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Next Rebel Builders Meeting - Sunday, Sept. 19th

Posted: Fri Feb 17, 2012 5:26 pm
by Bob Patterson
The next Rebel Builders of Ontario Meeting is Sunday, September 19th,
at 1:00 pm. at the RAA-TR Clubhouse at the north end of Brampton Airport.
(North-West of Toronto, Ontario, Canada) (NC3)

NOTE: The date for this meeting has been moved to the THIRD Sunday,
because several of us plan to fly down to Marion, Ohio, for
the Mid-Eastern Regional Fly-In on the 11th & 12th, as we have
done for the last few years.

If the weather's good, we hope to see several NEW Rebels fly in
for the meeting. Curt Martin & Dave Fife ("the Boys from Michigan") will
bring the Oshkosh award-winning Rebel, sporting the new Hoerner wing
tips built by Dave Fife !! (And maybe a few sets of tail tips, too ... )

With a little luck, we'll also get to see Brian Cross's newly
completed Rebel, also with the new wing tips, and Angus McKenzie's Rebel
with the STOL cuffs & fences on the wings !!

We also hope to have several guest builders from Virginia, Rochester,
and other exotic spots !! Should be an interesting meeting !

Phone us for updates or directions - (905) 457-5238.

Hope to see you all there ! (There will be some more Super Rebel
builders, too !!!) There is a lot of experience to share ...

Free coke, spring water, coffee & donuts, as usual - everyone welcome !
(Even if you don't have a Rebel yet !)

We'll have bagels & cream cheese, again, too !!

.....bobp & Anna

p.s. Please bring a folding lawn chair, as seating might be short.

p.p.s. We usually go out for pizza & beer after the meeting - all welcome