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Meigs Field

Posted: Fri Feb 17, 2012 10:53 pm
by Wayne G. O'Shea
Proof that you can NEVER trust a politician!! The fight was won and Meigs
was to remain open for MANY more years. The Mayor snuck dozers in after
midnight this morning and destroyed the place with 16+ aircraft still on the
field (that may be able to use the taxiway to depart). He used the excuse of
"Homeland Security" to get rid of something he hasn't wanted for sometime so
he can turn it into a park.. Sound familiar to Toronto Island to you? Maybe
the bridge to City Centre isn't a good idea as they could do the same in
Toronto a lot easier, were at least now there would be some indication when
the barge showed up to transfer the equipment!



Sneaking in under the cover of darkness, city of Chicago construction crews
began tearing up the runway at Meigs Field this morning at about 1:30 a.m.
There was no advance warning, not even to the FAA. Some 16 aircraft are
stranded on the field. A city source told the Chicago media that the
"airport is closed for good" for "homeland security reasons."
"We are absolutely shocked and dismayed," said AOPA President Phil Boyer.
"Mayor Daley has no honor and his word has no value. The sneaky way he did
this shows that he knows it was wrong."
Boyer immediately fired faxes off to FAA Administrator Marion Blakey and
Transportation Security Administration chief Adm. James M. Loy to discuss
possible solutions.
"During a period when the country is at war in the Middle East, why must the
mayor of Chicago also play dictator with a most valuable airport and cause
additional turmoil inside our own country?" asked Boyer.
"While federal and state airport laws may not have been broken by this
action, in December 2001 he pledged to keep the airport open, in support of
federal legislation that granted him expansion of O'Hare airport. The mayor
has broken his promise not only to the citizens of his own city, but also to
the pilots of America.
"We will once again explore the legality of this action, but past research
indicates that the law hasn't been broken," Boyer continued. "However, we're
not going to allow the mayor to hide behind the fiction of 'homeland
security' for his reprehensible action."
(To see the damage already done to Meigs field, visit and select Sky Eye Cam and then Meigs under "select
a view.")


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Meigs Field

Posted: Fri Feb 17, 2012 10:53 pm
by LisaFly99
In a message dated 3/31/03 4:39:33 PM Central Standard Time, writes:
Proof that you can NEVER trust a politician!! The fight was won and Meigs
was to remain open for MANY more years. The Mayor snuck dozers in after
midnight this morning and destroyed the place with 16+ aircraft still on
field (that may be able to use the taxiway to depart). He used the excuse
"Homeland Security" to get rid of something he hasn't wanted for sometime
he can turn it into a park.. Sound familiar to Toronto Island to you? Maybe
the bridge to City Centre isn't a good idea as they could do the same in
Toronto a lot easier, were at least now there would be some indication when
the barge showed up to transfer the equipment!
The Great Mayor Daily Jr. has wanted to name a park after his wife forever.
And come hell or high water he's going to do it one way or another.....
Phil&Lisa Smith

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