another. Yes, my latest query to MAM tech somehow got forwarded to theHi Luke !
I hope your comments get to the right people at MAM, as it sounds like
the packing list needs to be fixed !!
A few extra bolts are always handy - you could make a list & get them
from the factory next time they're shipping something anyway. Wayne O'Shea
also has an incredible (like 30 tons !!) collection of parts & fasteners -
he's on this list, and has a web site ....
Sounds like you're making good progress. Have flown several Subaru Rebels
- the consensus here is: "Just leave it stock - it'll work just fine !" If
you can, get one of the new 2.5 litre Legacy engines - 165 hp STOCK !!
(Check the archives for last year's Rebel adventure ...)
Most of the Subaru convertors do a good job, and the higher powered
conversions are very nice, but at a cost ! Many have had good results
with just the stock engine - comments, Geert ?? , Dave .... ???
Hope you can join us on a Rebel Ramble one day. Keep on rivetting -
you'll really LOVE flying the Rebel !!!
At 07:54 AM 3/14/00 -0800, you wrote:Bob,
Sometimes it seems as though life is one humbling experience after
builderss support page-oops!
sizes so far, and all in the controls chapter ) have not been on the packingBut, since you asked, all of the bolts I have had absent ( 3 different
slip, so there was no way to know of the discrepency before they were
needed. Unfortunately, I don't have a stash of random bolts to slip in in
their absence. I may need to pick up one of the AS&S assortments or similar yet.
will be installing a Subaru either left stock@ 130 Hp or with a cam regrindThanks for all of your helpful tips/input on the support page.
P.S.-I'm ?2/3? completed with 467R and hope to finish within the year;
to 170 Hp. I enjoy building but can't wait to get this in the air!
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