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SR2500 Fuselage options

Posted: Fri Feb 17, 2012 11:12 pm
by rbesecker
It's about time to order the fuselage--I've got some questions for the

1. Internal rear bulkhead access door-What do you get for $135 (can I build
it myself)? I anticipate sleeping (camping) in this thing--do I want this
option, or do I get a hump right where I don't want a hump?

2. Fiberglass stabilizer fin faring-Is this cosmetic or do I need one?

3. Skylight and/or side window doubler kit, side door dome and/or side dome

4. Wing tip vs. leading edge landing lights (or not)? Recommended

5. Seat alternatives--I'm leaning towards 4 bucket seats (fabric). Any

Feel free to comment on anything I might have overlooked. Thanks in advance.

Rick Besecker
Fresno CA

Murphy SR2500 178SR-1 (working on the wings)

Taildragger, IO360 or 540, 4-seats, lots of baggage.

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SR2500 Fuselage options

Posted: Fri Feb 17, 2012 11:12 pm
by Al & Deb Paxhia
Bob is right on. If you go with the 540 engine watch how far back you go
with the extra baggage area. The round engine is a heavier and some builders
are going back three bulkheads. If I did it over I would only go back one
or two bulkheads.
Moose, N526AP
----- Original Message -----
From: "Bob Patterson" <>
To: <>
Sent: Saturday, June 21, 2003 7:57 AM
Subject: Re: SR2500 Fuselage options

Hi Rick !

Answers sprinkled below ....

At 10:33 PM 6/20/03 -0800, you wrote:
It's about time to order the fuselage--I've got some questions for the

1. Internal rear bulkhead access door-What do you get for $135 (can I
it myself)? I anticipate sleeping (camping) in this thing--do I want this
option, or do I get a hump right where I don't want a hump?
Check out the factory demo airplane - you can put this bulkhead
and door a couple of bulkheads farther back than the original... so
you might as well just make your own. You do have to lengthen cables
and move pulleys, & battery, but it's worth it. This will give a lot more
space for sleeping ! (Check with Robin at MAM if you need details.)
2. Fiberglass stabilizer fin faring-Is this cosmetic or do I need one?
Anything that gives a bit more surface area is a "Good Thing"(tm)
! ;-)
Especially on floats. And they DO look nice ! :-)
3. Skylight and/or side window doubler kit, side door dome and/or side
Skylights are a personal preference - <I> like to have a couple
right overhead, at least - they really help in turns !
Side windows at back are really necessary for visibility. The
MAM doublers are nice pieces - beautifully joggled all around. Domes
not really needed.
The front windows really ARE better with the domes - surprising
increase in roominess and visibility downward.
4. Wing tip vs. leading edge landing lights (or not)? Recommended
Definitely wing tip landing lights - if you can, wait for
Dave Fife's Hoerner wing tips with the light built in - less $$$,
and really improve performance ! Just tell the factory to leave
out the tips, and credit the $$$. Dave is just doing his first
set for the SR/Moose now - should be in production by fall ..
(Dave Fife, 3D Composite Aircraft Parts Inc. -
<> home phone: (248) 627-4367)
They will save you build time, as well - they just slip right
onto the wing !

Another reason to avoid the leading edge lights is that
you might want to fit the McKenzie STOL kit later - this includes
a full span leading edge cuff, and wing fences. Just put one on
my Rebel, and can't believe the difference - it's a new airplane !!
Stalls are a complete non-event - big improvement in safety, and
absolutely NO penalty to cruise !
("Angus McKenzie - McKenzie/STOL" <> home: (519) 652-2734 )
5. Seat alternatives--I'm leaning towards 4 bucket seats (fabric). Any
4 Buckets is a GREAT way to go - add extra track, so you can
slide them back further, or use it to tie down cargo. If you can
get a shop to do the upholstery, I'd go with Naugahyde edges and outside
backs, and fabric centers - they wear a lot better, while still cool.
The great thing about the buckets is you can re-arrange them
to give - say, 3 seats in a line on the left, and the full right
side open for carrying 2 x 4's, or other long loads - 13' of flat
floor available !!!

Suspect you'll be a LOT happier with the O-540 - probably
no difference in fuel consumption, and a LOT less vibration ! Also,
it'll likely be CHEAPER, as there isn't NEARLY the demand for O-540's
that there is for IO-360's ! ( <I> like the carburetor !! ;-) )
Feel free to comment on anything I might have overlooked. Thanks in
Rick Besecker
Fresno CA

Murphy SR2500 178SR-1 (working on the wings)

Taildragger, IO360 or 540, 4-seats, lots of baggage.

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SR2500 Fuselage options

Posted: Fri Feb 17, 2012 11:12 pm
by Bob Patterson
Hi Rick !

Answers sprinkled below ....

At 10:33 PM 6/20/03 -0800, you wrote:
It's about time to order the fuselage--I've got some questions for the

1. Internal rear bulkhead access door-What do you get for $135 (can I build
it myself)? I anticipate sleeping (camping) in this thing--do I want this
option, or do I get a hump right where I don't want a hump?
Check out the factory demo airplane - you can put this bulkhead
and door a couple of bulkheads farther back than the original... so
you might as well just make your own. You do have to lengthen cables
and move pulleys, & battery, but it's worth it. This will give a lot more
space for sleeping ! (Check with Robin at MAM if you need details.)
2. Fiberglass stabilizer fin faring-Is this cosmetic or do I need one?
Anything that gives a bit more surface area is a "Good Thing"(tm) ! ;-)
Especially on floats. And they DO look nice ! :-)
3. Skylight and/or side window doubler kit, side door dome and/or side dome
Skylights are a personal preference - <I> like to have a couple
right overhead, at least - they really help in turns !
Side windows at back are really necessary for visibility. The
MAM doublers are nice pieces - beautifully joggled all around. Domes
not really needed.
The front windows really ARE better with the domes - surprising
increase in roominess and visibility downward.
4. Wing tip vs. leading edge landing lights (or not)? Recommended
Definitely wing tip landing lights - if you can, wait for
Dave Fife's Hoerner wing tips with the light built in - less $$$,
and really improve performance ! Just tell the factory to leave
out the tips, and credit the $$$. Dave is just doing his first
set for the SR/Moose now - should be in production by fall ..
(Dave Fife, 3D Composite Aircraft Parts Inc. -
<> home phone: (248) 627-4367)
They will save you build time, as well - they just slip right
onto the wing !

Another reason to avoid the leading edge lights is that
you might want to fit the McKenzie STOL kit later - this includes
a full span leading edge cuff, and wing fences. Just put one on
my Rebel, and can't believe the difference - it's a new airplane !!
Stalls are a complete non-event - big improvement in safety, and
absolutely NO penalty to cruise !
("Angus McKenzie - McKenzie/STOL" <> home: (519) 652-2734 )
5. Seat alternatives--I'm leaning towards 4 bucket seats (fabric). Any
4 Buckets is a GREAT way to go - add extra track, so you can
slide them back further, or use it to tie down cargo. If you can
get a shop to do the upholstery, I'd go with Naugahyde edges and outside
backs, and fabric centers - they wear a lot better, while still cool.
The great thing about the buckets is you can re-arrange them
to give - say, 3 seats in a line on the left, and the full right
side open for carrying 2 x 4's, or other long loads - 13' of flat
floor available !!!

Suspect you'll be a LOT happier with the O-540 - probably
no difference in fuel consumption, and a LOT less vibration ! Also,
it'll likely be CHEAPER, as there isn't NEARLY the demand for O-540's
that there is for IO-360's ! ( <I> like the carburetor !! ;-) )
Feel free to comment on anything I might have overlooked. Thanks in advance.

Rick Besecker
Fresno CA

Murphy SR2500 178SR-1 (working on the wings)

Taildragger, IO360 or 540, 4-seats, lots of baggage.

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