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[Fwd: VIRUS ADVISORY - W32/Sobig.f@MM] sound familiar, An

Posted: Fri Feb 17, 2012 11:28 pm
by Gordon Mohr

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Dear g,
A new variant of W32/Sobig, W32/Sobig.f@MM
<> is a High Risk
mass-mailing worm. It arrives as an email attachment with a .pif or .scr
extension. When run, it infects the host computer, then emails itself
(using its own SMTP engine) to harvested email addresses from the
victim's machine. In addition, when it propagates, the worm "spoofs" the
"from: field", using one of the harvested email addresses.
Note: The worm copies itself onto the infected machine as:
Caution: An infected email can come from addresses you recognize and may
contain the following information:
Subject: [content varies]
- Your details
- Thank you!
- Re: Thank you!
- Re: Details
- Re: Re: My details
- Re: Approved
- Re: Your application
- Re: Wicked screensaver
- Re: That movie
Body: [content varies]
- See the attached file for details
- Please see the attached file for details
Attachment: [content varies]
- your_document.pif
- document_all.pif
- thank_you.pif
- your_details.pif
- details.pif
- document_9446.pif
- application.pif
- wicked_scr.scr
- movie0045.pif

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