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Posted: Fri Feb 17, 2012 10:49 pm
by Bob Patterson
Sorry Warren, I don't do WinDoze !! You might try right-clicking
on the icon & editing 'properties' ????

Why not just save the address to a bookmark when you get
there ?? You can move the bookmark to the top of the list in
Nutscrape by dragging it up.....


At 08:19 PM 3/13/03 +0400, you wrote:
Okay one more ?
I dragged and droped your URL to my desktop and it works.
Unfortuneaaatly it defaults to IE. How do I decontaminate my system so
that $#%^*& IE stays passive and NS is the default browser.
I'm sure BobP will gladly help here
Warren wrote:
Hi Warren,

Are you using a Mac? I've had several problems with Macs lately, and I
haven't been able to figure it out. But what ever you're using... try going
to this URL:

Just enter username "rebel" and password "builder" when prompted. This kills
2 birds with 1 stone. First, some systems have trouble with the ":81"...
that's port 81, which is not the standard web port. Using the secure
connection puts you back on a standart port. Second, Macs no longer seem to
support the username and password embedded in the URL.


On 3/13/03 7:09 AM, MURPHY-REBEL@DCSOL.COM wrote to MIKE DAVIS:

-> >
-> >Mike,
-> >
-> Your Archive link is not working for me????????
-> I'm too lazy to go searching bookmarks as well.
-> Hey I just did 8 hours in the sim today and yesterday renewing my PPC so
-> I'm a bit tired.
-> Warren

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