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reply drive filter Subaru/Ross Aero

Posted: Fri Feb 17, 2012 10:49 pm
by storchpilot
Attn. Ken Klehman and anybody else interested: Ken, because you have an
oilfilter on your car engine, boatengine, etc. do you have it there
because you expect imminent failure or metal shedding? Of course you do
not, it is just a fact of life that a gearbox should not be allowed to
unnecessarily dirty up (contaminate) a far more expensive item such as
an engine, IF it started to produce many very small metal fragments. My
(little) filter is just a precaution, just in case. Ok?
While I am here, I also want to express my thanks to people that have
told me "Geert if you really want that 165 hp, why do you not remove
your camshafts and have them reground". First of all I have too much
respect for the Japanese engineers that designed the Legacy engine,
secondly I do not want to go to 5700 or more RPM on take-off, my 5300
RPM is stretching things enough and finally, to get at the camshafts
with an engine that is already in the aircraft, I would have to remove
it to get at them. If I should ever want to go that far, I will somehow
install a 2.5 liter engine. Geert Frank

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