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exhaust hangers

Posted: Fri Feb 17, 2012 11:15 pm
by rebel
Hello again,
On second thought, maybe clamping further to the rear would not require the
immobilization of the ball joint. If aome bars come down vertically and then
those bars are stabilized side to side that would effectivly keep everything
moving/shaking together. The only problem is that the best clamping area is
right about in the center of the cabin heat cuffs. I guess I'll have to make up
some kind of a mock up before I start cutting into those heat cuffs. The
cutouts being necessary to attach some kind of clamp. Boy, I wish you could
just bolt this stuff together without all this screwing around.
Still, any and all comments welcome and appreciated.
Rick D.
On 7/27/2003 5:24 PM, REBEL wrote to WAYNE O, AND OTHERS:

-> Wayne and others,
-> I have posted a couple of pictures of a proposed hanger for my Forsling
-> Aviation crossover exhaust. Lycoming O-320-E2D. The hangers will be stainless
-> steel and have a 90* bend at the top with a hole for one of the sump bolts to
-> pass through. The lower end will be riveted to a hose clamp that is then
-> riveted to the pipe. The lower end attaches just forward of the ball joint. I
-> have seen other installations where the clamps are attached toward the rear of
-> the joint and somwhat further back. My thought was that unless you imobilize
-> the ball joint any clamping towards the back will be useless. Also the heat
-> cuffs get in the way of any sensible point of clamping. Any and all thoughts
-> would be appreciated.
-> Thanks in advance,
-> Rick D,
-> Rebel N754SM

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