"fish story." <grin>
-----Original Message-----
From: mike.davis@dcsol.com [mailto:mike.davis@dcsol.com] On Behalf Of
Wayne G. O'Shea
Sent: Tuesday, March 15, 2005 9:16 PM
To: rebel-builders@dcsol.com
Subject: Re: landing lights
Good luck with your move Dave!
As for ice fishing...never much saw they joy in sitting on the ice
staring down a hole...but maybe I should give it a try one of these
years! Been slow from what I understand, but some really nice big fish
for the odd lucky sole. Here's the best I've seen this year.....
----- Original Message -----
From: "Dave Fife" <aircrafttips@yahoo.com>
To: <rebel-builders@dcsol.com>
Sent: Tuesday, March 15, 2005 10:13 PM
Subject: Re: landing lights
home ready for sale. I (we) have had it with the cold. Moving toWell, Here I go again. I have not been posting because I am making
Florida, Mid July this year. I have kept it quiet as I cannot work in
the shop as often as I need to.
contract to be approved. If all else fails I will just move 70 milesIt takes a lot of time to do a move like this. Just waiting for my
north to Bay City .
Yes I will still make parts and will resume ASAP. I have a few orders
fill and that is keeping me very busy too. I am contiuning to work onto
addl molds for the Rebel, Elite, Moose and now for the Long EZ's.
give it a try up there.Lots to do, so little time.
Wayne, hows the ice fishing? I may have to come back next winter and
actuallyIt sounds like you have been doing some ski flying. Lots of fun.
"Wayne G. O'Shea" <oifa@irishfield.on.ca> wrote:
Dave...if you'd quit reading and start posting more often you could
sell those things too!!))
----- Original Message -----
From: "Dave Fife"
Sent: Tuesday, March 15, 2005 8:11 PM
Subject: Re: landing lights
while. As some of you know I sell a 3" Halogen light, round, glassWell, I have been following this thread regarding landing light for
lens, 55w halogen H3 bulb. Comes with plastic housing and mounting
bracket. They mount to the last rib on the wing and you make a lens in
ofthe leading edge
the wingtip. Cost you ask, 15.00 us + shipping. Just thought I would
let you know.BTW, for less than 50$ you can have lights......Wayne is
David K. Fife
3D Composite Aircraft Parts Inc.
1345 Merkle St.
Ortonville, MI. 48462
Phone 248-627-4367
Long EZ in progress. www.stormpages.com/3dcomposite/wingtip.html
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