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Thanks Mike..was Re: just test

Posted: Fri Feb 17, 2012 10:53 pm
by Brian Lawson
Hey Mike,

Thank you. Of course, I found that down the incoming mail list,
after I sent my question. Should have looked first!!

Hope Bobp is feeling better too. I'm not sure how I feel after
seeing/scraping snow on my car this morning! And hearing about all
the black ice problems on I-75 south of Detroit! winter has to end
today for me, 'cause I hate it on April Fools!

Thanks for the reply.


On Mon, 31 Mar 2003 03:37:35 -0900, you wrote:
Hey Brian,

The only information I've got about the get together is from Bobp...

For those thirsty folks headed south - the Rebel Builders
Party is still ON for Thursday afternoon about 4:30, at the
BBQ Cafe (that WAS next to the FAA building ...) wherever it
has moved to - it still serves draft beer !!!
Otherwise, I guess we relocate to the pizza place on the 'main drag',
across from the exhibit buildings, because always has BEER !!! ;-)
(Barnstormers Pub ??)


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