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float flying was sooooo quiet

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brian amendala

float flying was sooooo quiet

Post by brian amendala » Fri Feb 17, 2012 10:53 pm

Drew, your greatest flying times are not far ahead (float flying.) I would
suggest that you take someone experienced up for the first flight. It's not
rocket science, but the last thing you want to do is land in the plow
position on your first attempt. Not to say that this is catastrophic, but
it might take the wind out of your sails. All you need to learn is the
proper angle to hold the plane at for landing and takeoff. The "tricks" you
can learn on your own, although it would also be wise to learn these from an
experienced float plane pilot. Whatever you decide, have fun; it's hard not
to on floats!!!


From: Drew Dalgleish <>
Reply-To: <>
Subject: RE:float flying was sooooo quiet
Date: Mon, 31 Mar 2003 11:32:44 -0500

At 09:08 PM 3/30/2003 -0800, you wrote:
Hi Drew

Yes you are right but I thought is was a good idea and it also gives me a
spot to attach the bat. solenoid.
Good, bad or otherwise, it's just something I did. Oh and you may have
forgotten to mention the weight. That extra pound or so here and there

Where are you at with your project Drew?

Good Luck
Hi Murray
I put another 1.7hrs on my project yesterday. 20knot winds made for a
very bumpy ride though. I found out when I was leaving Goderich that my
next job is going to be service the impulse coupling on my mag. It works
fine when it's warm but sticks a little when it's cold. My floats are
closed up and joined together in my garage theres lots of finishing touches
to do before they can go on the plane but if I can maintain my current
level of enthusiasm I should be float flying around the first of june.
Witch leads to a question. Is there an accepted test flight sequence
changing to floats. My plan is to get used to taxiing and flying off
pavement at my home airport then fly over to Orillia lake st.john I think
theres a ramp there that I can taxi down. That way I can check for leaks
and get used to how the plane handles in the water before I make my first
water landing. Any Suggestions?

Drew Dalgleish

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Walter Klatt

float flying was sooooo quiet

Post by Walter Klatt » Fri Feb 17, 2012 10:53 pm

Drew, can't remember if you have said that you are
float rated or not. If not, then of course take an
experienced float pilot with you on the first flights.

In my case, I only had float experience on ultralights
many years ago, so I had to have an experienced float
pilot with me and I needed to get my rating, too. I was
lucky to find a local guy who owned a Rebel on wheels,
and was a commercial pilot with high time on 180/185
seaplanes. He did the first flight to check everything
out, and get used to the floats, and then I joined him
for my training. This was on pavement. After soloing on
wheels, we headed for the water, and went through all
the steps there, glassy, no power, wind, docking, etc.
Never did do the taxi down a ramp thing for the first
water tests, but again, agree that wouldn't be a bad

Anyway, 2 days after the first test flight, I completed
my rating, and I have never looked back. I found the
Rebel very stable, safe and easy to fly on floats. Just
get your nose attitude right (not high as when 3
pointing) before landing, and it lands by itself. I
have never had any surprises and it has always behaved
properly. These days, I will even land down wind in
light chop without fear of it nosing forward. Those
full span flaperons really work for slow landings.

The only adjustments I had to do were with the front
wheels shimmying, and tighten the crosswires. Other
than that, everything was fine.

You'll love it, that's guaranteed. The Rebel is made
for floats, and in my opinion, is easier to fly and
land than on straight wheels.

-----Original Message-----
[]On Behalf Of
brian amendala
Sent: Monday, March 31, 2003 6:05 PM
Subject: RE:float flying was sooooo quiet

Drew, your greatest flying times are not far
ahead (float flying.) I would
suggest that you take someone experienced up
for the first flight. It's not
rocket science, but the last thing you want
to do is land in the plow
position on your first attempt. Not to say
that this is catastrophic, but
it might take the wind out of your sails.
All you need to learn is the
proper angle to hold the plane at for
landing and takeoff. The "tricks" you
can learn on your own, although it would
also be wise to learn these from an
experienced float plane pilot. Whatever you
decide, have fun; it's hard not
to on floats!!!


From: Drew Dalgleish <>
Reply-To: <>
Subject: RE:float flying was sooooo quiet
Date: Mon, 31 Mar 2003 11:32:44 -0500

At 09:08 PM 3/30/2003 -0800, you wrote:
Hi Drew

Yes you are right but I thought is was a
good idea and it also gives me a
spot to attach the bat. solenoid.
Good, bad or otherwise, it's just
something I did. Oh and you may have
forgotten to mention the weight. That
extra pound or so here and there

Where are you at with your project Drew?

Good Luck
Hi Murray
I put another 1.7hrs on my project
yesterday. 20knot winds made for a
very bumpy ride though. I found out when I
was leaving Goderich that my
next job is going to be service the impulse
coupling on my mag. It works
fine when it's warm but sticks a little
when it's cold. My floats are
closed up and joined together in my garage
theres lots of finishing touches
to do before they can go on the plane but
if I can maintain my current
level of enthusiasm I should be float
flying around the first of june.
Witch leads to a question. Is there an
accepted test flight sequence
changing to floats. My plan is to get used
to taxiing and flying off
pavement at my home airport then fly over
to Orillia lake st.john I think
theres a ramp there that I can taxi down.
That way I can check for leaks
and get used to how the plane handles in
the water before I make my first
water landing. Any Suggestions?

Drew Dalgleish

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