While I am down to the short strokes on Howard's rebuild (minor cowl
repairs, paint and engine install) thought I would re-live a few suggestions
for guys that haven't read these before, before spring is really here and
I'm too busy to bother. Not claiming to be the first to think of these, just
throwing them out for your benefit.
When mounting the control column to the carrythru's, drill and cleco to 3/16
as per the manual. Then remove the assembly, drill the right hand bracket
holes out to 1/4". Drill the carrythru holes to 7/64 and then tap them
1/4-24. Then when you install the column, rivet the left hand retainer down
with the appropriate RV1619's and bolt the right side in with AN4-3A or
AN4H-3A (allows safety wire if you're worried). This allows for easy removal
for those days when you need to lay on your back under the panel. Up and
over the column is absolutely not fun what so ever!
When installing the short push pull tube, from the left stick to the
bellcrank, be sure to use a jam nut on both rod ends. Not a singular one
like MAM shows. Then on the bellcrank ends rod end use a small slice (about
3/16") of 1/4ID x 5/16OD stainless brake line or similar..both above and
below the rod end. This will allow the rod end to swivel further, before
bottoming against the penny washer/bellcrank and allow full stick movement
once you have set your up/down stops on the control column.
List archives located at: https://mail.dcsol.com/login
username "rebel" password "builder"
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Control column install - Rebel/Elite
Control column install - Rebel/Elite
Another thought.....since I was doing a retro had to go 1/4". You could
drill and cleco at 1/8" and then tap for AN3-3A's instead of 1/4" bolts.
----- Original Message -----
From: "Wayne G. O'Shea" <oifa@irishfield.on.ca>
To: "Murphy Rebel Builders List" <rebel-builders@dcsol.com>
Sent: Thursday, April 07, 2005 7:18 PM
Subject: Control column install - Rebel/Elite
List archives located at: https://mail.dcsol.com/login
username "rebel" password "builder"
Unsubscribe: rebel-builders-unsubscribe@dcsol.com
List administrator: mike.davis@dcsol.com
drill and cleco at 1/8" and then tap for AN3-3A's instead of 1/4" bolts.
----- Original Message -----
From: "Wayne G. O'Shea" <oifa@irishfield.on.ca>
To: "Murphy Rebel Builders List" <rebel-builders@dcsol.com>
Sent: Thursday, April 07, 2005 7:18 PM
Subject: Control column install - Rebel/Elite
suggestionsWhile I am down to the short strokes on Howard's rebuild (minor cowl
repairs, paint and engine install) thought I would re-live a few
justfor guys that haven't read these before, before spring is really here and
I'm too busy to bother. Not claiming to be the first to think of these,
3/16throwing them out for your benefit.
When mounting the control column to the carrythru's, drill and cleco to
downas per the manual. Then remove the assembly, drill the right hand bracket
holes out to 1/4". Drill the carrythru holes to 7/64 and then tap them
1/4-24. Then when you install the column, rivet the left hand retainer
removalwith the appropriate RV1619's and bolt the right side in with AN4-3A or
AN4H-3A (allows safety wire if you're worried). This allows for easy
(aboutfor those days when you need to lay on your back under the panel. Up and
over the column is absolutely not fun what so ever!
When installing the short push pull tube, from the left stick to the
bellcrank, be sure to use a jam nut on both rod ends. Not a singular one
like MAM shows. Then on the bellcrank ends rod end use a small slice
3/16") of 1/4ID x 5/16OD stainless brake line or similar..both above and
below the rod end. This will allow the rod end to swivel further, before
bottoming against the penny washer/bellcrank and allow full stick movement
once you have set your up/down stops on the control column.
List archives located at: https://www.dcsol.com/login?mode=HTML
username "rebel" password "builder"
Subscription services located at:
List administrator: mike.davis@dcsol.com
List archives located at: https://mail.dcsol.com/login
username "rebel" password "builder"
Unsubscribe: rebel-builders-unsubscribe@dcsol.com
List administrator: mike.davis@dcsol.com
Control column install - Rebel/Elite
Thanks for all the advice.
-> Received: by dcsol.com (Wildcat! SMTP Router v6.0.451.3)
-> for rebel-builders@dcsol.com; Thu, 07 Apr 2005 15:28:14 -0800
-> Received: from smtp.film-tech.net ([]) EHLO=smtp.film-tech.net
-> by dcsol.com (Wildcat! SMTP v6.0.451.3) with SMTP
-> id 209214156; Thu, 07 Apr 2005 15:28:12 -0800
-> Received: from dilbert.dostech.net (barrie-dialport- [])
-> (authenticated user dos@smtp.film-tech.net)
-> by smtp.film-tech.net (smtp.film-tech.net [])
-> (Cipher TLSv1:RC4-MD5:128) (MDaemon.PRO.v6.8.5.R)
-> with ESMTP id 63-md50000000224.tmp
-> for <rebel-builders@dcsol.com>; Thu, 07 Apr 2005 18:27:38 -0500
-> Received: from celeron266a (celeron266a.midland.dostech.net [])
-> by dilbert.dostech.net (8.12.8/8.12.
with SMTP id j37NQo4P031839
-> for <rebel-builders@dcsol.com>; Thu, 7 Apr 2005 19:26:50 -0400
-> Message-ID: <008d01c53bc9$821581c0$e401910a@celeron266a>
-> From: "Wayne G. O'Shea" <oifa@irishfield.on.ca>
-> To: <rebel-builders@dcsol.com>
-> References: <007f01c53bc8$1866dea0$e401910a@celeron266a>
-> Subject: Re: Control column install - Rebel/Elite
-> Date: Thu, 7 Apr 2005 19:28:30 -0400
-> Organization: O'Shea's Irish Field Aviation
-> X-Orig-MIME-Version: 1.0
-> X-Orig-Content-Type: text/plain; charset="iso-8859-1"
-> X-Orig-Content-Transfer-Encoding: 7bit
-> X-Priority: 3
-> X-MSMail-Priority: Normal
-> X-Mailer: Microsoft Outlook Express 6.00.2800.1106
-> X-MIMEOLE: Produced By Microsoft MimeOLE V6.00.2800.1106
-> X-Authenticated-Sender: dos@smtp.film-tech.net
-> X-Spam-Processed: smtp.film-tech.net, Thu, 07 Apr 2005 18:27:38 -0500
-> (not processed: spam filter disabled)
-> X-MDRemoteIP:
-> X-Return-Path: oifa@irishfield.on.ca
-> X-MDaemon-Deliver-To: rebel-builders@dcsol.com
-> X-Antivirus-Remover: Message filtered with wsAV v2.0.0 Build 001
-> Another thought.....since I was doing a retro had to go 1/4". You could
-> drill and cleco at 1/8" and then tap for AN3-3A's instead of 1/4" bolts.
-> ----- Original Message -----
-> From: "Wayne G. O'Shea" <oifa@irishfield.on.ca>
-> To: "Murphy Rebel Builders List" <rebel-builders@dcsol.com>
-> Sent: Thursday, April 07, 2005 7:18 PM
-> Subject: Control column install - Rebel/Elite
-> > While I am down to the short strokes on Howard's rebuild (minor cowl
-> > repairs, paint and engine install) thought I would re-live a few
-> suggestions
-> > for guys that haven't read these before, before spring is really here and
-> > I'm too busy to bother. Not claiming to be the first to think of these,
-> just
-> > throwing them out for your benefit.
-> >
-> > When mounting the control column to the carrythru's, drill and cleco to
-> 3/16
-> > as per the manual. Then remove the assembly, drill the right hand bracket
-> > holes out to 1/4". Drill the carrythru holes to 7/64 and then tap them
-> > 1/4-24. Then when you install the column, rivet the left hand retainer
-> down
-> > with the appropriate RV1619's and bolt the right side in with AN4-3A or
-> > AN4H-3A (allows safety wire if you're worried). This allows for easy
-> removal
-> > for those days when you need to lay on your back under the panel. Up and
-> > over the column is absolutely not fun what so ever!
-> >
-> > When installing the short push pull tube, from the left stick to the
-> > bellcrank, be sure to use a jam nut on both rod ends. Not a singular one
-> > like MAM shows. Then on the bellcrank ends rod end use a small slice
-> (about
-> > 3/16") of 1/4ID x 5/16OD stainless brake line or similar..both above and
-> > below the rod end. This will allow the rod end to swivel further, before
-> > bottoming against the penny washer/bellcrank and allow full stick movement
-> > once you have set your up/down stops on the control column.
-> >
-> > Cheers,
-> > Wayne
-> >
-> >
-> >
-> >
-> >
-> >
-> > -----------------------------------------------------------------
-> > List archives located at: https://www.dcsol.com/login?mode=HTML
-> > username "rebel" password "builder"
-> > Subscription services located at:
-> > https://www.dcsol.com/public/code/html-subscribe.htm
-> > List administrator: mike.davis@dcsol.com
-> > -----------------------------------------------------------------
-> >
-> >
-> >
-> >
List archives located at: https://mail.dcsol.com/login
username "rebel" password "builder"
Unsubscribe: rebel-builders-unsubscribe@dcsol.com
List administrator: mike.davis@dcsol.com
Thanks for all the advice.
-> Received: by dcsol.com (Wildcat! SMTP Router v6.0.451.3)
-> for rebel-builders@dcsol.com; Thu, 07 Apr 2005 15:28:14 -0800
-> Received: from smtp.film-tech.net ([]) EHLO=smtp.film-tech.net
-> by dcsol.com (Wildcat! SMTP v6.0.451.3) with SMTP
-> id 209214156; Thu, 07 Apr 2005 15:28:12 -0800
-> Received: from dilbert.dostech.net (barrie-dialport- [])
-> (authenticated user dos@smtp.film-tech.net)
-> by smtp.film-tech.net (smtp.film-tech.net [])
-> (Cipher TLSv1:RC4-MD5:128) (MDaemon.PRO.v6.8.5.R)
-> with ESMTP id 63-md50000000224.tmp
-> for <rebel-builders@dcsol.com>; Thu, 07 Apr 2005 18:27:38 -0500
-> Received: from celeron266a (celeron266a.midland.dostech.net [])
-> by dilbert.dostech.net (8.12.8/8.12.

-> for <rebel-builders@dcsol.com>; Thu, 7 Apr 2005 19:26:50 -0400
-> Message-ID: <008d01c53bc9$821581c0$e401910a@celeron266a>
-> From: "Wayne G. O'Shea" <oifa@irishfield.on.ca>
-> To: <rebel-builders@dcsol.com>
-> References: <007f01c53bc8$1866dea0$e401910a@celeron266a>
-> Subject: Re: Control column install - Rebel/Elite
-> Date: Thu, 7 Apr 2005 19:28:30 -0400
-> Organization: O'Shea's Irish Field Aviation
-> X-Orig-MIME-Version: 1.0
-> X-Orig-Content-Type: text/plain; charset="iso-8859-1"
-> X-Orig-Content-Transfer-Encoding: 7bit
-> X-Priority: 3
-> X-MSMail-Priority: Normal
-> X-Mailer: Microsoft Outlook Express 6.00.2800.1106
-> X-MIMEOLE: Produced By Microsoft MimeOLE V6.00.2800.1106
-> X-Authenticated-Sender: dos@smtp.film-tech.net
-> X-Spam-Processed: smtp.film-tech.net, Thu, 07 Apr 2005 18:27:38 -0500
-> (not processed: spam filter disabled)
-> X-MDRemoteIP:
-> X-Return-Path: oifa@irishfield.on.ca
-> X-MDaemon-Deliver-To: rebel-builders@dcsol.com
-> X-Antivirus-Remover: Message filtered with wsAV v2.0.0 Build 001
-> Another thought.....since I was doing a retro had to go 1/4". You could
-> drill and cleco at 1/8" and then tap for AN3-3A's instead of 1/4" bolts.
-> ----- Original Message -----
-> From: "Wayne G. O'Shea" <oifa@irishfield.on.ca>
-> To: "Murphy Rebel Builders List" <rebel-builders@dcsol.com>
-> Sent: Thursday, April 07, 2005 7:18 PM
-> Subject: Control column install - Rebel/Elite
-> > While I am down to the short strokes on Howard's rebuild (minor cowl
-> > repairs, paint and engine install) thought I would re-live a few
-> suggestions
-> > for guys that haven't read these before, before spring is really here and
-> > I'm too busy to bother. Not claiming to be the first to think of these,
-> just
-> > throwing them out for your benefit.
-> >
-> > When mounting the control column to the carrythru's, drill and cleco to
-> 3/16
-> > as per the manual. Then remove the assembly, drill the right hand bracket
-> > holes out to 1/4". Drill the carrythru holes to 7/64 and then tap them
-> > 1/4-24. Then when you install the column, rivet the left hand retainer
-> down
-> > with the appropriate RV1619's and bolt the right side in with AN4-3A or
-> > AN4H-3A (allows safety wire if you're worried). This allows for easy
-> removal
-> > for those days when you need to lay on your back under the panel. Up and
-> > over the column is absolutely not fun what so ever!
-> >
-> > When installing the short push pull tube, from the left stick to the
-> > bellcrank, be sure to use a jam nut on both rod ends. Not a singular one
-> > like MAM shows. Then on the bellcrank ends rod end use a small slice
-> (about
-> > 3/16") of 1/4ID x 5/16OD stainless brake line or similar..both above and
-> > below the rod end. This will allow the rod end to swivel further, before
-> > bottoming against the penny washer/bellcrank and allow full stick movement
-> > once you have set your up/down stops on the control column.
-> >
-> > Cheers,
-> > Wayne
-> >
-> >
-> >
-> >
-> >
-> >
-> > -----------------------------------------------------------------
-> > List archives located at: https://www.dcsol.com/login?mode=HTML
-> > username "rebel" password "builder"
-> > Subscription services located at:
-> > https://www.dcsol.com/public/code/html-subscribe.htm
-> > List administrator: mike.davis@dcsol.com
-> > -----------------------------------------------------------------
-> >
-> >
-> >
-> >
List archives located at: https://mail.dcsol.com/login
username "rebel" password "builder"
Unsubscribe: rebel-builders-unsubscribe@dcsol.com
List administrator: mike.davis@dcsol.com