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Fraser Valley Meetings - was Audio records of Brampton meeti

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Bob Patterson

Fraser Valley Meetings - was Audio records of Brampton meeti

Post by Bob Patterson » Fri Feb 17, 2012 10:58 pm

Hi Walter !

Well, there <are> over 100 Rebels in Ontario, and over
20 S/R, Mooses, about 25 Renegades, and a couple of Mavericks,
but it's not all my fault !! (I've only sold about 75 of 'em ! ;-) )

Heck, Walter, you'd be a perfect guy to start meetings
out there - maybe you could get a group started up in Vernon too !

It doesn't take much to get started - just get some
coffee & donuts, and invite builders to share their questions.
It's a pretty good bet that someone else has the answer, but, if not,
you can always dig here in the archives, ask the list, or pass
it back to us, and we can ask at our meetings !! :-)

I am always amazed at the brilliant, creative solutions
that builders come up with ! Most of the time, they just solve
their problems, and don't even realize that EVERYONE could use
their 'fix' !! We've seen tremendous improvements in the window
latches and locks - dramatically tidier than the original factory
setup, and simpler too !!! Just ask folks to share, and
you're on the way ! It is also surprising how many Rebel 'fixes'
also apply to Supers, Mooses, and even Mavericks & Renegades,
so don't narrow the group too much - heck, we've even stolen
.... uhhh ..... 'borrowed' ..... ideas from the RV builders !!
That's where the rolled covering of the 'lip' at the bottom of
the firewall came from !

Let me know if you're up for it - I'll help !


At 05:27 PM 4/24/03 -0700, you wrote:
Hey, Bob, I've always envied you guys out east with
your Rebel Builders' meeting. Here, in MAM's backyard,
we have no such thing. I know you guys have a lot more
Rebels out there, too, than we have, but not sure if
that is a cause or effect of the meetings. Maybe if we
had a non-MAM factory rep here...

-----Original Message-----
[]On Behalf Of Bob
Sent: Thursday, April 24, 2003 8:59 AM
Subject: Re: Audio records of Brampton meetings

Thanks Mike !

This certainly sounds intriguing !
It might just put a
lot of folks to sleep, though ... ;-)

I recall we tried to audio tape one
meeting, but there
were so many people talking, and so much
noise, that the one mike
couldn't pick up all of the comments - just
too fuzzy to catch
everything, so we scrapped the idea as not
too useful. Had thought
we might transcribe notes from the tapes ...

A LOT of the learning takes place at
break time, when
we go out to view visiting Rebels, in
one-on-one discussions -
again, hard to capture. We do say "You just
have to BE there !" ;-)
I know that's pretty hard - it's a long
commute from Alaska
every couple of months !

Technology marches on, though -
maybe we can try again in
a year or so, with a digital camcorder and a
couple of better mikes.
Now that I have "high-speed" (hah! ....
well, 'better') access, it
won't take quite so long to send. (Maybe we
could even try a
web-cam ! :-) )


I think what I'd like to see - and
I'm willing to help
get it going - is for others to start Rebel
Builders Meetings in
different areas. I know many of you already
get together occasionally
to exchange ideas - this would just
formalize it into a regular
meeting, say every 2 months, wherever there
are 5 or 6 builders
within driving distance. We try to do
Builder Visits in the months
between meetings - again, seeing the other
guy's workshop & tools
can really be helpful. All it would take
is one person to be
group leader, and organize the meetings.
Ideally, they would be in
the same place every 2 months, so folks
would get to know when
they could learn about building - so we
could attract RAA & EAA
people as well.

The organization would be called
Rebel Owners International -
because the Rebel family gives excellent
'Return On Investment' !! ;-) :-)
I think we could get some assistance from
the factory to help make
this fly - it can certainly help with
marketing, as well as
building !! Maybe even crests for jackets
and hats ...

Video is a great suggestion, and we
REALLY appreciate all
the work you put in to provide this list -
it's really been a lifesaver
for SO many builders. This is the ONLY way
we have to spread the
experience around, and it is just invaluable !!

Thanks again !

Will try to 'borrow' a WinDoze
machine to try the ASF ... ;-)

At 06:59 AM 4/24/03 -0800, you wrote:

A couple of years ago the question of
taking notes during your meetings was
brought up, but you had found this
difficult to accomplish and end up with
anything useful. You mentioned at the time
that you had made audio recordings
of at least a couple of meetings. I bring
this up now because with the new
server I've built I now have the ability to
offer streaming multimedia. This
means that multimedia files like audio and
video can be sent in a stream
allowing large files to be listened
to/viewed with relatively low bandwidth...
just like listening to the radio over the
internet. If you were to start
recording your meetings again, you could
send me a tape and I could then play
the tape into the computer and allow other
builders to listen to the meetings.
If you'd like to try it out, use Windoze
Media Player to go to:

Just a thought.


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