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0-320 suppliers

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0-320 suppliers

Post by REBEL112R » Fri Feb 17, 2012 5:26 pm

Things start to slow down when you start on the fuselage. Figure 2-3
thousand hrs. total. Keep plugging away!
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Ryan Amendala

0-320 suppliers

Post by Ryan Amendala » Fri Feb 17, 2012 5:26 pm


Rebel #669 is on her way. We are currently working on the left wing. soon
to start the Fuse. I was wondering what models of O-320's people are using
and what suppliers they are using them from. From the canardians
(LongEZ/Cozy folks) I received a name of Aero Sport Power in Kamloops, BC.
Has anyone used them before? If so do you have a contact?

On a side note, is there a particular point in which buildling the Rebel
becomes increasingly slower? We seem to be moving right along, 2 1/2 weeks
up to left wing (almost done).


Ryan,Brian,Brian Amendala
Rebel #669
Work'n on the wings.

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The Murphy Rebel Builders List is for the discussion
between builders and owners of Murphy Rebel aircraft.
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Bob Patterson

0-320 suppliers

Post by Bob Patterson » Fri Feb 17, 2012 5:26 pm

Sounds like you're making great progress - keep it up !!

All kinds of O-320's being used - the lower "letters" tend to be lighter
weight, but have smaller cylinder bases (deck), so may not be quite as
rugged. The only one you definitely SHOULD AVOID is the H2AD model -
it has a bad history of cam problems, doesn't fit the standard Murphy mount
OR cowling, and I think it has oddball mags & carb ... generally NOT a
good choice ! (Of course, they DO sell for CHEAP :-) )

FWIW, you might be best to stay with the 150 HP models, instead of the
160 HP's . There have been several (more than 4 !) reports of "power pulse
induced" cracks in Warp Drive props on the 160's - NO problems on the 150's.

For sources - in Canada, you might consider John Donaldson, at Aviation
Technical Consultants (ATC), in Orillia, Ontario. John was shop foreman
at Canadian Aero Engines until they closed, and has built over 30 Rebel
engines. All happy, so far ! His phone is: 705-325-5515
He will find you a core, and rebuild it, or rebuild <your> core, if you send
it to him. (He has built up a couple of 180 HP. (!!) O-320's for really
power-crazed Rebel builders. These had many mods, including splash oiling
for the inside of the pistons, for better lube & cooling ....)

Many builders here have found that things really slow down once you
get into the cockpit area, with all those little angle brackets in the floor,
and the wiring, plumbing, and instrument placement .... but keep moving -
"It's WORTH it !!!"

At least 2 Rebels in Ontario have been built in less than 700 hours,
and 2 more were completed over ONE winter, by different builders !! Some
people take MUCH longer, because of modifications, or too much "planning".
Don't worry too much about details - just build it the way it was designed,
and get it flying !!

Of course, little things like better window latches & cowling shouldn't
slow you down too much - just do what others have already "researched" ! :-)

Good luck ! ......bobp

At 06:57 PM 10/13/99 GMT, you wrote:

Rebel #669 is on her way. We are currently working on the left wing. soon
to start the Fuse. I was wondering what models of O-320's people are using
and what suppliers they are using them from. From the canardians
(LongEZ/Cozy folks) I received a name of Aero Sport Power in Kamloops, BC.
Has anyone used them before? If so do you have a contact?

On a side note, is there a particular point in which buildling the Rebel
becomes increasingly slower? We seem to be moving right along, 2 1/2 weeks
up to left wing (almost done).


Ryan,Brian,Brian Amendala
Rebel #669
Work'n on the wings.

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The Murphy Rebel Builders List is for the discussion
between builders and owners of Murphy Rebel aircraft.
Archives located at:

The Murphy Rebel Builders List is for the discussion
between builders and owners of Murphy Rebel aircraft.
Archives located at:

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