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Rebel Tail solutions

Posted: Fri Feb 17, 2012 5:19 pm
by Mike Davis
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To: <> (Murphy Rebel Builders List)
From: Bob Patterson <>
Subject: Re: Rebel Tail solutions
Message-Id: <>
Date: Sun, 4 Jul 1999 17:25:07 -0400

Yep !! You've got it - it's like putting on TWO FUS-49 (??) skins.
In fact, some builders have done just that !! Ordered 2 and glued them
together with Epoxy Chromate, and added a bunch of extra rivets after
installation. (these are the rearmost bottom skin section, which is
curved deeply) The important thing is to connect to the tail post, and
to extend forward of the front tailspring bolt, and up to the stab, at
the back - the front can taper lower at the top.

Your triangular doublers are like tapered channels, extending the side
skins, aren't they ? There are also flat triangular (more diamond shaped)
pieces that go on the outside top, connecting FUS-49 (?) to the side & top

Sorry I'm not more specific, but somebody 'borrowed' my old manual a
few months ago - sure could use it !! Can anybody tell me the FUS number
for the flat plate that goes from the front door post back,
under the door ??? It runs from the bottom corner wrap to the bottom door
channel. This is the piece that should be replaced with a thicker (.032)
one for floats ...

Also - which is the thicker channel, ST-31, or ST-28 ?? The thicker
one should be used for the door frames, instead of the thin ones. This
means ordering extra lengths of this piece - they are handy for many
things, as are extra pieces of wing stringer. (HINT - if you are ordering
extra wing stringer to use as stiffener, ask the factory to cut it to
4 foot or 6 foot lengths. This will save you $$$$ on shipping costs !!!)


At 02:30 PM 7/4/99 -0400, you wrote:
Hi Bob,
I have #416 and I'm working on this area now. I had purchased the
doublers - fus89 I believe. The two triangular doublers that go inside and
overlap the side skin and the tail wrap. Your talking about something
different though aren't you? Hey thanks for the tip! Now make sure I'm
getting this right - the doubler goes on the OUTSIDE of the tailpost wrap

----- Original Message -----
From: Bob Patterson <>
To: <>
Sent: Thursday, July 01, 1999 10:15 PM
Subject: Rebel Tail solutions

I have had calls from TWO builders in the last week with the same
problem, so it is still happening -

The problem is mostly seen on earlier Rebels, particularly below
S/N 200, particularly with the old method of attaching the tailsprings.
The rearmost bottom fuselage skin (was FUS-49 ...) is too thin to handle
heavy sideloads, and will crease, and crack - NOT a 'Good Thing'(tm) :-)

For quite a while, builders here have been reinforcing this area by
putting a doubler over the whole area - a section that is U shaped
from the front, and triangular from the side, that covers from an inch
or so in front of the front tailspring bolt, to the tail post, and up
as high as the stabilizer. One easy way to do this is just to order
another FUS-49 (or whatever it is now ...), trim it a bit at the front
slather lots of Epoxy Chromate on it, and rivet it over top of the
FUS-49. This involves re-doing the rivets in the tail post, as well as
adding lots of extra rivets all over the cone ....
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