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Posted: Fri Feb 17, 2012 5:38 pm
by C&P Kucera
I had a look at Wyne O'Shea's firewall fix and a memory came to mind. Last
summer I visited a Rebel builder who had the engine mount bolted on the wall
ready to hang his gorgeous Canadian Aero O-320. He said the mount was
purchased from Murphy and designed for the O-320. What I did not like about
it were the two uppermost tubes extending from the upper firewall bolts with
the other end hanging in the breeze. I could easily flex each of the tubes
with one hand and see the wall flex and this is supposed to support a 160 hp
engine!!! Wow!!!! All the other tubes were triangulated or crossbraced to
others and they did not flex.
The argument was that the upper tubes would stop flexing once tied to the
engine. I did not buy that because the junction at the engine is not rigid,
it is through flexing rubber mounts. These tubes can never be rigid like the
rest. I would always expect to see them spread out a bit and cause the
firewall to locally bulge out.
Wayne's photos don't show the engine end of the mount so I don't know where
the wall flex was comming from on his installation but with the mount I
described above there should be a way to address the problem at the source
and tie the flexing tubes to other ones. Perhaps a firewall fix would not
even be required then although direct pulling loads out of the wall at this
location must be very high just from the moment generated by this heavy
I understand that once in flight the tubes will not flex nearly as much as
when bouncing on the ground (or water) but still that would not be a good
excuse for leaving the tubes flex.
Can anyone shed some light on this? Has anyone done any beefing up of this
flexing mount and how did it effect the firewall?

Paul Kucera
Rebel builder, 453R

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Posted: Fri Feb 17, 2012 5:38 pm
by Wayne G. O'Shea
Your following message has been delivered to the 134 members of
the list at 00:36:54 on 2 Dec 1999.

Paul, you are describing the mount for a "conical" engine! Well trussed at
the bottom etc and two tubes going forward at the top to pick up the engine.
Very typical mount design, even on certified conically mounted engines.
Anywhere you put a cross tube, it will be in the way of the mags, oil cooler
line fittings or something as there is barely enough room to pull a mag on a
Rebel(but with a little imagination and work it could probably be done) The
Murphy dynafocal engine Mount on the other hand, has a very rigid top
section with a diagonal brace etc. and the lower two tubes are just loose
tubes from the dynafocal mount ring to the firewall bolt flanges(similar to
the top tubes on the conical mount) My web pic's show a Dynafocal Mount.
There have been firewall problems with both engine mounts in use! A prop
strike on a Rebel at idle power (without the reinforcements) will buckle all
4 mount locations approximately 1/2", making the new propellor and the bulk
overhaul on the engine, the easy part of the repairs.

-----Original Message-----
From: C&P Kucera <>
To: Murphy Rebel Builders List <>
Date: Thursday, December 02, 1999 12:07 AM

I had a look at Wyne O'Shea's firewall fix and a memory came to mind. Last
summer I visited a Rebel builder who had the engine mount bolted on the
ready to hang his gorgeous Canadian Aero O-320. He said the mount was
purchased from Murphy and designed for the O-320. What I did not like about
it were the two uppermost tubes extending from the upper firewall bolts
the other end hanging in the breeze. I could easily flex each of the tubes
with one hand and see the wall flex and this is supposed to support a 160
engine!!! Wow!!!! All the other tubes were triangulated or crossbraced to
others and they did not flex.
The argument was that the upper tubes would stop flexing once tied to the
engine. I did not buy that because the junction at the engine is not rigid,
it is through flexing rubber mounts. These tubes can never be rigid like
rest. I would always expect to see them spread out a bit and cause the
firewall to locally bulge out.
Wayne's photos don't show the engine end of the mount so I don't know where
the wall flex was comming from on his installation but with the mount I
described above there should be a way to address the problem at the source
and tie the flexing tubes to other ones. Perhaps a firewall fix would not
even be required then although direct pulling loads out of the wall at this
location must be very high just from the moment generated by this heavy
I understand that once in flight the tubes will not flex nearly as much as
when bouncing on the ground (or water) but still that would not be a good
excuse for leaving the tubes flex.
Can anyone shed some light on this? Has anyone done any beefing up of this
flexing mount and how did it effect the firewall?

Paul Kucera
Rebel builder, 453R

The Murphy Rebel Builders List is for the discussion
between builders and owners of Murphy Rebel aircraft.
Archives located at:
The Murphy Rebel Builders List is for the discussion
between builders and owners of Murphy Rebel aircraft.
Archives located at:

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Posted: Fri Feb 17, 2012 5:38 pm
by klehman

Don't know about prop strikes. But IMHO (as a non-flying builder) flexing of the
unmounted engine mount tubes is not really relevant (unless cracks are
appearing) as those tubes essentially can only transmit tension or compression.

However I agree that the angles of the top conical mount tubes are such that
they multiply the force dramatically that tends to pull the top two firewall
mount points towards each other. If you had the room, I think a tube welded
across the engine mount would be as effective as reinforcing the firewall for
counterring that force. I think there is a photo of that on Wray's web page.
Wayne's plates on the firewall would also distribute vertical forces nicely (and
all forces that are parrallel to the firewall). MAM's fix tends to do the same
for at least the top mounts but I think that is mostly a secondary benefit.
Wayne's fix has survived the ultimate test of time and use which beats all the
theory in the world, although I am curious if he would consider trying thinner
plates for a new undamaged installation. There is also something to be said for
MAM's minimalist fix. As always, the lightest adequate fix, that doesn't create
new problems, should be the best one.

In my own case, I am not planning any firewall re-inforcing at this time
although I do have a stainless fire resistant doubler. I have made a Subaru bed
type engine mount that does not have a tendancy to pull the upper firewall mount
points together like the conical mount. Well, actually I also gave up on the
original old machined one-piece "bathtub" fittings and made steel ones that may
be a bit larger. The newer two piece fittings look to be much easier to install.


C&P Kucera wrote:
Can anyone shed some light on this? Has anyone done any beefing up of this
flexing mount and how did it effect the firewall?
Paul Kucera
The Murphy Rebel Builders List is for the discussion
between builders and owners of Murphy Rebel aircraft.
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