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Builders Manuals- was Flaperon Control Roof Hanger on Rebel

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Builders Manuals- was Flaperon Control Roof Hanger on Rebel

Post by rognal » Fri Feb 17, 2012 11:54 pm


I'm sorry Bruce, but I'm not going to accept that kind of reasoning. I am the
consumer. I have paid a large sum of money for a product that the
manufacturer claims to be easy for the novice builder to assemble. That large
sum of money includes a builder's manual. While I expect to have questions
during the building process, I also expect to have a builder's manual that is
correct, up to date as of the date of my kit purchase, and which is written
well enough that if I, as a novice builder, follow the directions, I won't
later have to go back and rebuild a part. 686 Rebels were purchased prior to
mine. The 'bugs' in the manual should have been worked out by the time I
purchased #687.

In the October 2003 issue of Custom Planes magazine there is an article by
Steve Whitson about a Murphy Elite built by Michael Tohikian. This article
is/was posted to the Murphy website. One sentence in this article states "His
one complaint was about the plans and instruction booklets, which Tohikian
said had a lot of mistakes".

I wonder if there were any potential buyer's of Murphy kits that changed
their minds when they read that statement? What could the monetary loss to
MAM have been? Would the loss of a single kit sale have covered the cost of
providing an adequate builder's manual?

When I read that statement, I thought that's exactly right! I can certainly
relate to that! I even fired off an email to the editor of Custom Planes. I
explained I was a builder and that I thought the Rebel was possibly the
perfect kit aircraft, were it not for the builder's manual. I still think

I can't help but believe that, in this day and age of computers, digital
cameras, read/write compact discs, the internet, etc. that quick and easy
updates and revisions to the builder's manual couldn't be made and
distributed in a timely manner. Not every builder has a computer, but I bet
the majority do.

Darryl Murphy needs to be concerned with R&D and developing new products. But
he also has to invest in his builder's. After all, 'word of mouth'
advertising is a powerful medium. Especially these days. This list can be
viewed by anyone with internet access anywhere in the the world. And how many
times have complaints been made here about the builder's manual?

Anyway, I think I'm up to 4 cents worth so I'll stop now.

Roger Hoffman #687R
Eugene, OR USA!

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Walter Klatt

Builders Manuals- was Flaperon Control Roof Hanger on Rebel

Post by Walter Klatt » Fri Feb 17, 2012 11:54 pm

Roger, I don't want to sound like I am defending MAM
and I certainly can't speak for them, and I too would
like to see better manuals. However, we have to keep a
proper perspective here. What's most important to us,
is that they stay in business, which as you know, is
always difficult in the airplane industry. That's means
that Darryl has to manage his priorities very carefully
and towards that end. I think recently that has been
the Moose upgrade and getting the prebuilt kits out. I
haven't seen the Moose manual, but my guess would be
that it needs more attention than the Rebel or Elite
one. I know the staff were really stretched this
summer, so maybe they have some time to catch up now.

The good news is that we do have this very
knowledgeable and helpful builders' list, so we can not
only catch mistakes, but become aware of fixes and
improvements. After all, it's the builders and fliers
that have the most experience with the kits, not the
factory. This should not be unexpected, and is very
true with most kit manufacturers. Vans is probably the
only exception and maybe one day MAM will be there,

Personally, I want to build another plane, and would
not hesitate to build another Murphy kit, even a new
model with even less instructions. My Rebel kit was an
early one (107R) and needless to say, was far from
complete, but when I think back, that was the least of
my difficulties. I spent as much elapsed time on the
finishing part with the instrument panel and
engine/cowl, than the rest of the airframe. I even had
to do my wings twice, as I had the original plastic
tanks. However, I have learned a lot, and would like to
put that knowledge to use on another one.

Not sure what Darryl will come up with next, but am
waiting to see. I would like to see either something in
between the Rebel and the Maverick that would maximize
the performance of the 100 hp 912S, or something in
between the Elite and Super Rebel, maybe a longer
wingspan Elite with higher gross weight. And no, I
don't have any inside information, just dreaming here.
It's hard to beat my Rebel though, for overall
performance and flying qualities, so will just have to
wait and see.

-----Original Message-----
[]On Behalf Of
Sent: Monday, October 13, 2003 5:50 AM
Subject: Builders Manuals- was Flaperon
Control Roof Hanger on Rebel


I'm sorry Bruce, but I'm not going to accept
that kind of reasoning. I am the
consumer. I have paid a large sum of money
for a product that the
manufacturer claims to be easy for the
novice builder to assemble. That large
sum of money includes a builder's manual.
While I expect to have questions
during the building process, I also expect
to have a builder's manual that is
correct, up to date as of the date of my kit
purchase, and which is written
well enough that if I, as a novice builder,
follow the directions, I won't
later have to go back and rebuild a part.
686 Rebels were purchased prior to
mine. The 'bugs' in the manual should have
been worked out by the time I
purchased #687.

In the October 2003 issue of Custom Planes
magazine there is an article by
Steve Whitson about a Murphy Elite built by
Michael Tohikian. This article
is/was posted to the Murphy website. One
sentence in this article states "His
one complaint was about the plans and
instruction booklets, which Tohikian
said had a lot of mistakes".

I wonder if there were any potential buyer's
of Murphy kits that changed
their minds when they read that statement?
What could the monetary loss to
MAM have been? Would the loss of a single
kit sale have covered the cost of
providing an adequate builder's manual?

When I read that statement, I thought that's
exactly right! I can certainly
relate to that! I even fired off an email to
the editor of Custom Planes. I
explained I was a builder and that I thought
the Rebel was possibly the
perfect kit aircraft, were it not for the
builder's manual. I still think

I can't help but believe that, in this day
and age of computers, digital
cameras, read/write compact discs, the
internet, etc. that quick and easy
updates and revisions to the builder's
manual couldn't be made and
distributed in a timely manner. Not every
builder has a computer, but I bet
the majority do.

Darryl Murphy needs to be concerned with R&D
and developing new products. But
he also has to invest in his builder's.
After all, 'word of mouth'
advertising is a powerful medium. Especially
these days. This list can be
viewed by anyone with internet access
anywhere in the the world. And how many
times have complaints been made here about
the builder's manual?

Anyway, I think I'm up to 4 cents worth so
I'll stop now.

Roger Hoffman #687R
Eugene, OR USA!

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Steve Halvorsen

Builders Manuals- was Flaperon Control Roof Hanger on Rebel

Post by Steve Halvorsen » Fri Feb 17, 2012 11:54 pm


We just received our Quick build Moose kit two weeks ago. The manual that
is supplied is the SR2500 manual with a small binder that contains about 40
pages on the upgrade to the moose.
After going through the thing I'm really glad we went with the quick build.
Will save a lot of time not trying to figure everything out.

Have finished the inventory, sent the "back order" list back to MAM to be
filled and am about to start the assembly process. It'll probably that
about 8 hr's to put that first rivet in after looking the manual over to
figure out if I'm right and have made the proper decision on the correct
size rivet, if not drill it out and start over. I'm sure I'll be doing that
again and again until I get the hang of it.

Thanks to ALL for the good discussions and helpful hints on building one of
the BEST airplanes on the market. If the manual was perfect we wouldn't
have this great group talking about their great planes. There wouldn't be
anything to talk about.

Steve H
Moose 213

-----Original Message-----
From: []On Behalf Of
Walter Klatt
Sent: Monday, October 13, 2003 11:49 AM
Subject: RE: Builders Manuals- was Flaperon Control Roof Hanger on Rebel

Roger, I don't want to sound like I am defending MAM
and I certainly can't speak for them, and I too would
like to see better manuals. However, we have to keep a
proper perspective here. What's most important to us,
is that they stay in business, which as you know, is
always difficult in the airplane industry. That's means
that Darryl has to manage his priorities very carefully
and towards that end. I think recently that has been
the Moose upgrade and getting the prebuilt kits out. I
haven't seen the Moose manual, but my guess would be
that it needs more attention than the Rebel or Elite
one. I know the staff were really stretched this
summer, so maybe they have some time to catch up now.

The good news is that we do have this very
knowledgeable and helpful builders' list, so we can not
only catch mistakes, but become aware of fixes and
improvements. After all, it's the builders and fliers
that have the most experience with the kits, not the
factory. This should not be unexpected, and is very
true with most kit manufacturers. Vans is probably the
only exception and maybe one day MAM will be there,

Personally, I want to build another plane, and would
not hesitate to build another Murphy kit, even a new
model with even less instructions. My Rebel kit was an
early one (107R) and needless to say, was far from
complete, but when I think back, that was the least of
my difficulties. I spent as much elapsed time on the
finishing part with the instrument panel and
engine/cowl, than the rest of the airframe. I even had
to do my wings twice, as I had the original plastic
tanks. However, I have learned a lot, and would like to
put that knowledge to use on another one.

Not sure what Darryl will come up with next, but am
waiting to see. I would like to see either something in
between the Rebel and the Maverick that would maximize
the performance of the 100 hp 912S, or something in
between the Elite and Super Rebel, maybe a longer
wingspan Elite with higher gross weight. And no, I
don't have any inside information, just dreaming here.
It's hard to beat my Rebel though, for overall
performance and flying qualities, so will just have to
wait and see.

-----Original Message-----
[]On Behalf Of
Sent: Monday, October 13, 2003 5:50 AM
Subject: Builders Manuals- was Flaperon
Control Roof Hanger on Rebel


I'm sorry Bruce, but I'm not going to accept
that kind of reasoning. I am the
consumer. I have paid a large sum of money
for a product that the
manufacturer claims to be easy for the
novice builder to assemble. That large
sum of money includes a builder's manual.
While I expect to have questions
during the building process, I also expect
to have a builder's manual that is
correct, up to date as of the date of my kit
purchase, and which is written
well enough that if I, as a novice builder,
follow the directions, I won't
later have to go back and rebuild a part.
686 Rebels were purchased prior to
mine. The 'bugs' in the manual should have
been worked out by the time I
purchased #687.

In the October 2003 issue of Custom Planes
magazine there is an article by
Steve Whitson about a Murphy Elite built by
Michael Tohikian. This article
is/was posted to the Murphy website. One
sentence in this article states "His
one complaint was about the plans and
instruction booklets, which Tohikian
said had a lot of mistakes".

I wonder if there were any potential buyer's
of Murphy kits that changed
their minds when they read that statement?
What could the monetary loss to
MAM have been? Would the loss of a single
kit sale have covered the cost of
providing an adequate builder's manual?

When I read that statement, I thought that's
exactly right! I can certainly
relate to that! I even fired off an email to
the editor of Custom Planes. I
explained I was a builder and that I thought
the Rebel was possibly the
perfect kit aircraft, were it not for the
builder's manual. I still think

I can't help but believe that, in this day
and age of computers, digital
cameras, read/write compact discs, the
internet, etc. that quick and easy
updates and revisions to the builder's
manual couldn't be made and
distributed in a timely manner. Not every
builder has a computer, but I bet
the majority do.

Darryl Murphy needs to be concerned with R&D
and developing new products. But
he also has to invest in his builder's.
After all, 'word of mouth'
advertising is a powerful medium. Especially
these days. This list can be
viewed by anyone with internet access
anywhere in the the world. And how many
times have complaints been made here about
the builder's manual?

Anyway, I think I'm up to 4 cents worth so
I'll stop now.

Roger Hoffman #687R
Eugene, OR USA!

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Builders Manuals- was Flaperon Control Roof Hanger on Rebel

Post by Legeorgen » Fri Feb 17, 2012 11:54 pm


I would have to agree with everything you said. As a consumer we want what we
paid for, and I believe that is true.

In my response to your last post you made the comment, "You would buy a
different kit next time." Well, If you believe the Rebel is the perfect kit
airplane if it were not for the manual, as you stated, why would you buy an inferior
kit? Because their manual may be better than MAM's?

Would it be worth having to own and a fly a plane, that you spend endless
hours building, that suffered in performance because you liked the manual better.
Or just didn't like MAM's manual?

I'll put up with this manual because I have not found a plane that can fly
like the Rebel is capable of. The Rebel is a very functional airplane. A great
design. Maybe there is a better STOL kit out there but I haven't found it yet.

Every person I know who has put together a kit has had questions about the
assembly. Every time I called MAM with a technical problem they answered the
phone and their response was quick. I wasn't even the original purchaser.

Bruce 357R

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Builders Manuals- was Flaperon Control Roof Hanger on Rebel

Post by Nielsenbe » Fri Feb 17, 2012 11:54 pm

Well the moose their most expensive and I think most popular now doesn't even
have a manual. It gets confusing trying to figure out where to add steps from
the upgrade manual. Simple things like adding the skin doublers to the
horizontal stab. Do you do it when you put the stringers on or leave a bunch of
rivits out and do it after it's attached to the skeleton so it stays more flexable
until everything is lined up. Then again it's been six months since I put in
my backorder from the kit arival and still no parts so maybe I don't want them
working on a manual.


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Builders Manuals- was Flaperon Control Roof Hanger on Rebel

Post by Legeorgen » Fri Feb 17, 2012 11:54 pm

Rick and Wendy,

Your right. And I've often wondered why MAM does such a poor job marketing
their product.

Bruce 357R

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Builders Manuals- was Flaperon Control Roof Hanger on Rebel

Post by Rebflyer » Fri Feb 17, 2012 11:54 pm

Hi Rick, As I'm sure you'll notice in further responces that the level of
Murphy presence this year was way down. A wedding had alot to do with that.
Anyway, I'm really sorry I missed you at Osh . My Rebel spent Wed, Thurs, Fri at
the seaplane base and I too spent alot of time there. Living only a 3 hr flight
from the big O makes the short stay a little easier to take, but of all the
things I enjoyed and that no longer occur it's the annual banquet. It got us
all together to meet and enjoy MAM fellowship. I have written MAM expressing my
opinion on the need for the company to attend the shows in force, but I'm
just a firefighter and Daryl has a very uncommon business that has done very
well. I'll stick at what I do best. The area around Osh is beautiful and I would
have enyoyed showing you from the air and water. MY loss.
Have fun, fly safe, and to all, keep at it It's worth it!! Curt N97MR

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Builders Manuals- was Flaperon Control Roof Hanger on Rebel

Post by klehman » Fri Feb 17, 2012 11:54 pm

I've heard 3 wheeled motorcylcles.... ;)

Rick Harper wrote:
PS .... What sort of "very uncommon business" has Daryl got going ???

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Rick Harper

Builders Manuals- was Flaperon Control Roof Hanger on Rebel

Post by Rick Harper » Fri Feb 17, 2012 11:54 pm

G'day from "Down Under "Roger & Bruce ...

Wendy & I built Kit R541 (flying , some 2 1/2 years now) ... and the more I
fly our Rebel & then fly in "utha planes", the more I appreciate our Rebel
... it's a GREAT plane, an I wouldn't even consider "swapping" it for an RV
6 or similar !!! (though I've flown in many)

BUT .....

I voiced the very same concerns when we were building 541 .... I offered
several very well meant ideas to Murphy ...things like " an optional set of
photographs of each stage" ... (at extra cost to the builder ... so it
wasn't an extra financial burden on Murphy).
I figured that if a picture is worth a thousand words .... Then it's worth a
MILLION words when you are building a plane from plans etc .... Never even
got a reply from MAM ! ... not so much as a "thanks", "we'll look into it",
"your idea sucks", or even "get lost" !!!

Such a shame, when you can see a great product go wanting through a severe
lack of marketing and / or support.

A good friend, Jon Johanson (the Ozzy who has now flown his RV4 around the
world 3 times)
Said to me once , that "Vans' considers the only plane on the market that
rivals his RV series for value for money is the Rebel" !

It could be a far greater identity than it is now ... only wanting for more
enthusiastic & efficient marketing & support :(

I just went half way 'round the world to attended Oshkosh and was VERY
disappointed at the
Level of presence of our brand of aircraft or the numbers who attended . MAM
only had the new single seater JDM 8 & later (in a far distant spot on the
field) was the Super Rebel , which arrived with the new V6 Rotax engine in
it ... and it seemed to be more showcasing the Rotax than the plane ... (
and we only found 2 Rebels who flew in ... and one of them came down from
Canada !)

Rick & Wendy Harper
16 Tor Road
Dee Why
NSW 2099
Home (02) 9971 7889
Mobile 0416 041 007

-----Original Message-----
From: []On Behalf Of
Sent: Monday, 13 October 2003 10:50 PM
Subject: Builders Manuals- was Flaperon Control Roof Hanger on Rebel


I'm sorry Bruce, but I'm not going to accept that kind of reasoning. I am
consumer. I have paid a large sum of money for a product that the
manufacturer claims to be easy for the novice builder to assemble. That
sum of money includes a builder's manual. While I expect to have questions
during the building process, I also expect to have a builder's manual that
correct, up to date as of the date of my kit purchase, and which is written
well enough that if I, as a novice builder, follow the directions, I won't
later have to go back and rebuild a part. 686 Rebels were purchased prior to
mine. The 'bugs' in the manual should have been worked out by the time I
purchased #687.

In the October 2003 issue of Custom Planes magazine there is an article by
Steve Whitson about a Murphy Elite built by Michael Tohikian. This article
is/was posted to the Murphy website. One sentence in this article states
one complaint was about the plans and instruction booklets, which Tohikian
said had a lot of mistakes".

I wonder if there were any potential buyer's of Murphy kits that changed
their minds when they read that statement? What could the monetary loss to
MAM have been? Would the loss of a single kit sale have covered the cost of
providing an adequate builder's manual?

When I read that statement, I thought that's exactly right! I can certainly
relate to that! I even fired off an email to the editor of Custom Planes. I
explained I was a builder and that I thought the Rebel was possibly the
perfect kit aircraft, were it not for the builder's manual. I still think

I can't help but believe that, in this day and age of computers, digital
cameras, read/write compact discs, the internet, etc. that quick and easy
updates and revisions to the builder's manual couldn't be made and
distributed in a timely manner. Not every builder has a computer, but I bet
the majority do.

Darryl Murphy needs to be concerned with R&D and developing new products.
he also has to invest in his builder's. After all, 'word of mouth'
advertising is a powerful medium. Especially these days. This list can be
viewed by anyone with internet access anywhere in the the world. And how
times have complaints been made here about the builder's manual?

Anyway, I think I'm up to 4 cents worth so I'll stop now.

Roger Hoffman #687R
Eugene, OR USA!

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Joseph Juhnke

Builders Manuals- was Flaperon Control Roof Hanger on Rebel

Post by Joseph Juhnke » Fri Feb 17, 2012 11:54 pm

Ummm. Apologies for the anti-spam messages. We're in the process of
training spam assassin. This list will be trained shortly. Sorry for
the inconvenience.


On Wednesday, Oct 15, 2003, at 15:18 America/Chicago,
This mail is probably spam. The original message has been attached
along with this report, so you can recognize or block similar unwanted
mail in future. See for more details.

Content preview: Hi Rick, well , unless you went swimming it was not
mine. I too saw the one you speak of, I think . It was sitting near
bus stop for the seaplane base. I think it had the factory built
also. I'd have tried to find you if you had left the card in my
airplane. I left mine floating at the base the 3 days I was there. Oh
well, maybe this means I need to come see you down below ! :) That
is a
dream for me. Curt [...]

Content analysis details: (7.00 points, 5 required)
NO_REAL_NAME (0.8 points) From: does not include a real name
UNDESIRED_LANGUAGE_BODY (4.0 points) BODY: Written in an undesired
HTTP_USERNAME_USED (0.7 points) URI: Uses a username in a URL
USERPASS (1.5 points) URI: URL contains username and
(optional) password

Date: Wed Oct 15, 2003 15:18:19 America/Chicago
Subject: Re: Builders Manuals- was Flaperon Control Roof Hanger on
Reply-To: <>

Hi Rick, well , unless you went swimming it was not mine. I too saw
the one
you speak of, I think . It was sitting near the bus stop for the
base. I think it had the factory built floats also. I'd have tried to
find you if
you had left the card in my airplane. I left mine floating at the base
the 3
days I was there. Oh well, maybe this means I need to come see you
down below !
:) That is a dream for me. Curt

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joseph juhnke

interactive technology
tanagram partners

855 w blackhawk st
chicago illinois 60622
tel 312 787 6831
fax 312 787 6834

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Builders Manuals- was Flaperon Control Roof Hanger on Rebel

Post by Rebflyer » Fri Feb 17, 2012 11:54 pm

Hi Rick, well , unless you went swimming it was not mine. I too saw the one
you speak of, I think . It was sitting near the bus stop for the seaplane
base. I think it had the factory built floats also. I'd have tried to find you if
you had left the card in my airplane. I left mine floating at the base the 3
days I was there. Oh well, maybe this means I need to come see you down below !
:) That is a dream for me. Curt

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Builders Manuals- was Flaperon Control Roof Hanger on Rebel

Post by Rebflyer » Fri Feb 17, 2012 11:54 pm

Well, in my opinion it's a successful aviation business. the old joke is if
you want to make a small fortune in aviation, start with a large one! So, a
successful business in aviation is indeed uncommon! IMHO Curt

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David Ricker

Builders Manuals- was Flaperon Control Roof Hanger on Rebel

Post by David Ricker » Fri Feb 17, 2012 11:54 pm


Gotta agree with you (and Van), with better attention to the customers needs
like manual accuracy and more responsive tech support combined with perhaps a
bit more active marketing I think MAM could be turning out 3 or 4 times the
production with increased economies of scale so the product could be an even
better value proposition. The way I heard Van said it was that if MAM got
serious they were the only real competition he would be worried about, even for
the type of aircraft Van sells.

I really get the impression Murphy enjoys designing planes but is not so
enthusiastic about the "small" details of the production. That said, I am
looking forward to getting the Elite in the air, compared to the other options
it (Rebels) is still the winner.

Dave - Wet wing #2 sealed this weekend.......looking forward
to flaps & ailerons!

Rick Harper wrote:
G'day from "Down Under "Roger & Bruce ...

Wendy & I built Kit R541 (flying , some 2 1/2 years now) ... and the more I
fly our Rebel & then fly in "utha planes", the more I appreciate our Rebel
... it's a GREAT plane, an I wouldn't even consider "swapping" it for an RV
6 or similar !!! (though I've flown in many)

BUT .....

I voiced the very same concerns when we were building 541 .... I offered
several very well meant ideas to Murphy ...things like " an optional set of
photographs of each stage" ... (at extra cost to the builder ... so it
wasn't an extra financial burden on Murphy).
I figured that if a picture is worth a thousand words .... Then it's worth a
MILLION words when you are building a plane from plans etc .... Never even
got a reply from MAM ! ... not so much as a "thanks", "we'll look into it",
"your idea sucks", or even "get lost" !!!

Such a shame, when you can see a great product go wanting through a severe
lack of marketing and / or support.

A good friend, Jon Johanson (the Ozzy who has now flown his RV4 around the
world 3 times)
Said to me once , that "Vans' considers the only plane on the market that
rivals his RV series for value for money is the Rebel" !

It could be a far greater identity than it is now ... only wanting for more
enthusiastic & efficient marketing & support :(

I just went half way 'round the world to attended Oshkosh and was VERY
disappointed at the
Level of presence of our brand of aircraft or the numbers who attended . MAM
only had the new single seater JDM 8 & later (in a far distant spot on the
field) was the Super Rebel , which arrived with the new V6 Rotax engine in
it ... and it seemed to be more showcasing the Rotax than the plane ... (
and we only found 2 Rebels who flew in ... and one of them came down from
Canada !)

Rick & Wendy Harper
16 Tor Road
Dee Why
NSW 2099
Home (02) 9971 7889
Mobile 0416 041 007

-----Original Message-----
From: []On Behalf Of
Sent: Monday, 13 October 2003 10:50 PM
Subject: Builders Manuals- was Flaperon Control Roof Hanger on Rebel


I'm sorry Bruce, but I'm not going to accept that kind of reasoning. I am
consumer. I have paid a large sum of money for a product that the
manufacturer claims to be easy for the novice builder to assemble. That
sum of money includes a builder's manual. While I expect to have questions
during the building process, I also expect to have a builder's manual that
correct, up to date as of the date of my kit purchase, and which is written
well enough that if I, as a novice builder, follow the directions, I won't
later have to go back and rebuild a part. 686 Rebels were purchased prior to
mine. The 'bugs' in the manual should have been worked out by the time I
purchased #687.

In the October 2003 issue of Custom Planes magazine there is an article by
Steve Whitson about a Murphy Elite built by Michael Tohikian. This article
is/was posted to the Murphy website. One sentence in this article states
one complaint was about the plans and instruction booklets, which Tohikian
said had a lot of mistakes".

I wonder if there were any potential buyer's of Murphy kits that changed
their minds when they read that statement? What could the monetary loss to
MAM have been? Would the loss of a single kit sale have covered the cost of
providing an adequate builder's manual?

When I read that statement, I thought that's exactly right! I can certainly
relate to that! I even fired off an email to the editor of Custom Planes. I
explained I was a builder and that I thought the Rebel was possibly the
perfect kit aircraft, were it not for the builder's manual. I still think

I can't help but believe that, in this day and age of computers, digital
cameras, read/write compact discs, the internet, etc. that quick and easy
updates and revisions to the builder's manual couldn't be made and
distributed in a timely manner. Not every builder has a computer, but I bet
the majority do.

Darryl Murphy needs to be concerned with R&D and developing new products.
he also has to invest in his builder's. After all, 'word of mouth'
advertising is a powerful medium. Especially these days. This list can be
viewed by anyone with internet access anywhere in the the world. And how
times have complaints been made here about the builder's manual?

Anyway, I think I'm up to 4 cents worth so I'll stop now.

Roger Hoffman #687R
Eugene, OR USA!

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Fall River, Nova Scotia

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Rick Harper

Builders Manuals- was Flaperon Control Roof Hanger on Rebel

Post by Rick Harper » Fri Feb 17, 2012 11:54 pm

G'day Curt !

I saw an amphib' Rebel at Oshkosh ... & left my Sport Aircraft Association
of Australia business card on it's door .... Was that yours ?!?!? .... Never
did catch up with the owner :(

Rick & Wendy Harper
16 Tor Road
Dee Why
NSW 2099
Home (02) 9971 7889
Mobile 0416 041 007

-----Original Message-----
From: []On Behalf Of
Sent: Wednesday, 15 October 2003 10:56 PM
Subject: Re: Builders Manuals- was Flaperon Control Roof Hanger on Rebel

Hi Rick, As I'm sure you'll notice in further responces that the level of
Murphy presence this year was way down. A wedding had alot to do with that.
Anyway, I'm really sorry I missed you at Osh . My Rebel spent Wed, Thurs,
Fri at
the seaplane base and I too spent alot of time there. Living only a 3 hr
from the big O makes the short stay a little easier to take, but of all the
things I enjoyed and that no longer occur it's the annual banquet. It got us
all together to meet and enjoy MAM fellowship. I have written MAM
expressing my
opinion on the need for the company to attend the shows in force, but I'm
just a firefighter and Daryl has a very uncommon business that has done very
well. I'll stick at what I do best. The area around Osh is beautiful and I
have enyoyed showing you from the air and water. MY loss.
Have fun, fly safe, and to all, keep at it It's worth it!! Curt N97MR

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Rick Harper

Builders Manuals- was Flaperon Control Roof Hanger on Rebel

Post by Rick Harper » Fri Feb 17, 2012 11:54 pm

PS .... What sort of "very uncommon business" has Daryl got going ???

Rick & Wendy Harper
16 Tor Road
Dee Why
NSW 2099
Home (02) 9971 7889
Mobile 0416 041 007

-----Original Message-----
From: []On Behalf Of
Sent: Wednesday, 15 October 2003 10:56 PM
Subject: Re: Builders Manuals- was Flaperon Control Roof Hanger on Rebel

Hi Rick, As I'm sure you'll notice in further responces that the level of
Murphy presence this year was way down. A wedding had alot to do with that.
Anyway, I'm really sorry I missed you at Osh . My Rebel spent Wed, Thurs,
Fri at
the seaplane base and I too spent alot of time there. Living only a 3 hr
from the big O makes the short stay a little easier to take, but of all the
things I enjoyed and that no longer occur it's the annual banquet. It got us
all together to meet and enjoy MAM fellowship. I have written MAM
expressing my
opinion on the need for the company to attend the shows in force, but I'm
just a firefighter and Daryl has a very uncommon business that has done very
well. I'll stick at what I do best. The area around Osh is beautiful and I
have enyoyed showing you from the air and water. MY loss.
Have fun, fly safe, and to all, keep at it It's worth it!! Curt N97MR

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