, the Sensenich folks say the prop should be 62-63 inch pitch. The
prop does measure 74" in diameter. I did purchase the prop from MAM.

Any comments greatly appreciated.\

Brian #328R

-----Original Message-----
From: []On Behalf Of
Walter Klatt
Sent: Thursday, March 28, 2002 10:00 AM
Subject: RE: Warp Drive

Brian, when you say Jack Wiebe had a prop failure, do you mean the cracks
appeared, or did the prop actually break and cause a forced landing?

I run the 150 HP O320, and after 80 hours, no cracks yet, but I check it
closely with every pre-flight. However, my understanding has always been
that this problem does not cause an immediate catastrophic failure, so
haven't worried about it too much. So far (prior to this note), I have not
heard of a total failure of a Warp Drive with this problem. BUT if I am
wrong, I sure would like to know, as that would definitely change my view of
this prop.

Incidentally, there is a guy here locally that has been flying his Warp
Drive for over 300 hours AFTER the cracks appeared. He is well aware of what
he is doing, but strongly believes the prop is safe.

As to performance, my Warp Drive seems to compare pretty closely to the
other Rebels in my area that have the metal props, so I am satisfied that
way. However, I am toying with the idea of buying a Sensenich as a second
prop, and to see if there really is a difference or not.

-----Original Message-----
From: []On Behalf Of
Brian & Pat Cross
Sent: Wednesday, March 27, 2002 8:26 PM
Subject: Warp Drive

Hi Scott

My friend, Jack Wiebe, had a prop failure with his Warp Drive. I think he
had about 300 odd hours on his prop and it cracked.

I just heard from my buddy Ron Barber a few minutes ago, & yes, I will write
to you shortly who has the square tip Warp drive with cracks at the hub.
Jack's & mine are taper tips. They all work well but are cracking at the

I cannot even think about trying to fly the thing with the potential of a
prop failure. I can screw very well by myself without any external help.
My comfort/confidence level is not there with the Warp Drive on the 0320.
Probably on the lower HP engines it is OK.

I am not happy so far with the Sensenich so far as the Warp Drive way
outperformed the Sensenich but I am sure I will recover some of the lost
performance in the next 2-4 weeks.

In my previous email, I want to clarify that I am 100% happy, no make that
110% happy with the services of John Goris at Purple Hill Air for painting &
other small stuff. I want everyone to know that.

Cheers for now

Brian #328R

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Warp Drive

Posted: Fri Feb 17, 2012 10:04 pm
by Wayne G. O'Shea
Brian, I would think that the local AME at Brampton would have a pocket size
digital/optical tach that you could rent from him for 10 minutes or actually
you would probably have rent him for 10 minutes x their I think $80/hr I saw
on their door last time I was there (or shove 20 bucks in his pocket!). I
would also suspect that one of the RAA members at Brampton has one in his
hanger. I have one, but a little out of your way to get it. Easy to use by
simply firing her up and pointing it through the windshield (or out the
door) at the propellor. It is an annual requirement on all direct drive
tachs (homebuilt or certified!) to verify they are acurate within 3% (or it
might be 5 can never remember) per CARS.

What HP is you engine supposed to be? If indeed you are spinning that -58
(that it seems you have since it's courser than Bob's) beyond redline, you
must be really putting out some serious HP. Like I said Howard's can be
redlined but he is running a <VERY> fine -52 on his 150 HP E2D and Bob's can
be just readlined at full throttle with his E2D which creates a darn good
cruise I must add of 106 to 108 <KNOTS> (~130 MPH) when I was test flying

By the way, who/where is this paint shop you used? When I am finished with
George Christie's (was Toby, Lawrence and George, but now just George's)
Rebel here, in a month or so, they will be looking for a place to have it
stripped (of that wonderful System 3 SHIT) and repainted with some real
product. It is going to be interesting to see how well it strips. Even
though half the plane is peeling on it's own I have tried two brands of
stripped to clean off were I am rebuilding the lower rudder and FUS-30 and
the stuff won't blister and/or lift! 3 coats of stripper to get enough off
the rudder to do a patch gusset to a clean area. Glad I told George I
wouldn't strip the entire plane, as I wasn't set up for that kind of work!

Wayne G. O'Shea

----- Original Message -----
From: "Brian & Pat Cross" <>
To: <>
Sent: Sunday, March 31, 2002 5:21 PM
Subject: RE: Warp Drive

HI Walter et al

It is my understanding that Jack did not have a catastrophic failure but
cracking only. He called me from the spot he was stranded but I was not
home. He wanted to borrow my prop blades in order to get himself home.

I understand that you can fly with cracked blades. I myself do not feel
comfortable with this situation. It is a personal choice & I have made
mine. The beauty of the Warp Drive of course is that you can optimize
performance per your needs. Not so with the Sensenich as I have found out
as my performance has suffered in every area except with the possibility
climb. I am going to miss the upcoming flight to Florida as the prop is
performing so badly I would never keep up to Bob P. & company. I don't
to redline the engine all the way to FLorida in order to keep up with the
pack. The moral of the story is that the Sensenich is obviously not a
thing as I thought & you will have to allow yourself lots of time in order
to get things right - hopefully they do.

I did just check my prop yesterday. It indeed is stamped 74DM7S6-0-58 SN
A59402. Thanks for you suggestions Wayne just read it this morning. I
measured it against Bob's prop & it has about 1 more degree of twist total
measured 7" in from the tips i.e. about 31.3 degrees vs. 30.3 for Bob's
which indicates a higher/coarser pitch but it sure is not performing as

Wayne, do you know of anyone who can accurately measure my tach? If that
right, the Sensenich folks say the prop should be 62-63 inch pitch. The
prop does measure 74" in diameter. I did purchase the prop from MAM.

Any comments greatly appreciated.\

Brian #328R

-----Original Message-----
From: []On Behalf Of
Walter Klatt
Sent: Thursday, March 28, 2002 10:00 AM
Subject: RE: Warp Drive

Brian, when you say Jack Wiebe had a prop failure, do you mean the cracks
appeared, or did the prop actually break and cause a forced landing?

I run the 150 HP O320, and after 80 hours, no cracks yet, but I check it
closely with every pre-flight. However, my understanding has always been
that this problem does not cause an immediate catastrophic failure, so
haven't worried about it too much. So far (prior to this note), I have not
heard of a total failure of a Warp Drive with this problem. BUT if I am
wrong, I sure would like to know, as that would definitely change my view
this prop.

Incidentally, there is a guy here locally that has been flying his Warp
Drive for over 300 hours AFTER the cracks appeared. He is well aware of
he is doing, but strongly believes the prop is safe.

As to performance, my Warp Drive seems to compare pretty closely to the
other Rebels in my area that have the metal props, so I am satisfied that
way. However, I am toying with the idea of buying a Sensenich as a second
prop, and to see if there really is a difference or not.

-----Original Message-----
From: []On Behalf Of
Brian & Pat Cross
Sent: Wednesday, March 27, 2002 8:26 PM
Subject: Warp Drive

Hi Scott

My friend, Jack Wiebe, had a prop failure with his Warp Drive. I think he
had about 300 odd hours on his prop and it cracked.

I just heard from my buddy Ron Barber a few minutes ago, & yes, I will
to you shortly who has the square tip Warp drive with cracks at the hub.
Jack's & mine are taper tips. They all work well but are cracking at the

I cannot even think about trying to fly the thing with the potential of a
prop failure. I can screw very well by myself without any external help.
My comfort/confidence level is not there with the Warp Drive on the 0320.
Probably on the lower HP engines it is OK.

I am not happy so far with the Sensenich so far as the Warp Drive way
outperformed the Sensenich but I am sure I will recover some of the lost
performance in the next 2-4 weeks.

In my previous email, I want to clarify that I am 100% happy, no make that
110% happy with the services of John Goris at Purple Hill Air for painting
other small stuff. I want everyone to know that.

Cheers for now

Brian #328R

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